Seventeen year old Veerbhadra Rana Thakur entered the gates of the Rana Thakur Manor after a full year at Mayo, hoping to be caught up in the whirlwind that was his little brother, Adi. He had been unable to come home for his Christmas holidays, and Adi had stopped writing to him. Worried, Veer had asked his parents, but Pratap and Geetanjali Rana Thakur had assured him that his eight-year-old brother was fine. Behaving, even.
That made Veer uneasy. Adi never behaved. So, he had taken to writing to Adi every week and sending him little gifts – but Adi had remained stubbornly silent. He would not even speak to Veer on the phone or email. Papa and Ma insisted that Adi was simply sulking.