An ex-Cinderella and an ex-Prince Charming - this is their story, from the start to the end. A romance that was so beautiful at one point, suddenly went wrong and turned into an ugly separation instead...and then, they met again.
When Firdaus woke up next, he found his assistant, his wife and his doctor regarding him anxiously.
"How are you feeling?" Vijay asked gently.
"Really, Vijay," Linda began, but Jags cut him off with a restraining hand on her shoulder.
Firdaus smiled. "Welcome to India, doctor," he said softly.
Linda hugged him gingerly, mindful of his injuries. Then she frowned at her patient. "You have not been well," she accused.
"I am fine," Firdaus said automatically.
Doctor and patient glared at each other. Vijay looked to Jags, who shrugged helplessly. Vijay cleared his throat.
Everyone jumped.
"Right then," Vijay said. "Time for your meal, Firdaus."
Jags helped Firdaus eat while Vijay measured out his medications. Linda watched everything carefully.
Once Firdaus had finished his meal and all medication had been duly administered to Vijay's satisfaction, Linda took her patient's hand.
"How are you, really, Firdaus?" she asked quietly.