

A true classic of the genre, capable of attracting any fan of science fiction literature!.. The plot tells the story of an ordinary corporate mercenary who fulfills the will of the powerful, but the seemingly endless factional squabble is pushed into the background when the borders of the world gate release an army of living steel into the abyss — the "Jade Plague"!.. Fighting against a deadly threat together with the heroes, we will see the face of the distant future, where humanity reigns supreme among the oceans of stars!.. People have subdued space and time, but they have not got rid of the base sins, the punishment for which is already knocking at the door!..

Zahar4ik · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Confessions of Fate – The First Dawn

<ya-tr-span data-index="211-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="The steel sky turned scarlet, counting down the minutes to the end of the curfew. " data-translation="Стальное небо стало алым, отсчитывая минуты до окончания комендантского часа. " data-type="trSpan">Стальное небо стало алым, отсчитывая минуты до окончания комендантского часа. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="211-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Like desert mirages, the shadows around them were distorted, resembling monsters from ancient legends. " data-translation="Как миражи пустыни, тени вокруг них были искажены, напоминая монстров из древних легенд. " data-type="trSpan">Как миражи пустыни, тени вокруг них были искажены, напоминая монстров из древних легенд. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="211-2" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="The photon tails of the personal capsules replaced the stars, spreading out between the gigantic spires of azure metal. " data-translation="Фотонные хвосты персональных капсул заменили звезды, растянувшись между гигантскими шпилями Лазурного металла. " data-type="trSpan">Фотонные хвосты персональных капсул заменили звезды, растянувшись между гигантскими шпилями Лазурного металла. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="211-3" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="It was they who for centuries jealously guarded the peace and order of the borderlands, as well as the lives of those who brought only death to this reality..." data-translation="Именно они веками ревностно охраняли покой и порядок пограничных земель, а также жизни тех, кто приносил в эту реальность только смерть..." data-type="trSpan">Именно они веками ревностно охраняли покой и порядок пограничных земель, а также жизни тех, кто приносил в эту реальность только смерть...</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="212-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="The city of ice and silver-Elysium was waking from its slumber, shrouding itself in the snowy blanket of the nearest nebula. " data-translation="Город льда и серебра-Элизиум пробуждался от сна, окутывая себя снежным покрывалом ближайшей туманности. " data-type="trSpan">Город льда и серебра-Элизиум пробуждался от сна, окутывая себя снежным покрывалом ближайшей туманности. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="212-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="It has always been like this, a bastion of serenity, a place where crime is virtually nonexistent and where there is only one working direction, funded by the ubiquitous mercenary audit commission — the A. V. A. N. G. A. R. D.-om." data-translation="Он всегда был таким, бастионом спокойствия, местом, где преступности практически нет и где есть только одно рабочее направление, финансируемое вездесущей корыстной ревизионной комиссией — А. В. А. Н. Г. А. Р. Д.-ом." data-type="trSpan">Он всегда был таким, бастионом спокойствия, местом, где преступности практически нет и где есть только одно рабочее направление, финансируемое вездесущей корыстной ревизионной комиссией — А. В. А. Н. Г. А. Р. Д.-ом.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="213-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="When I was still a tomboy, I often climbed on the roof of my apartment block, watching the people swarming below. " data-translation="Когда я был еще мальчишкой-сорванцом, я часто забирался на крышу своего дома, наблюдая за толпящимися внизу людьми. " data-type="trSpan">Когда я был еще мальчишкой-сорванцом, я часто забирался на крышу своего дома, наблюдая за толпящимися внизу людьми. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="213-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="From here, they seemed so helpless, always scurrying around in search of nonexistent meaning, giving up everything they had on this altar. " data-translation="Отсюда они казались такими беспомощными, вечно мечущимися в поисках несуществующего смысла, бросающими все, что у них было на этом алтаре. " data-type="trSpan">Отсюда они казались такими беспомощными, вечно мечущимися в поисках несуществующего смысла, бросающими все, что у них было на этом алтаре. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="213-2" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="As the corporate heads used to say, you either use others as stepping stones, or they use you." data-translation="Как говорили руководители корпораций, вы либо используете других как ступеньки, либо они используют вас." data-type="trSpan">Как говорили руководители корпораций, вы либо используете других как ступеньки, либо они используют вас.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="214-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="- "Eh... " data-translation="- "Эх... " data-type="trSpan">- "Эх... </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="214-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="And after all, do not argue... and ... sh... " data-translation="И ведь не спорят... а ... Ш... " data-type="trSpan">И ведь не спорят... а ... Ш... </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="214-2" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Using my sleeve as a handkerchief, I glared viciously at my old man." data-translation="Используя рукав вместо носового платка, я злобно уставился на своего старика." data-type="trSpan">Используя рукав вместо носового платка, я злобно уставился на своего старика.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="215-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value=""Daito-En-Getsu-the ring of Sol and Lua, the Eternal Cycle, the Bloody Blade, or as it is most often called — the Ten Commandments of Ilias-is an ancient code that came to us from Nihon itself! " data-translation="-Дайто-Эн-Гецу — кольцо Солнца и Луа, вечный цикл, кровавый клинок, или как его чаще всего называют-Десять Заповедей Илиаса-это древний кодекс, пришедший к нам от самого Нихона! " data-type="trSpan">-Дайто-Эн-Гецу — кольцо Солнца и Луа, вечный цикл, кровавый клинок, или как его чаще всего называют-Десять Заповедей Илиаса-это древний кодекс, пришедший к нам от самого Нихона! </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="215-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="His teachings are universal, but the Gospel is filled not only with instructions known to every Templar, but also with pages where there are words about the essence of war, as well as teachings about the highest forms of martial art! " data-translation="Его учение универсально, но Евангелие наполнено не только наставлениями, известными каждому тамплиеру, но и страницами, где есть слова о сущности войны, а также учение о высших формах боевого искусства! " data-type="trSpan">Его учение универсально, но Евангелие наполнено не только наставлениями, известными каждому тамплиеру, но и страницами, где есть слова о сущности войны, а также учение о высших формах боевого искусства! </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="215-2" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="If you want to survive in this world, you have to memorize every stance, no matter what weapons you have in your hands... " data-translation="Если вы хотите выжить в этом мире, вы должны запомнить каждую позицию, независимо от того, какое оружие у вас в руках... " data-type="trSpan">Если вы хотите выжить в этом мире, вы должны запомнить каждую позицию, независимо от того, какое оружие у вас в руках... </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="215-3" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Katana or Daito, Protazan or Mech joystick! " data-translation="Катана или Дайто, протазан или меч! " data-type="trSpan">Катана или Дайто, протазан или меч! </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="216-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="" - his black cape fluttered in the wind, periodically exposing his power armor, dotted with purple veins of power channels," data-translation=""- его черный плащ развевался на ветру, периодически обнажая силовую броню, испещренную фиолетовыми прожилками силовых каналов," data-type="trSpan">"- его черный плащ развевался на ветру, периодически обнажая силовую броню, испещренную фиолетовыми прожилками силовых каналов,</ya-tr-span>

- "The main thing-hold the blow! As fiercely as possible... The enemies will not hesitate to try to kill you... Therefore, you need to get rid of the nonsense that the public dictates! There is no humanism, everyone wants to protect only himself... " -taking out a meter-long spear from behind his back, his father knocked the blunt end of it on the surface, creating a characteristic metallic clang,

"People step over each other from cycle to cycle, and it is rare for anyone to share their own self with... a partner... Well, I mean, trust is a shaky thing... and ... uh-uh... I mean, from a purely philosophical point of view, protecting someone is like ... ahem... "he suddenly coughed and blushed —" So, what are we talking about?»

"I don't know... I raised my left eyebrow, rubbing my cold shoulders.

- "Love?! Nonsense!!! There is no such thing as love! We were talking about martial art, which is very helpful in real life, unlike all ephemeral feelings! " - the old man was so overexcited that he almost dropped the weapon from his hands.

It was so funny. Since I was a child, my father had been an example to me, a kind of superhero capable of anything (in quotes, of course), but when it came to feelings, some people immediately cowered and retreated into themselves, preferring to pretend that he was a dumb killing machine.

"Yeah... And children are found in the garden... Dad, I've heard that a hundred times! Can we finally stop talking and get down to business? You promised a practical seminar, not another lecture! " - I grimaced with displeasure, clearly demonstrating the deepest degree of resentment.

"And I'll keep my word as soon as we get a little more relaxed..." The old man nodded.

— "Em... Let's break up? But I have... " - I looked around me.

"No weapons? Heh... The first mistake of a novice ... " - pulling back the edge of the cape, my father took out a personalized "Gremlin" from the holster and, famously twirling it, threw the gun to me.

Not expecting such a turn of events, I barely managed to catch the wailing ones, discovering that the plasmer's security code had already been deactivated.

"That's why I started a monologue about Daito-En-Getsu, which you safely ignored! When developing this code, the temple Samurai knew that the tools were not capable of killing or protecting! The deadliest and most reliable weapon of man is always with him.... right here... " the old man tapped his temple with a finger.

— "Huh... All right, so what are the rules for this duel? We'll fight according to the Academy's standards, or ... " - I pulled the shutter and loaded the empty battery into it.

"'One blow... '" he said coldly,

"You only have to strike once, no matter how... with a bullet, in hand-to-hand combat, or with that knife you're saving just in case... Yes, I know about it, don't frown! This secret will die with me..." my father grinned venomously, stroking his gray beard.

— "So, any damage counts...?" - if it were a naive girl in my place, she would have already started celebrating the victory. Life buries such idiots first of all.

There were many rumors and legends among the mercenaries. Some of them told of captains who could destroy an entire fleet alone, others of pilots who burned out starships ten times their own size, and others of warriors who cost more than an army of soldiers. One of them was a certain "Purple Ripper", a mythical mercenary who never takes off his mask.

— "Absolutely anything... Despite the fact that you chose sniper rifles as the basis, the opponent will not take out his own dugomet from his pant leg and hide in the bushes! So come on! Show me what your temper is worth!!!" - the old man's visor collapsed, flashing luminous graffiti in the shape of a shark's grin.

— "With great pleasure!!!" - lightning-fast jumping back, I aimed the plasmer at the opponent and opened fire. A whoosh of azure particles rolled across the roof of the skyscraper, lost in the hum of sky traffic.

— "And while the practical part is being tested, let's talk about the information part!" - like a breath of wind, my father stepped aside, letting the dummy pass by him.

"Really?! Or maybe I should also fill out the answer form at the same time?!" — using the roll, I found myself behind the nearest air compressor and found that the enemy was in motion. Like the guards at the embassy of Equistell, the samurai strode slowly toward me, glowing with an incomparable aura of the very essence of danger.

"Aha-ha-ha! Is this too difficult for you?! A true warrior must be ready for any challenge! For example, to a spontaneous mathematical test! " - the opponent confidently declared, untwisting the protazan in the manner of the blades of a nitrogen turbine.

— "Shopping center... Of course, he knew that I was skipping it, how could it be otherwise... " - I mumbled, unable to restrain a smile. The capacitor of my Gremlin was fully charged, and it was time to give the old man a hard time.

"Question one! When calculating the average air resistance generated by the compressor of the Sentinel-class planetary stations, how many mach can the Viper projectile develop?!" — my father haughtily raised his chin.

"Up to twenty — two, adjusted for inertia damping!" - I left the cover and fired a full clip at the enemy. Streams of rising light pierced the heavens, vainly trying to touch the samurai's signature, but all they were waiting for was one thing-failure.

A galaxy of charges converged on the target and immediately dispersed in a fiery fan, whose needles cut into the roof and left only ashes behind. The old man parried each round, his graceful and confident movements incomparable to anything, resembling a perfectly cut prism of light without a single flaw.

- "And the penetration ability will be equal?" - the opponent snidely drawled, continuing the psychological crush.

— "Nine tons according to the Di Tesla table!" - realizing that nothing could be achieved by simple shooting, I gathered my thoughts and decided to use a different tactic.

My father's battle dance was created by countless training sessions over dozens of Sotis, but each symphony has its own transition octave. When you voluntarily become a machine, the mind begins to respond to the threat even before its initial manifestation.

— "Agh... Nine and three-tenths, you picky ass!!!" - predicting how his next pirouette would end, I fired ahead of time. The plasma burned through the morning mist and hit the blade contour of the Morana Mk-III, an elite-level protazan plasmer.

- "Good! Very good! Aha-ha-ha! " - watching the bullet split into two parts disintegrate, coming out in plumes of blue haze, the father could not help but laugh. Just a little more, and he would have had to lose.

"And now, the last question of the quiz..." The samurai's voice suddenly distorted, and the footsteps faded. Before I could even blink, my opponent was caught in the glare of the morning light and disappeared without a trace in their radiance.

"Uh-uh! It is not customary to cheat in a duel! In "Heroes of the Conflict" you would have been banned immediately for this! — - looking around, I only confirmed my fears.

- "If we recall the four-dimensional axiom of Archibald Gisaster, what will be the frequency of the psionic response recorded when the arc weapon launcher is activated...?" - a hundred-fold echo was reflected from everywhere, without even giving a hint of the samurai's location.

"Hmm ... so... Wait a minute! I definitely learned that... Yes, damn it?! At the last lecture, there was this question! Ahg!!! " - gritting my teeth, I felt my thoughts start to get confused in my head, and my breathing became ragged. It seems that the outcome of this battle was a foregone conclusion from the very beginning.

"Think fast, my dear!.. Your watch... my father's whisper was lost in the faint hiss of the wind.

— "No... The hell with it, I'll just fail this test ... " - lowering the weapon that had become useless, I closed my eyes and concentrated, stopping the passage of time itself.

The world turned black, robbing me of absolutely everything. This was the most difficult test of all, inaccessible to the mossy experts from the Academy, who knew nothing about the real war. Where your life is always on the edge, where knowledge and feelings fade into the background, giving way to the conductor of the true strength of the soldier. She was the only one who ruled there.

Lady Luck.

The hands of the world clock have come off the dead end. The breeze cycle changed, blowing from north to south. And when all the pieces fell into place, a hair on my head fluttered. The game has moved into the endgame stage.

Using all my newfound skill, I quickly snatched the scabbard from my bosom and held it against the empty space:

— "Exactly forty-two Asterites!!!" - the space to my left was distorted, spreading out in waves of invisible projection,

"Bam!" I said, grinning mischievously, and poked the hilt into the void, where a dull metallic sound came from.

"..."- the spectral hexagons flashed with a purple tint and immediately dispersed, materializing the tall silhouette of the exoskeleton. The old man opened his visor, his blue eyes filled with joy, and the edges of his lips spread out to his ears.

"Aha-ha-ha! So be it! Consider me a sucker! Today I will give you access to my arsenal! " he said, pushing the weapon away from his throat.

- "HURRAH-A-A!!!" - I already jumped with joy, anticipating the first lessons of sniper shooting,

"I will finally take a real 'Viper' in my hands, anointed with the blood of a real battle!!! Ha-a-ah... I can't believe it...»

"Are you sure you can at least hold her...?" My father raised his left eyebrow as he folded the spear and strapped it to his back.

"Pfft! Of course I'm sure! When we get to the simulacrum, you'll see for yourself! " - folding my arms, I proudly chuckled,

- "By the way, everything encourages you to ask!.. What would have happened if you had...»

"It doesn't matter anymore... I believed that you would be able to surpass the skills of one elderly Adzin!! " - my father put his hands on his belt.

"'An Adzina with seventy Sotis' worth of experience...? '" I added.

"At seventy-two!!! Aha-ha-ha! " - he pointed a threatening finger at me, simultaneously bursting into a ringing laugh.

"So, let's go train in your 'superhero lair'? Or shall we have breakfast first?" From this cold, I was very hungry... " - accompanied by tears, a yawn reminded me of what period of the cycle we are now in.

"Listen, Mako... Today I want to give you all the remaining secrets of Daito-En-Getsu... Every Samurai must do this sooner or later... and I will not be an exception, no matter how pure my blood is... " - my father smiled again, this time differently than always,

"The Code of Ilias is our sword and shield, our heritage... a vehicle of power and a source of wisdom... So, please... do not forget about honor, even on the eve of unbearable trials, then you will definitely win over any nightmare and protect the most precious... " - a note of sadness settled in his icy gaze, almost as bitter as the one that flashed in it only once... When I first asked about my mother's fate...

"Okay Dad, I promise I'll remember your words..." I put the fist of one hand in the palm of the other and bowed to my master... he did the same in return...

* * *

- "Mako! Mako!!! MAKO-O-O-O!!!! " - a high-pitched scream tore me out of the realm of Morpheus, forcing me to face the cruel reality.

I almost fell off the table and realized that I was still on Sentry Duty, or rather, in the corporate dining room of Starstorm. The mercenaries from the various fleets paused for a moment to stare in our direction.

"Can you hear me? I actually asked you a question! Very important by the way! And you are silent! Again! This is absolutely not friendly, to brazenly ignore other people's problems! Do you know who you are after that?! Selfish!!! That's who! " the golden-haired girl pouted in displeasure, forcing the onlookers to resume their interrupted activities.

"Even the crusader Gerhard... I was fucking dreaming... and you took and... Agh, although what's the difference ... " - I began to rub my eyes, muttering various insults under my breath.

- "So... STOP!!! Have you been asleep all this time?! With her eyes open?!" — Natasha put her fingers to her temples, kneading the gray matter.

-" Well, I slept, so what? You're just so boring! Has anyone told you about this?" No, seriously! Even without hearing your whole story, I can assume that you wanted to ask about choosing the color of the dress for the next banquet! So, or not so?! " - the response to my statement was a cautious nod of the frightened girl,

"Yeah... what should have been proved!.. Another case of "life and death", in style... And will the clip fit with the shoes?! And what kind of hair tone should I choose today?! Oh, and the last time when there was classical dancing, we had such a good time with one guy, can we encourage the Head to repeat that event?! Bva! All adequate people do not care about it! And who even goes to social events?! This is the purest money laundering on the part of the management!!! And no, don't even think about inviting me there! I'm still paying the previous fine for "inappropriate behavior"! The new one will be out of place! And he definitely WILL... believe me... " - after finishing the monologue, I looked away, trying to calm another attack of anger.

- "Mako... Did you dream about your father again?..."

— "Yes... I'm sorry I snapped... simply... No one but her alone knew that I was an elite fighter and the commander of an entire squadron, and I had been buzzing like a battered Blattomorph for five hundred years now.

"That's because you don't let the emptiness inside fill up! Don't go to the pontiff here, and you need a guy! Maybe it's time to stop being offended by the whole world and finally let someone come to you... " - unfortunately, Natasha's words could not change the past. They couldn't change the fact that I was left alone to be torn apart by the world. Just like that, for no apparent reason, without even leaving a farewell note.

"You are no longer the girl who commanded our landing party, but a real Captain! And so beautiful, too... Perfect figure, full breasts, cute face... The Assault Commander, when he passed by you, stared so hard that he tripped and broke his nose! Now the whole part is laughing at him, but I'm offended... I envy you... you're turning your nose around for nothing, when others don't even have a bite..." — with a sad sigh, my friend looked in the direction of a group of three young mercenaries in smoothed imperial jackets, who just entered the dining room.

Broad-shouldered guys with slicked-down bangs were actively talking to each other, apparently discussing how best to touch up their eyelids, or what these snobs usually talked about. After assessing the situation around them, their "leader" noticed the two of us and stared in a very specific direction.

"Don't be jealous of me! Genetics doesn't mean anything if there's only poison inside..." — leaning back in my chair, I threw my legs on the table and showed the idiots at the entrance a gesture of universal etiquette. The response was not long in coming.

Angered by such appalling behavior, the Peacock leader strode over to our table, clearly intending to parry the reinforced concrete argument. On closer inspection, the boy's uniform showed multiple injuries, clearly man-made. I don't know if they were rubbing against each other, or rolling on the floor, orgasming from their splendor. Who will understand them.

In any case, it didn't really matter, because the shiny legionnaire was already standing over our souls, pretending a sweet smile that made us want to vomit:

"Where I come from, it is considered shameful to use such inappropriate gestures... Especially at the first meeting! Especially, such a beautiful lady like you..." - while the knight was actively gesticulating, my friend gave him all sorts of signs of attention, but ladies 'men were never interested in girls with a "gray" essence,

"If I may, I could tell you about the culture of our people, for example, over a cup of coffee... or tea... Although, for me, this choice is not fundamental! The main thing is that you do not feel constrained in my presence..." — like a real gentleman, the guy held out his hand to help me up.

- "The voice... Sight... Gestures... Nothing alone, together — a picture to work with... Reading her brushstrokes, you will not be afraid of the world, because it will never surprise you... " - even when my father disappeared, his instructions remained, protecting me like the walls of an unbreakable fortress,

— No mirror of our soul, called the seven deadly sins, can compare with the darkness that I want to tell you about!.. They don't write about it in books, they don't sing songs, and they never notice it... until it's too late... This is the highest form of metastasis of our species, which must be exterminated without regret!.. Her name...»

I whispered, clenching my teeth in a fit of impotent rage. I guess the others thought that I was always like this, that I wanted to hate everyone and everyone, breaking down for no apparent reason, but none of them knew what it was like to face this every cycle.

These creatures were everywhere, in the camp of enemies and among allies. They wore human masks, concealing a bestial self that demanded the fulfillment of any command. Shiny armor with rotten flesh inside. Invincible defenders exactly until the goal is reached.

"Hmm?.. Did you say something...? " the potential suitor raised his eyebrows in surprise. — "No... nothing ... " - swallowing a lump of hatred, I squeezed his sweaty stump and slowly got up from my seat. Sensing something wrong in the back of his mind, the knight swallowed uncertainly, listening to the crackle of his own knuckles.

— "Well, here we go again..." - Natasha drawled, putting away her plate in advance.

— "Em... could you..." when the boy found that the handshake had tightened, sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Let you go? Yes, please! FLY, MY KNIGHT!!!" — instantly turning around on my axis, I fixed the shoulder grip and used myself as a counterweight, throwing the guy over his back and slamming him right into the table.

The crash of the polymer frame breaking mixed with a cry of despair that became a soundless wheeze of unconsciousness. The dining room shuddered, filled with dust and rubble. People around opened their mouths in amazement, only Natasha just shook his head, watching such a showdown more than once and not twice.

— "And don't get up..." - wiping my hand on lovelace's raincoat, I lowered my gaze and headed for the exit, where help was already hurrying. Friends of the victim ran around me almost on the wall of the hall, rushing to the pile of rubble, in the middle of which lay a piece of well-beaten meat.

"Another cute guy with a broken spine. I hope you're happy with yourself... " - philosophically resting her chin on her hand, my friend watched me go. Her words left another scar on what had long ago become a hardened armor.

* * *

The white hall gave way to a deserted corridor whose end and beginning were lost in endless darkness. The passage between the station blocks was illuminated by energy veins running along the magnetic rails of the transport train. The anti-gravity train periodically whizzed past, causing the protective barriers to shimmer with azure responses.

The only inhabitant of these places was a converter machine that sold my favorite coffee. I fumbled in my pockets, found the credit chip, and held it up to the mechanism, getting the drink I wanted. The heat of the polymer glass immediately warmed my trembling palms, but it could not reach my heart.

"Why did you leave so early, Father?.. I miss you... I miss your instructions... You know, you were right again... Dreams are not meant to come true... and there are no real feelings ... " - peering into the brown surface, I patiently waited for the blue smoke to dissipate,

- "Eh... It seems that I will not be the heroine of my favorite novels... " - more than anything, I wanted to just cry, releasing the accumulated pain, but the tears have long dried up, remaining in the distant past.

I took a few sips and wandered off toward the docks, listening to my own footsteps. Despair was replaced by indifference, and the desire for new goals disappeared somewhere, sinking into the insatiable shadows.

Completely drained of consciousness, I turned the corner, not noticing the sullen passer-by. A collision was imminent.

- "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!! CRETIN!!! " - trying to keep my balance, I reflexively belched back, safely spilling the contents of the glass on the floor.

- "I'm sorry… I didn't do it on purpose..." the guy drawled in confusion. His gray-green implants looked as blank as death, and his unkempt beard and a tangle of unwashed hair screamed that he didn't want to look after himself. Probably, if someone else were in my place, he would have taken this individual for a homeless person, or some kind of obsession, missing a very important detail.

"I don't need your apologies… Crossing my arms over my chest, I noticed that the full-blooded Equistell's uniform was covered in faint traces of fire, acid, and other damage. The props of various "peacocks" were not lying around with such jewelry, which was worn only by elite mercenaries who had passed through ice and fire.

"Well ... this is… As if ... " - the guy wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead, his already pale skin turned the color of gallium, and his knees were already preparing to buckle.

"Are you feeling ill?? Can I call the medics??» Terrified that I would be charged with manslaughter, I took a step toward the Templar, but he quickly jumped in the opposite direction. This reaction caused me confusion and emotion at the same time, because usually everything happened exactly the opposite, especially with guys.

"S-s-stop!.. I'm s-s-fine!.. And I have, by the way, above average intelligence!.. " - he said matter-of-factly, struggling with his own thermoregulation system.

- "Ah-ha-ha!" - truly, I have never had such acquaintances before,

"Well, at least someone at this station has an above-average one! And then some idiots around! For the first time in many years, tears appeared in my eyes, but they were not caused by sadness at all, but by genuine joy.

"It looks like..." the guy finally exhaled and smiled faintly.

Unfortunately, our pleasant conversation was interrupted by unexpected circumstances. A group of Imperials left the blind turn, discussing some unquestionably important matters. They were members of my squadron, and at the same time they were just another scum, because of which the nerves of one notorious Captain turned into rubble.

As he passed us, one of the soldiers tried to open his filthy mouth, but he had to change his mind in an emergency.

- "IF I HEAR ONE MORE WORD FROM SOMEONE ABOUT MY NUMBER, I'LL TWIST HIS HANDS, OR EVEN TEAR THEM OFF FOR FUCK's SAKE!!!" — the veil began to cover my vision again, but this time it was managed to suppress it very quickly... for some reason...

- "Stupid cattle… Damn them all… Underdeveloped single-celled organisms with limited functionality ... genetic garbage…»

"Well, I'm not one of them," said Equistella, who had been cheered up, and was watching the white-coated mercenaries scurry away.

"Are you sure? You remind me of those stereotypical stories about lovelaces... you position yourself too highly intelligently... You feel forced..." - I could not resist continuing our dialogue.



"Aha-ha-ha! Just don't cry here! Although ... maybe I'll believe it... " - I folded my hands behind my back and began to think about my next thought,

— "Listen… I have a suggestion for you… You buy me a new coffee, and I forgive you… Agree?..»

"'All right... '" he replied softly, blushing like the ceremonial cloaks of the church Ronin.

- "My name, by the way, is Mako ..." - I turned around and went in the direction of the vending machine, where last time I took a drink.

"Ah ... me ... Yuri ... but... for friends, you can just ... Yu...." - coming out of his stupor, the guy shortened the distance and blushed even more, touching me with his appearance.

* * *

After a while, we went to the vending machine, but at that moment I had already forgotten about my coffee. I was very sad and scared, I was afraid that our acquaintance would end here and now, but I was even more afraid that I might make a mistake.

"Which one do you like?" the mercenary asked, leaning over the converter.

"..."instead of answering, I kept silent, trying to calm my heartbeat. It was the first time this had happened to me, the iron discipline gave way to doubt, and the distrust of the whole world was shaken, unable to find arguments against the subsequent question.

I lowered my gaze, hoping to hear something that would shatter my understanding of people, something that would make me trust myself for the first time without being afraid of what would come after. As the holo-books taught me, as my father taught me. And the guy did not disappoint as expected...

— "No… But if you don't want to believe, then I won't convince you... I'm too nasty..." — every word was distorted by genuine pain, and in his synthetic gaze there was boundless sadness, as if reflected in the edge of my own crystal mirror.

— "Rather boring..." - having made a final decision, I blocked the mercenary's escape opportunity, which he was going to take advantage of,

"I don't know why I'm doing this… But ... hold out your left hand ... just quickly! " - this time it was me who had to blush.

- "Uh-uh..." — seeing that I enter the number of his tools in my own, the guy was stunned, completely losing the ability to conduct a dialogue.

— "I need to go to work!" - blurting out the first thing that came to mind, I ran towards the dining room, after showing the guy in the wake of the tongue, so that he did not relax.

My legs were carrying me forward, especially since their burden seemed to have become lighter. The shadows of consciousness receded, dissipating in a tornado of conflicting thoughts, the epicenter of which was one particular person. And the moment with the loss of the built-in armor vosmorfer ceased to seem like something bad, on the contrary, if it were not for him, today's cycle might not have come.

Trying to cope with this strange feeling, I went to Natasha to tell her about what had happened and ask for advice on how to behave in such situations. I also urgently needed to reread some of my favorite novels, just in case.