
The Servant...

After surviving from his inevitable death, A young man named Hoshi Nakeya is chased by his father’s enemies and is constantly put in dangerous situation without any defense skills. one day he rescues a young man by the name of Reito, without knowing that he will become his most reliable defense. But when Kurai finds out that Hoshi is alive, Kurai is determined to capture him. When Hoshi is captured by Kurai, He is determined to get out of there with all the other captured people and reveal Kurai’s true intentions to the emperor or Kurai will take over the throne and due to his injustice and brutality, the whole kingdom will fall apart.

Zo_The_Army · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 2

Hoshi's eyes widened as he looked at the male now identified as 'Reito'

He stared at the male in disbelief

'No, Hoshi… It's all simply nothing more then a coincidence' Hoshi shook his head and immediately put on a gentle smile when he saw that the male finished eating

"I'll be going now… make sure to rest well" Hoshi turned to walk towards the door but immediately stop as he looked at the male from over his shoulder

"I'll be sure to visit you later, Reito" Hoshi smiled gently and exited the room

Reito continued to stare at the closed door

"Hoshi…" Reito whispered as he looked around the room

"Do you still remember me…?" Reito sadly asked and laid down on the bed to rest


On the other hand, Hoshi was panicking as he paced back and forth

"What do I do, Tris?" Hoshi looked at his best friend that was staring at him with narrowed eyes

"I don't know but it might be a coincidence" Tris said shrugging

"I thought the same thing… but- "

"Stop stressing out so much… you are literally 8 years younger than me- "

"What does out age difference have to do with this…"

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted" Tris glared at Hoshi who was rolling his eyes at him

"Just live a little, champ" Tris said as he patted Hoshi on the shoulder before running out to find Rael and annoy him at any possible chance

"It's not that easy when you're constantly running away from danger" Hoshi muttered sadly

"Meow" Bella jumped and laid down on Hoshi's lap to cheer him up, which was working just like all the other times Bella comforted him

"Love you too, Bella" Hoshi softly chuckled as he started petting her fur


The 2 butlers can be seen holding Reito who was trying to escape from their clutches to attack them

" Hold him!!" The old butler shouted

"I'm trying!!" Rael shouted back and held Reito tighter

The door opened and Hoshi entered but immediately regretted his decisions

"Uh- "Hoshi awkwardly looked around as Reito stopped struggling and looked at him blankly

"He's trying to kill us all!!" The old butler exaggerated as he tied Reito's hands behind him

"I'm sure he doesn't have that intention" Hoshi stated helplessly

"Hoshi… he picked up the nearest sharp object and pointed it at us" Rael reasoned with his usual dead face

"Well… He might've been scared… can you please untie him, Rael?" Hoshi pleaded as he looked at the young butler

Rael nodded and untied the ropes that were holding Reito down

Reito got up and rubbed his sore wrists that had faint red marks from the rope

"Reito… why don't we become friends?" Hoshi asked as he held his hand out for Reito to shake

Reito looked at Hoshi's outstretched hand for a few minutes before looking up at Hoshi's face with those beautiful phoenix eyes

Reito tilted his head and stared at Hoshi who was awkwardly standing with his hand outstretched

"well…" Hoshi started as he was about to take his hand back

But Reito grabbed his hand and kissed the knuckles on his hand

"I will follow you everywhere… master" Reito spoke softly as he looked at Hoshi with eyes filled with admiration

"HUH!?" Hoshi was taken aback… He didn't know what to say…

"W-what do you mean…" Hoshi asked as he looked at the man with phoenix eyes

"Master...?" Reito tilted his head in confusion

Hoshi did not know whether he should laugh or cry right now

"B-but…" Hoshi was about to say something but when he looked at the man's eyes again… he could not bring himself to say no to the man

"we can talk about this later…" Hoshi spoke waiting for a response from the other

Once he saw the male nod his head, Hoshi sighed in relief and ran out of the room to get some fresh air.


An hour later

Reito was sitting on the floor facing the door as he waited for Hoshi's arrival

"Master…" Reito whispered as he got up and walked towards the door

Reito opened the door slowly, trying his best to not make much noise

Reito got out of the room quietly and looked around

"Master…?" Reito whispered looking like a dejected puppy looking for their owner

Reito walked slowly but stopped in his tracks when he heard the old butler's voice

"How could you let him go alone!?" The old butler was furious as he looked at aunty Lian and Rael

"We didn't even know that he snuck out" Aunty Lian reasoned

"You know that it's dangerous out there for him! And you also know that he always causes trouble when he's outside!"

Reito did not need to hear more to know that his master went outside and is possibly in danger

"Master…" Reito murmured as he looked towards the window with determined eyes



Hoshi was thinking deeply as he rode his horse deeper into the forest

Hoshi sighed when he could not think of anything logical to Reito's behavior

Unbeknownst to him… Hoshi did not notice the couple of arrows pointing at his direction in the forest

Hoshi's three servants were near as they spotted him

"That's master!" Aunty Lian said joyfully as the other two looked at the direction the lady was pointing at

"Master!!" All the three of them shouted together once they saw the countless arrows coming towards Hoshi's direction

Hoshi spun his head around and froze when he saw the arrows

But for some reason the arrows twisted and hit the tree right beside Hoshi's horse

"Huh…" Hoshi grew confused but immediately turned around when he saw the three servants running towards him

"Hoshi!!" Aunty Lian shouted as she hugged him with tears running down her face

"I'm fine, Aunty" Hoshi tried to comfort her but instead he got scolded by the three of them.


After all that fiasco happened, Hoshi was on his way to check on Reito

"Reito…" Hoshi quietly called out when he entered the room

"Master" Hoshi saw Reito sitting on the bed looking like a puppy that was waiting for their owner

"Please just… call me Hoshi" Hoshi spoke in hopes of making the guy who's clearly older than him stop calling him 'Master'

Reito shook his head as Hoshi just sighed for the 20th time that day

"Why don't you go out to walk a bit?"

"I already go out, master" Reito answered looking at Hoshi with the deadest eyes Hoshi has ever seen

"But I never saw you outside?" Hoshi asked as confusion laced over his voice

"I do walk outside, Master…" Reito answered and looked at Hoshi with those dead phoenix eyes "maybe you did not notice me?"

"I guess I was to tired on those days…" Hoshi chuckled tiredly "please rest well, Reito…" Hoshi bid farewell to Reito and went to his room to sleep.

"Master… I won't let you leave me again…"


Hoshi was changing his robes when he saw Bella walking in the room

"Had fun exploring, Bella?" Hoshi asked the black cat who jumped on the bed to sleep

"Meow" Bella responded and Hoshi chuckled at her adorable nature

Hoshi walked over to the bed and laid down beside Bella

"I don't know what to do, Bella…"

Hoshi usually had the habit of sharing the thoughts that were bothering him with Bella… It sounded weird but Hoshi could care less about opinions

"Everything is so confusing lately…" Hoshi turned around and hugged Bella as she let herself be squished by her owner

"Meow" Bella licked at Hoshi's nose and Hoshi laughed loudly at the ticklish feeling

Bella truly knew how to cheer him up and Hoshi was glad to have her by his side

"Goodnight, Bella" Hoshi felt his eyelids grow heavy and kissed Bella's head before dozing off to dreamland

He can worry about the future tomorrow, right now he just wants to focus on Bella…


A man was pacing back and forth in a dark room with dimly lit candles as two other men were looking down at the ground as they kneeled

"I surely did not know that all of you would be so weak that a little guy escapes from you all for the second time!" The man shouted as he glared at the two men that were flinching at every step he took

"B-boss! We had caught him but something happened…" The masked man's voice slowly quieted down as he heard his boss's footsteps come to a halt

"And what might that 'something' be?" The dark-haired male asked as he looked at his underling with a sharp gaze

"The poison arrow was about to hit the boy but something happened and made the arrow turn towards a tree"

"You think that I will believe such a horrendous lie!?" The boss shouted and looked at his underlings with rage

"B-boss- "

"QUIET!!" The man pressed a button on his ring that had a ruby on it and a few moments later, 3 of the man's underlings came and waited for his command

"You know what to do with these two" The man said as he turned his back on them, ignoring the pleas of the two men

Once he was the only one left in the dark room… He picked up a knife and looked towards a photo hung up on the wall

The man threw the knife at the picture, hitting in the picture perfectly

"I hate you so much… Akihiko Nakeya…" The man gritted his teeth as he looked at the picture with rage

"You betrayed me… I will never forget what you did to me…" The man then smiled crazily

"For what you did to me… your son shall experience the same thing…"

The man then took out a scroll from the drawer and looked inside it

"It seems… going after the last family member of the Nakeya family has to be put on hold" The man quietly whispered

"You got lucky there, Hoshi Nakeya…" The man took the scroll with him and left the room.

Unbeknownst to him… The man did not notice a little black cat sitting there listening to him

Bella licked her nose and got up as she stretched

She was about to enter through the window but suddenly saw a bird and ran after it due to her hunger

As Bella was about to jump from the roof towards the bird, Someone caught her from behind

"Now what do we have here?" The man in a mask said as Bella hisses at him in rage

"What a fierce little cat…" The man whispered and let Bella go

Bella quickly ran away, cursing the man considering she lost the bird because of him

She was about to go and run but someone else caught her

Bella was in rage as she never liked anyone except Hoshi pick her up

"Master will be sad if you get lost…"

Reito was once again wandering the forest without informing anyone only because he heard that his master could not find his cat and this man knew what Bella looked like considering she followed Hoshi practically everywhere in the house…

"Meow!!" Bella was trying to scratch the man but failed and kept meowing helplessly


Hoshi was looking around everywhere trying to search for Bella but he could not find her anywhere

"Bella!!" Hoshi shouted once again but got no response

"Where could she be…" Hoshi whispered and continued to look around the place

A few minutes passed but no sign of Bella until a certain someone walked towards Hoshi with the grumpy black cat in his arms

Once Hoshi saw Bella, he quickly ran towards her and picked her up from Reito's arms

"Where did you find her...?" Hoshi asked the male standing in front of him

"Near the window…" Reito lied smoothly making the oblivious Hoshi believe him

"Ah… Thank you..." Hoshi smiled gently at the male and walked out of the room with Bella

"… Your... welcome, Master…" Reito gently spoke and walked towards the place where he last saw the young butler

Once he came to the kitchen, He saw Rael cleaning the table and called out to him

"Excuse me..." Reito called gently, loud enough for Rael to look towards him with a raised eyebrow

"May I help you?" Rael asked as he came towards Reito

"Uhm... Yes, I wanted to ask for your help..."

"Please do continue" Rael encouraged the man to speak up

Reito nervously looked down and quietly whispered

"Can you teach me… on how to be a butler...?"


Rael was stunned speechless as he looked at the man

Let's rewind to a few minutes before everything happened

Reito was cleaning the shelf filled with heavy books

Aunty Lian was passing by with a few plates but tripped due to Bella sleeping on the floor

Reito was quick to catch her and the fuckin glass plates together at one swift move

Once Aunty Lian walked out with the plates after bowing in gratitude towards Reito

Rael walked up to him with a questionable looked

"How the fuck did you do that!?" Rael shook Reito by the shoulders aggressively may I add

"Calm down" Reito spoke sharply as he removed Rael's hands from his shoulders



The next time Reito impressed someone was when he was helping Hoshi and Tris

Hoshi was arranging his books and Tris was simply eating sweets while staring at the stressed man

Reito would occasionally help Hoshi get the books from the top shelf

Hoshi had a few heavy books in his hands and was walking towards the other bookshelf that was in his room when he suddenly tripped over Tris's foot

Reito quickly moved and held Hoshi on one hand while he balanced the books on his other hand

Hoshi suddenly gripped onto Reito's shoulder for support

A few moments later, He realized the position they were in and quickly stood up with a shy but awkward smile

"Thank you, Reito" Hoshi smiled gently as Reito just stared at him

"..." Tris averted his gaze to the side


Reito was walking down the halls but suddenly stopped in his tracks when he heard his master and the old butler talking

"I believe they found us" The old butler's whispered but Reito could hear him clearly

"What do we do now…?" His master's voice can be heard

"Let me think for a bit about this, master"


Reito clenched his fists as he kept hearing their conversation

"Master…" Reito quietly whispered and dashed towards the library

When he entered the library, He instantly spotted Rael cleaning the shelves.

"Excuse me…" Rael glanced at him for a split second


"I wanted to ask you something… if you do not mind answering me…" Rael looked at him with a raised eyebrow

"I was just walking past master's room and figured that master looked worried… I came to you in hopes that you might know something" Reito looked at the young butler, patiently waiting for his response

"Do not worry, Reito" Rael gave him a small, barely noticeable smile before continuing "I believe the master is just tired due to his duties…"

Reito frowned as he looked at Rael… What the young butler had said made Reito more suspicious of this matter

"Have you by any chance… know what master's recent duty is?" Reito asked as he looked at Rael with seriousness

"I do not… but I believe Uncle Steve might have a bit of information" Rael smiled a Reito before continuing to work

Reito clicked his tongue in annoyance before heading out of the library

Rael glanced at his retreating form before looking at a random book on the shelf

"I should inform the master…" Rael whispered quietly

Rael looked around the library before going out with a sigh

"Who told me to work as a butler…" Rael whispered as he suddenly felt tired