
The Serpent King .

Harry Potter was raised by his mother, Lily Evans, and is well-versed in magic and the complicated world they exist in. The knowledge that Lord Voldemort is alive propels Harry to greatness as Slytherin House awakens the strategist inside him. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles… well, it’s a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/36258934/chapters/90389164 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverFalcon0000/pseuds/SilverFalcon0000

mooooooooooow · 書籍·文学
54 Chs

Back to School, Part 2

Part LIII: Back to School, Part 2

Harry and Cho spent Arithmancy cuddled up together in the back of the class, Harry enjoying the time alone with the gorgeous Chinese girl.

Towards the end of class, just a few minutes before the period was over, Harry and Cho leaned back from their rather intense calculations about the Voltshar Algorithm.

"Arithmancy might be a lot more work than I thought." Harry admitted. Cho laughed and nodded.

"It is a lot, you're right. Professor Vector is an amazing teacher, but she always likes to start projects with us trying something out before she gives the lecture." Cho explained, then grinned, "Something you would know if you hadn't skipped the first couple days of class."

"Come on!" Harry protested, "I bet I didn't miss a single day of this class. I was only gone four days"

Cho laughed and nodded.

"You're right, you didn't." Cho admitted, then her hand touched Harry's thigh.

The bell tower rang, signaling the end of class, and Harry and Cho stood up. Harry glanced over at where Cormac McLaggen was pestering Hermione.

Cho embraced Harry, and he enjoyed hugging the slender older girl.

"If you ever need help studying, I'll be around for you." Cho promised.

"You'll be the first person I come to." Harry nodded.

Cho smiled and stepped back from the hug, and Hermione rapidly took her place in front of Harry.

"I hate Cormac." Hermione said promptly.

"What's wrong with him?" Harry asked innocently.

"Don't pretend like you don't know. He flirts with anything with a pulse and doesn't know the word 'no.'" Hermione huffed.

Harry laughed and slipped his arm around Hermione as the two third years walked out into the hall and down away from the Arithmany classroom.

"Don't worry, 'Mione, I'll protect you." Harry said pompously, and Hermione shoved him in the chest, shaking her head while a small smile played at her lips.

"What, you don't want a white knight protecting you?" Harry grinned, picking Hermione up by the waist and spinning her around. Hermione laughed, her arms sliding around his neck as he spun her.

When he put her back down on solid ground a few seconds later, Hermione looked up at him with soft eyes.

"I don't think I ever got to thank you." Hermione whispered.

"For what?" Harry asked, genuinely confused.

"For respecting what I said, when I said I wasn't ready to date anyone." Hermione said softly.

"What, are you thanking me for not forcing myself on you?" Harry asked incredulously.

"After spending a class with Cormac McLaggen, yes, I am." Hermione nodded. Harry's eyes narrowed.

"I was joking before, but do you need me to sort that bastard out?" Harry asked.

"No, no, he didn't do anything like that. I just… I'm just really glad it's you." Hermione said.

"You're glad what's me?" Harry wondered. Hermione's cheeks turned bright red, which was utterly adorable, Harry had to admit. She took a deep breath.

"I'm glad it's you that I met on my first day here. I'm glad it's you that I… that I care about." Hermione said. Harry reached a hand up and brushed some of her frizzy brown hair out of her face, looking down at her face as it tilted up to look back at him.

"Are you still not ready?" Harry asked in a low voice. Hermione licked her lips nervously.

"No. I'm ready." she said firmly, and Harry leaned down, his lips brushing across Hermione's. The kiss was gentle, and Harry didn't hold onto Hermione, so she could pull away at any time if she wanted.

She didn't pull away.


Harry and Hermione held hands as they walked into the Great Hall, and Hermione kept looking up at Harry with a big smile on her face.

"Harry!" a voice called, and Harry looked to see his cousin Violet sitting at a table alone, eating a small lunch. Lunch wasn't a big event at Hogwarts like breakfast and dinner were. Whenever students got hungry between classes, they dropped by the Great Hall to grab a snack.

"Hey, Violet. Hermione, this is-" Harry began, but Hermione shook her head.

"No, I know who she is. We've spoken a few times about schoolwork these last few days." Hermione said.

"Huh. How'd that happen?" Harry wondered.

"Bumped into each other at the library." Hermione explained.

"I wish I had been in your House." Violet confessed to Harry.

"Don't. Gryffindor's got much better views." Harry joked.

"It's true. They have a tower, just like Ravenclaw does." Hermione agreed, and Violet smiled a little.

"You'll make plenty of friends, Violet, and if not, consider my friends your friends." Harry said.

"Mhm. Ginny's only a year older than you." Hermione pointed out.

"Ginny Weasley? She's the redhead I sat beside at the welcome feast, right?" Violet wondered.

"Yeah. She and I… we're very close." Harry nodded.

"You're dating her, too?" Violet asked in astonishment.

"Harry is pretty much dating any beautiful girl in second, third, or fourth year." Hermione scoffed.

"Plus a few others." Harry said vaguely.

"Wow." Violet said, stunned.

"Your cousin isn't some kind of heartbreaking playboy though." Hermione spoke up quickly, "Witches are naturally attracted to powerful wizards, and Harry's one of the most powerful wizards in years."

"Wow. So, all witches would do anything for Harry?" Violet wondered.

"Just about." Hermione teased.

"No. It's not anything crazy like mass mind control. It's a very simple attraction. I can't make anyone do anything they wouldn't want to do. It's just that girls like me." Harry shrugged.

Violet looked shyly at Harry, and he wondered if his cousin felt that pull, or if this was just her usual shyness.

"Yes, we do." a voice said, and Harry turned to see Ginny standing there.

"Hey, Gin." Harry smiled, and Ginny slid in on Harry's side, planting a hot kiss on his mouth.

"Just got out of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Lupin's really good." Ginny greeted the trio.

Violet was studiously looking at her book, and Hermione wasn't much better.

"We're done kissing." Harry announced, and Violet and Hermione both looked less awkward.

"I can't believe Remus is teaching this year. That'll be so fun." Harry grinned.

"You know him?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"Oh, yeah. He's Sirius' best friend and helped my mum out a lot when I was little. He was the responsible one out of my dad's friend group." Harry said.

"Kind of like me." Hermione smiled.

"Kinda." Harry agreed.

Violet lifted her wrist to look at the watch on it and gasped.

"I have to go. I'm going to be late for my next class." she exclaimed.

"I'll see you, then." Harry said, and Violet said quick goodbyes to everyone before rushing off.

Harry turned back to Ginny, but the redhead was checking her schedule.

"I need to go, too." Ginny apologized.

"You just got here." Harry said incredulously.

"I didn't have a break between classes. I just saw you and wanted to come say hello." Ginny confessed. Harry leaned forwards and kissed Ginny, enjoying how the younger girl sighed softly against his lips in enjoyment of the kiss.

"Have fun." Harry winked, and Ginny smiled before dashing out of the Great Hall.

"And then there were two." Harry said.

"One, actually. I'm meeting Mandy in the library to go over Ancient Runes homework." Hermione apologized.

"Tell her hello for me." Harry grinned. Hermione gave an exasperated sigh, but when Harry gave her a goodbye kiss too, she kissed back happily.


Harry, with nothing better to do, headed back to the Slytherin Common Room, where he found it was empty except for Cassie sitting on the couch, reading a book.

"Hey, Cass." Harry smiled.

"Harry." Cassandra Malfoy beamed, and the two embraced, quickly getting lost in a heated snog.

"How's Stella?" Harry asked once they came up for air.

Cassie smiled and laid her head on Harry's chest.

"Good. Really good." Cassie smiled, and her fingers trailed around Harry's stomach as she told Harry some stories about their child.

"I think Aunt Andromeda is loving having Stella around." Cassie said.

"I'm glad to hear that. I hope things are better for you there. I know I haven't been able to visit as much as I thought I would be able to, but I'm so happy knowing that you and Stella are happy." Harry said. Cassie shifted so she laid atop Harry, her large breasts pressing up against his chest.

The two parents kissed each other once more.

"I love you so much." Cassie smiled.

"I love you too." Harry grinned.

The portrait door opened suddenly and Draco Malfoy stalked in angrily, flanked by Crabbe and Goyle.

Harry and Cassie looked at Draco in stunned surprise, and he looked back in revolted astonishment.

"Uh… hi?" Cassie said weakly.

"My father will hear about this!" Draco shouted, and Harry groaned