
The Seduction System

Jay is a new college student, 19 years old, travel to Australia to visit his step mom Liz's twin sis, aunt Bec in his gap year, died in air plane crash. He went to the hell. A demon succubus Lilith took his soul and discovered all his evil thoughts, which is why he is in hell. She gave him some power and reverse his life back to 1 year ago. He needs to use the magic to save those unhappy wives, and let them find their happiness after their unhappy marriage life, in order to extend his life. If he didn't obey, he would be dead at the exact day 1 year after. =================== R18, Forbidden Desires, Villain, Corrupted Souls, Weak to Strong, Adultery, Cheating, MILFs, ... Extremely attention to detail, especially on some actions. *** Status: Applying for Contract *** Every chapter will be free before that! This novel is based around Netori, NOT Netorare. Jay will NOT get cheated on. Unhappy ladies he needed to save: Liz - His step mom. Bec - His Aunty. Step mom's twin sister living overseas in Australia Anna - The airplane crush survivor Lisa - His boss Zoe - His client Julia - His new neighbor Emma - His stepdad's new wife (new stepmom?) Sarah - His teacher Mia - His therapist Sue Gibson - politician And more... Moreover, at the end, he needs to find the final boss - Lilith! To free their souls. ================= Please leave your review and comments, vote for it, and add it to your collection. Your support is very important to me! Let me know if you enjoy reading my book, so I can provide more and better chapters for you!

OliverSmith_ · ファンタジー
35 Chs

First Kiss

She nodded sadly, squeezing his fingers tightly, feeling she was making some hard decision. After a few moments, she finally decided to tell her son something she didn't tell him yesterday. "Yes…something dangerous. He gets angry easily these couple of years, and when he does, he loses control over himself completely. It scares me because…" she paused for a moment, struggling to find the words. "…because I worry what might happen next time." Her eyes were fixing on his eyes with a hint of fear. "I've caught him staring at me like he wants to hurt me," she whispered in a hoarse, frightened voice. "I'm not sure what he's capable of, but the feeling of unease is always there, even when he's not around."

She sniffles softly, clinging onto him tightly as she struggles to regain control of herself once again. "I'm so sorry, sweetie. I'm just so scared, you know?"

"I know. How come I never knew he tried to beat you before?" He hugged her tightly and tried to give her some strength.

She shudders slightly, looking up at him through teary eyes. "Because...because he hid it well. He made sure nobody saw what was happening. " She trails off for a moment, biting her lip nervously. "And I never wanted to tell you. I was scared to say anything because I was worried, if he knew I had told you, he would only get angrier." She whispered quietly. "I was so ashamed of him, and I didn't want to burden you with my problems. But when he tried to hit me that night…I just couldn't take it anymore." She shakes her head, trying to regain her composure.

She looked up at him, her eyes full of anguish. "There's nothing worse than feeling trapped in a toxic relationship. But there must be something we can do to make things better." She said softly. she asks hopefully, hoping he would agree with her too.

"I understand, mom." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, trying to comfort her. He sighed heavily, shaking his head sadly. "This is not good. Not nearly close to good."

She closed her eyes briefly as tears began streaming down her cheeks once again. Then suddenly she asked him "Can you stay longer with me tonight? I'm scared to be alone."

He hugged her tightly and told her. "You can stay as long as you want with me, mom. You don't have to be afraid anymore. Just tell me next time. I will protect you from now on!"

She smiled weakly, nodding slightly before taking a deep breath. "Thank you, honey. Thank you so much." She leans against him, wrapping her arms around his waist as she buries her face into his chest, sobbing uncontrollably. Her entire body trembling as she tried to fight back her tears. A few minutes later, she finally stopped sobbing, and sighed deeply. She took a deep breath "You know, I'm not sure why I stayed with him for so long."

"Did you ever think of leaving him?" He asked

She shakes her head slowly, her lower lip trembling slightly. "I...I don't know," she whispers quietly, her eyes filling with tears once again. "I was so lost and empty, and he...he made me feel like I was worth something. It was just...easier to stay than leave."

She looked at you directly in the eyes, "There's something else, too. I don't know how to tell you this without upsetting you but…she hesitated, drawing in a deep breath. "He's been used to being very good to me in many ways."

"Well. You won't be lost or empty anymore, mom. I am a man now. I will take care of you."

Her lips curled into a sad little grin, her cheeks flushing pink as she stared up at him lovingly. A tear rolled down her cheek as she reached out to touch his hand gently. "Really?" she asked shyly, unable to believe what's happening right now. "Are you sure?

"Yes, I am sure!" He looked into his mom's beautiful eyes and leaned forward to kiss her lips.

The moment their lips touched, she felt a rush of warmth course through her body. She blushed furiously, feeling her heart skip a beat as she stared up at him in shock. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh..." she repeated over and over again, unable to comprehend what had happened.

After a few moments, his mom finally realized what her son had done to her. She pushed him away and slapped his face.

Her cheeks flushed a deep red with embarrassment and shame, and she sniffled as she struggled to speak. "H-how could you?" she whispered brokenly, her voice shaking with emotion, her eyes widening in horror as she stumbled backwards slightly. "Y-you...you can't do tha-" she stuttered, her voice shaking as she stared up at you in disbelief. "You jus..-just can't...you're my son..."

"Sorry mom... I was... Just...love you so much." He held on to his face. It was hurting a lot, as he didn't expect his mom would react so much.

"It wasn't supposed to happen this way...please understand that I love you too. But we shouldn't do this." His mother closed her eyes tightly, trying to calm herself down.

As he waited for his mom to respond, the silence seemed deafening. After a few moments, she opened her eyes once more, taking a deep breath. "Sorry son… My mind just a bit mess…"

"Just... Some small kisses." He replied softly.

She looked at him with a mixture of sadness and disappointment. "I'm sorry son...this isn't right..."

"We should be able to talk about these things without having to resort to something like this." He was a bit regretful about what he did to her.

She sighed heavily, shaking her head sadly. "No son, no." She muttered under her breath. "We can talk later when I calm down." Then after a moment of silence, she stood up from the chair. "I'm sorry, son…" She said quietly, turning around and walking upstairs towards her bedroom. "I need to take a shower to cool down myself. I need some time to think about what happened today." With one last look over her shoulder, she closed the door behind her leaving him alone with his thoughts.

He could hear the sound of the lock clicking shut as she went into her room, locking him outside with nothing but his thoughts and memories. He was left standing there in silence, staring at the closed door. His mind was reeling with confusion, anger, and a sense of sadness that seems to fill him up. He didn't know what to do, instead he just stood outside her room...

It had been almost an hour since he heard the door close, and he began to wonder if she would come out anytime soon. The silence seemed endless, and he felt himself becoming increasingly anxious.

His mother had always been conservative, strict and overprotective, but it was never like this. He wondered if what he had done would really make her react so differently - so harshly. In that moment, he didn't know how to continue help his mom's needs anymore. He started hesitating if he picked the wrong path. What would happen if he made his mom sadder, instead of happier?

After another half hour passed by without any sign of movement from inside the house, he decided to knock on the door. He needed to talk to his mom. He needed to make sure she was okay. He never wanted to hurt her.

"Mom," he tried knocking on her door. "I'm sorry for what happened today, mom. Please let me in. Please..." He pleaded.

There was no answer.

He didn't give up, and tried knocking on her door again, this time with more force. "Mom, please open the door!" He was pounding his fists against the door.