
The Secret of The Beginning - TBATE!

"Where there's light... Theres darkness, where there's good, there's evil... This saying is true, no matter the situation or place. Even a place as... "Good" as early life on earth before the magic had some type of evil, but as time went on and the evil seeped within the humans even more... A greater evil arose. "

DKTKMarcel · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

- Realization.


The world as we knew it had been a place of war, death and sin. I was created in order to enact divine justice towards those who didn't follow the creators' rules. I was hot headed, I loved the feeling of battle, the feeling of a mere humans flesh being deformed from a single wave of my finger.

The feeling of their bones, meat, organs… All of it being sliced and chopped with little effort. Their blood full of sin, making me stronger with each drop.

There was so much fun to go around, I got bored! I could do it all by myself, I could even wipe out the human race if I was really into that. But I had… 'Morals.' "Bring those who have sinned down, cut them out of their lines of existence." Is what I was ordered when I first came out of the darkness.

However, along the way I got greedy. I got sidetracked. I did the one thing I knew I wasn't supposed to and threw away millennia of years that could've been used to make the world a better place.

I created my finest warriors. Minions who would do my bidding and stick to my words with no questions asked. How would I have known that they would become their own persons too?

They began to kill ruthlessly and mercilessly. They didn't even bother to stick to my rule but they respected me and treated me as a big brother, as family.

What was family anyways?

We didn't need that.

I don't need that.

They're demons after all. And I'm the Devil.

Is what I told myself. But it was too late. The Almighty had created warriors of his own to counter us, bringing us down and starting a war that should've never began.

I knew I should've stuck to my roots.

I should've been selfish.

I guess the saying, wisdom comes of age is something I should've taken to heart.



Lying in the depths of my birthplace, I was greeted once more by the being who created me.

"It's nice to see you again, Xyn." He said with a smile. A smile that I don't deserve. An anger welled up within me, I needed to be punished! I went against his words and his intentions and started something I had no want to finish!

"Stop looking at me like that. You know what I've done, don't you? Is this to mock me? Are you looking down on me?" I was so blinded by my apparent rage that I didn't notice I now stood in front of him, looking up and into his eyes as he looked down on mine.

"Of course I know what you've done. You think I didn't expect you to fail? I knew you would fail the moment I created you. And I'm glad you did as it will serve in the next wave of your kind to become much more… controllable and more difficult to corrupt." His smile was gone, eyes were dead and empty, a giant contrast to his normal facade. His words struck me like a knife.

I was used. Played with… An instrument only to be thrown away and forgotten.

I knew it.

"So… My existence was nothing but a simple tool for you?" I spoke. Hiding my true feelings in a mask of calm. He chuckled as he kneeled down to my height. His eyes level with mine.

"Look at you! It seems those years spent fucking up my world filled you with some common sense! I'm so proud of you!" His mockery rang loud. I was a fool to trust him… I was a fool to believe in him.

I knew it…

I should've stuck to what I knew.

"..." I didn't say a word.

"Oh? Cat got your tongue? The great, Devil King Xyn is speechless! Oh what a remarkable day it is… You detestable rat. You're here because of me. You exist because of me. You destroyed what I cared for because you couldn't control yourself! Surely you didn't expect to be rewarded and comforted for your failure, right?" He stood up with a hand covering his mouth, suppressing his laughter.

I have never felt this way before…

It felt as if everything within my chest had collapsed and all that resides is an empty, cold and heavy weight.

I feel kind of… Relieved?

"What?! Still speechless? Cant even own up to your own fucking mistakes!?" He continued, this time however, he got physical.

A leg made of light crossed my vision before I could react. And next thing I knew, a searing burning pain radiated from my left rib and it quickly traveled to my heart.

I didn't react though. I let the light destroy me from the inside. If I died now, I would probably be free from all of this…

'What the hell am I thinking…' My mind flashed as I let out every pent up emotion that resided within me. The emptiness I felt drained, leaving me with nothing. As I stood up, I felt something was different, but I didn't care at the time.

I need to kill this bastard.

Almighty looked… surprised I didn't die from that lame ass kick. It was like he was underestimating me. Seems he really did forget what happened to all of his troops… Including that little bastard he calls a son.

Clicking his tongue, he swung his arm and a beam of light rumored to be faster than anything in existence shot out towards me. But even then… I felt like I was witnessing a feather falling from the sky…

And the next moment… I was gone.



"I knew it. I should've embraced what I was from the beginning…" I muttered, my breathing ragged and shallow.

"W-what are you muttering about…" That wretched voice, I could've died never hearing it again. Turning my head over, I saw the fruit of my labor… My creator, lying in pieces. His head rolling from his limbless body, the light in his eyes dying out each second I waited.

"I'm the Devil, right…? Bout- T-Time I acted like it." My statement went unanswered. The bastard died, and my time is next.



So… First chapter!

This takes heavy inspiration from, "The Long War" A TBATE fanfiction that never got finished… Idk what the author's doing but he should definitely finish that story before I do >:)

Anyway, this story will probably be mostly similar to seven deadly sins, demon wise and wtv else I plan for it.

So I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for reading!