
The Second One

This is going to start at around the time Hashirama and Madara meet.

YinYangDemon11 · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs


So like I'm dead shouldn't I be more surprised. I'm also in a dark void. That reminds me of reincarnation in Fan-Fic's, Novels, and other things. Next a thing is going to appear and say I get to live a new life.

???: "Your right I'm going to reincarnate you. Now pick a anime of your choice to reincarnate you into."

Let me guess I also get some wishes.

???: "Yep ask away."

Okay I want to go to Naruto, when Madara has already met Hashirama. I want all of Kaguya's power's. I want Sasuke's Rinnegan. Knowledge of most of the Ōtsutsuki Jutsus.

???: "Okay you picked some powerful wishes. Now besides Susanoo what do you want your 4 Rinnegan abilities to be."

What do you mean by that.

???: "Well Sasuke's Rinnegan has the powers of the Sharingan and Rinnegan. So 2 abilities for Sharingan and the other 2 for the Rinnegan."

Ok okay I want Tsukuyomi, Kamui, Amenotejikara, and Limbo: Border Jail.

???: "Okay I will send you off soon. I just want to ask you one more question."

I'm okay with that, what's the question.

???: "What are you going to change in this new life."

First I will probably get a boyfriend or girlfriend from the main cast. I would definitely make friends with Madara and Hashirama. Later on I would take care of Naruto. Besides that I will not change most things.

???: "What a good plan you have. Most people will save their favorite characters. They would also change the entire plot."

I'm probably going to forget the plot. Besides that how are they going to know the future if they change the plot.

???: "Okay I'm sending you off now. You will appear right by the meeting place of Madara and Hashirama."

Okay I guess I will see you again.

I mainly write what the title of the chapter is.

YinYangDemon11creators' thoughts