
New Recruits

The world collapsing upon their heads.

That was the best way to describe Yi Seol-Ah and Yi Sungjin's feelings while they sat in their room in the empty guild building.

The true face of the kind uncle they knew from a young age was revealed to be a two-faced swindler. Not only that, but the organization that they thought would last forever was gone overnight.

With no other avenue, the pair even went to Phi Sora when they heard she returned, but the only words the received were to pack their bags and wait.

Not only that, but the building they were waiting in... at the end of the day, they had to leave it as well.

Sungjin, meaninglessly rummaging through his bags, suddenly opened his mouth. "Noona."

"...Hm?" Thinking about something else, Yi Seol-Ah was a bit late to react.

Sungjin sighed, still looking at his bag, and said, "Why is our life always like this?"

"...I don't know." Seol-Ah shook her head.

Sunjin frowned and said, "We must be cursed. Both on Earth and in Paradise." Angrily taking out and stuffing a shirt back into his bag, Sungjin grumbled and said, "How does nothing we do work out...?"

Seol-Ah started to nod, but then paused and tilted her head. "Well, it's not everything. It's not like there weren't good things. Both on Earth and in Paradise."

"Like what?"

"Well... Doing track-and-field?"

Sungjin scoffed. "You got kicked out for refusing to pay your dues."

"Hey! I didn't refuse to pay, I couldn't. Plus, I walked out with my own two legs."

"Same difference." Sungjin frowned and rifled through his bag again.

"Well. I was happy when Mom said she wouldn't give up on us."

"And now she's lying in the hospital from overworking. Because of us."

Seol-Ah scratched her head with a wry smile. "...Then, do you want to go to Mister Seol? If we catch a carriage, it'll only be three or four days."

Sungjin hesitated but then shook his head. "No. He said it last time, didn't he? We have to be strong enough to stand on our own feet. And besides, depending on Hyung after all he's done..."

"Why not? He's doing well, isn't he? And I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

Sungjin forcefully tied his bag shut and said, "I don't think he'll greet us with open arms. Remember grandma? How she chased us out after a single day?"

"How harsh."

Sungjin sighed. "It's not that I don't understand. It's hard to support two kids. Even so..."

Seol-Ah's eyes widened, covering her mouth while staring at the doorway.

But Sungjin didn't notice and said, "Ah... I don't know anymore."

"Why? Don't you have somewhere else to go to?"

Sungjin frowned. "You know that I don't. We don't."

"Even with your Hyung?"

"Hyung's busy. And how thick-faced would we have to be? He gave us all these precious things and in the end we can't even stand on our own two feet... We're level three, but all we've done is just wallow around. Besides, even if we wanted to... we're still bound by our contracts."

Seol-Ah bit her lips, barely containing her laughter.

But again, Sungjin didn't notice, absently staring at his bag.

"Don't worry. I took care of the contracts. It was the least I could do with you two working so hard, right?"

"Yeah right. As if that bitch would- Wait, what?" Sungjin blinked and finally looked up. When he did, he saw a man standing in the doorway.

He was a bit different. Unlike before, he wasn't muscular like a body builder, but that didn't mean he looked weak. Before, if he looked strong because he was well-built, now the man looked strong because his muscles were taut, like steel cables, shredded without an ounce of waste.

Despite that, Sungjin recognized him in an instant. "H-Hyung?!"

Jihu laughed and said, "You must have suffered quite a lot to call Sora a bitch. I wonder if I should bring it up with her..." A teasing and confident smile. More relaxed than before, but still the same encouraging smile.


"Mister Seol!"

An unspoken cue. Like that, both brother and sister stood up and charged over.

"W-Wait a minute. Hold on!"

And then the man was bowled over, knocked down by the Yi siblings.


After the two crybabies finally calmed down, I helped the siblings pack and took them to a restaurant.

Compared to Eat, Drink, and Enjoy, the place we went to was infinitely cleaner and well organized, but I didn't have the time to marvel at its appearance.

Almost as soon as we sat down, the pair started badgering me with questions like, 'How did I get here?' and 'How did you get the contracts?'

Of course, I managed to postpone it by telling them we could talk after we ate. But as soon as we ordered our food and the server brought it out, the pair finished in the blink of an eye.

For a split second, I wondered if they were being starved. But then I remembered Phi Sora's nature and realized that couldn't be the case. It seemed like they were just that eager to talk with me.

And the moment I finished my own food, it was like the floodgates were opened.

Rambling about what they did after the Neutral Zone, whether I knew what happened to the others... and then my accomplishments.

Hearing everything I did from someone else's point of view was definitely a humbling experience. I didn't think what I did was that impressive, but hearing how the two talked over each other to tell the story, it wasn't hard to imagine them talking about a mythological hero or a god.

So I tried to convince them out of it. That it was either circumstance or played up by third parties.


"There's no need to be modest, Hyung!" Sungjin grinned and said, "We both know how incredible you are!"

"That's right, Mister Seol!" Seol-Ah clasped her hands together and said, "You don't need to downplay your achievements for us!"

I sighed. "It seems like you two haven't changed huh? No, I guess this is partially my fault too."

I made the impression of an invincible miracle worker on them back in the Tutorial and the Neutral Zone, so I shouldn't have been surprised when they bought the newspaper exaggerations.

...Though even those fell short, so maybe I should have been praising them for realizing that?

Either way though, it was a bad mindset for them to have.

"Hyung?" Sungjin looked up, confused.

"Look." I shook my head and said, "No matter how it seems, I'm still just a guy, you know? I make mistakes. I struggle. I worry. While all of that ended well, you can't keep thinking that things will be that way forever." I gave the two a serious look and said, "I told you, didn't I? That there will come a time when I'll be counting on you to at least protect yourself. The reason for that is because I know that I'm going to mess up. Good luck doesn't last forever."

And with how things were playing out recently, that luck was quickly evaporating.

"But Hyung-!"

"No buts. That's the truth." I stared at Sungjin and said, "And most importantly... I don't want you two to get hurt when that time comes."

Sungjin's eyes widened.

Seol-Ah covered her mouth.

I shook my head and then pulled out two pieces of paper. Their contracts. Placing them on the table, I slid them over and said, "These are your contracts. And now..." I sent out a current of electricity and burned them. "You're free." I dissolved the ashes and then leaned back.

"Mister Seol..." Seol-Ah muttered.

I ignored her and said, "There are two paths open to you now. One, return to Earth. Two, continue living in Paradise. If it's the latter, you'll have to make another decision. Whether to rely on each other, enter another organization... or follow me."

Sungjin spoke up. "Isn't that obvious?! We'll-"

"*Think* before you speak."

Sungjin flinched.

I continued. "Depending on your goals and what you think of this world, your lives here will change drastically. If you just rely on each other and do missions every now and then to slowly build up resources, it'll be safe. Like a part-time job. But if you follow me... No, even if you join an organization, it won't be that easy. 'Freedom' will fly out the window. Sure, you'll get money and resources with ease, but in exchange you'll fight with your lives on the line. And at times, you'll wish you were dead... No. You may end up with a fate worse than death."

I had already seen countless instances of that. Dylan, the breeding facilities, those man-eating monsters and their hideout... If the two siblings weren't careful, they would end up like that.

And I didn't want them to.

So I tried persuading them. After all, they were young. Seol-Ah was the same age as Jinhee and Sungjin was younger. The thought of them being hurt or worse...

I clenched my fist.

The pair were silent, seriously taking in the gravity of the situation.

Eventually, Sungjin spoke up. "You mean that we'll be in danger if we follow you. Right, Hyung?"

I let out a breath, unclenching my fist, and then nodded. "That's right. There will definitely come a time when you have to do something that you don't want to. And there will be times when all you can do is stay put, enduring injustices playing out before you." I sighed. "Honestly? I... don't think you two are cut out for this. Where I'm going is a path filled with danger, bloodshed, and mortal peril. You two... you should be enjoying your lives, not throwing it in harm's way."


This wasn't an easy topic to consider or respond to.

I didn't rush them.

Eventually, Seol-Ah spoke up. "You know... Our mother is sick."

"Mother?" I blinked and said, "She's sick?"

"Mm." Seol-Ah nodded and said, "She's not our biological mother, but our step-mother."

Sensing a complicated story, I gestured for her to continue and sipped my cup of tea.

Seol-Ah bit a piece of her cake and then said, "Our biological parents divorced when we were young. Sungjin and I followed our mother, who remarried not long afterwards. We formed our family with our step-father, but our biological mother couldn't stand his physical abuse and left us behind. Our step-father then remarried, and we got a step-mother. But this time, our step-father ran away."

I blinked and then sighed. "You two have done well."

Seol-Ah shook her head. "It wasn't that terrible. It was rough at times... but our step-mother is a kind person." She smiled and said, "When she found out about our situation, she burst in to tears and promised to take care of us, but..." Seol-Ah set down her fork and lowered her hands to her knees, clenching them. "...She got sick from overworking herself."

"...Is it urgent?"

"No. She has time. But we don't have any money, and from what we heard, it's not an illness that has a cure..."

Sungjin spoke up. "That's why we're here, Hyung. We came to Paradise to make money for the hospital bills and find a cure for her illness. That's the goal Sungjin and I are trying to achieve."

I frowned. "...That's it?"

"P-Pardon?" Seol-Ah blinked.

I sighed and said, "If it was like that, you should have told me sooner." I reached into my pocket and drew out a business card before sliding it over.

"M-Mister Seol? What's this?"

"My business card, along with my contact information on Earth. Take it, go back to Earth, and call the number there. Tell the person there that I've found a pair of new employees and then to call me. When that happens, I'll go and heal your mom."

"H-Hyung?!" Sungjin's eyes widened. "Th-That's... but you can't!"

"Why not?" I tilted my head and said, "If it's just a cure-all, I've got plenty of those. And it's not a genetic defect causing your mother's disease, right?"

Seol-Ah shook her head. "I... I don't believe so."

"Then it's fine. Contribution points won't be an issue and we can resolve your mother's situation. When that's done, you two won't need to be in Paradise anymore, right?"

"That's... true. But..." Seol-Ah looked up at me. "Why are you doing this? Won't... Won't it cost a lot? We haven't even done anything to start to repay what you did for us at the Neutral Zone!"

"And you can repay me on Earth just as easily. I've been looking for a sales rep and product manager. You two just happen to fit right in."

That was a lie, but I was sure Hannah could find a place for them.

Sungjin shook his head and pushed the card back. "I... don't understand, Hyung." He looked up at me and said, "You're spending so much on us... and you're okay with it being lost, just like that?"

"Lost?" I shook my head. "Don't be mistaken. This is an investment. If I do this much then you're going to work that much harder in your jobs on Earth, right?"

"That's true... But Hyung." Sungjin stared at me and said, "Why on Earth? Why not here?"

"Because I don't want you to."

"Why not?" Sungjin huffed and said, "We're level threes! And it won't be long before we become level four! We aren't useless-"

"I never said you were." I fixed him with a level gaze. "But. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. And I don't want to see you two throw your lives away just for a miracle. The death penalty here... isn't a joke, you know?"

Sungjin stilled.

But Seol-Ah frowned. "Then... what about you, Mister Seol? You keep throwing yourself in even worse situations than us!"

"That's because there are people counting on me here and my situation on Earth is squared away. In short, I'm not 'desperate.'"

Sungjin and Seol-Ah froze.

I pushed the card back to them and stood up. "I'll leave this with you... Ah, and this too." I placed a communication crystal on the table. "I won't pressure you, but I would advise that you take my offer and return to Earth. There's a whole life ahead of you... you shouldn't ruin it."

Saying that, I called the waiter over and paid the bill before walking off.

...It would be a bit troublesome explaining my decision to Maldong, but I could do it. The guy had a soft heart... I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

Closing the door behind me, I started walking towards the front gates of Scheherazade to find a carriage. But before I took a few steps out of the restaurant, I heard the door slam back open and footsteps running towards me.

I paused and let out a sigh. "...You two sure are stubborn." Saying that, I turned around.

Sungjin and Seol-Ah were standing there, eyes filled with determination.

I shook my head and said, "Wasn't your goal to save your mom? Why are you following me if there's an easy way out?"

The siblings looked at each other and then back at me.

Sungjin spoke up. "We changed our minds."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

Seol-Ah smiled. "Well... There's this kind Oppa who seems a bit too self-sacrificing for his own good. Because of that, we want to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

Sungjin nodded. "Right. And if we're there, he can't just run off on his own since we're counting on him."

I blinked and then crossed my arms. "What makes you think that I even care what you two do?"

"If you didn't, you wouldn't have tried to persuade us, Hyung. And if you really don't care... Well, I heard that the old man from your team wanted us to join anyway, right? We can just apply formally."

"...You cheeky bastard. You really picked up some lip from being with Miss Sora, huh?"

He grinned.

Seol-Ah lowered her head. "Please, Oppa. We want to help you. Please."

"...It's going to be hard. I won't take back what I said about healing your mother, but... in that case, you'll be fighting for no reason. Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Hyung. Do you really think of yourself that little?"


Sungjin shook his head. "We won't be fighting for 'no reason.' We'll be fighting for you. After all we've been through... I'd like to think that we're like family. Right?"

"Hah..." I sighed and then spun around. "Whatever. But I'm warning you now that you're going to be cursing me in about a month's time."

Seol-Ah skipped to walk at my right side. "It's fine! That's what younger siblings usually do anyway, isn't it?"

Sungjin jogged to my left and said, "And even so, well, we decided it, so it can't be helped if we do."

"Idiots. Both of you. Though... I guess I'm the bigger idiot for being such a pushover."

The siblings beamed and I shook my head.

...Wait. Oppa?

I groaned and rubbed my face.

"Hyung?" Sungjin looked at me, worry in his eyes.

I lowered my hands and sighed. "It's nothing, Sungjin. Just remembering something embarrassing."

Note to self. Ask Gula why the hell girls kept calling me Oppa... And find a way to get rid of that damned alias in case that's what's causing it.


There was a bit of a commotion at the castle gate when we were looking for a carriage, but we eventually found one with three people. And then when we arrived...

"Oh. That explains it."

Phi Sora crossed her arms and huffed. The fiery red-head was seated across from a clearly uncomfortable man and woman.

I sat down to Sora's right and ushered the siblings to sit next to me.

But when they walked in-


Seol-Ah screamed. And...

"Holy shit!"

...Sungjin cursed.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Quit making a commotion you two. Sit down."

"B-But Hyung-"

"If you want to talk about butts so much, settle yours down beside me and we can chat then."

It seemed he realized I wasn't taking any nonsense as Sungjin meekly nodded and sat down beside me. Seol-Ah quietly stepped in and did the same.

The siblings were quiet, sitting as quiet as if they were mice crouching before a snake. Though, the same was true for the other passengers.

It seemed like the carriage driver didn't want to waste any more time as the carriage immediately started moving.

As it did, Sora looked at me and said, "It sure is a coincidence meeting here... I thought you would have left already with the kids using that magic spell you did last time."

I nodded. "I considered it, but I thought it might be a bit too jarring. They're not as hardened as you are, you know?"

"Oh?" Sora crossed her arms. "Calling me a cold-hearted bitch?"

"You said it, not me. And better that than a weak-hearted pussy, right?"

Sora blinked, clearly not expecting that response.

The Yi siblings did as well, and then broke out into hushed whispers.

Sora cracked a smile and then shook her head. "You really are a piece of work, aren't you?"

"Yep. A masterpiece at that."

Sora rolled her eyes.

"Anyway." I looked at her and said, "You're heading to Haramark too?"

"Mmhm. I told you, didn't I? There's someone I know in Haramark."

"...You definitely didn't say that."

Sora's eyes widened and she coughed. "W-Well there is."

I shrugged and said, "Alright then." With that said and done, I closed my eyes to think.

Beside me, I heard Sora bristle and the siblings mutter something about how incredible I was, but I ignored them all and pondered on what was to come next.

Specifically, the upcoming turning point.

I didn't remember much from the original timeline now. My memories had mixed in with Seol's and the new events that I had been living. Not only that, but I didn't have his Future Vision skill and the other Seol to help me out.

But I did remember one thing. A big event that was coming soon.

The first skirmish with the Parasite Queen and her commanders.

I had a decision to make. To keep things the same or make a blow that would change the course of destiny. I wasn't sure how much it would change in the short term, but if I went along with it, then the ending... I lacked a lot of the key factors that helped Seol win. Not only that, but I had made ripples that would spread out to affect things I couldn't envision.

And I was already starting to see the consequences play out.

I could go along for a while, but if something unexpected happened, it'd be over.


I frowned, mulling over the future.

What should I do?



Once there, the siblings looked around, marveling at the new city.

It was cute, considering the buildings they were marveling at were only a few steps above being a slum... but I didn't want to ruin their mood so I let them be.


'She's following us, huh?'

Sora had been silent the entire carriage ride here, but when we got off, she quietly walked after us. Not directly, since that would be too obvious, but she walked close enough that it couldn't be coincidence.

"Um... Hyung?" Sungjin stealthily glanced back and then quietly said, "Why is she following us?"

It seemed like the two had noticed as well, considering that they fell silent.

Since it was like that, I decided to acknowledge Sora. Turning around, I said, "You need directions?"

She tensed at being suddenly called out but then nodded. "Um, where is the plaza? It's been a while, so I can't remember..."

I pointed over to the main street and said, "It's over there. Just keep following it and you'll hit the plaza eventually."

She nodded and I turned back around.

But a few minutes of walking later, Sora was still following us.

I stopped again and said, "Did you need more directions?"

Sora gave a slight nod and said, "Dear, do you know a good restaurant? Now that I think about it, I haven't had any breakfast."

A poor excuse, but I nodded and said, "Keep walking and turn right and the crossroad. You'll find Eat, Drink, and Enjoy there. It's fairly decent."

"Ah. Thanks." Sora nodded again and this time walked past us onto the main street.

I waited a bit to see if she would head back over to us, but seeing her round the corner, I shrugged and led the siblings back with me to our office.

When I did...

"Heh. Yuhui's working them hard, huh?"

"Hm?" Seol-Ah looked around. "Who is?"

"Nothing." I shook my head and looked away from the collapsed and sweating priests sitting in front of Yuhui's building. "Come on, let's go in."

The siblings nodded, but they looked nervous. Seol-Ah in particular was taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself.

I opened the door to our headquarters and walked in.

Since I checked in with Maldong the moment we got to Haramark, he was already waiting for us.

"Welcome back." Maldong nodded and then shifted his attention to the Yi siblings.

I waved. "Hey." I looked around and noticed the room was empty. "Where's everyone else?"

"Busy." He looked back at me and said, "You managed to come back just as everyone else had other business to tend to."

I frowned. "Even Flone?"

"Mmhm. That Miss Flone said she wanted to take another look at the Royal Library and Ian went with her."

"Huh..." I stepped inside the building, followed closely behind by the siblings. When they entered, I shut the door.

Maldong looked at them and said, "So these are the kids you praised?"

"Mmhm. That's-"

Before I could even introduce them, the two stepped forward and bowed.

"Hello, Master Maldong! I'm Yi Seol-Ah, Archer! Age 18!"

"Yi Sungjin, Warrior! I'm 16!"

I blinked, surprised at the school-like introduction. I looked at Maldong, intending to apologize for them, but stopped when I saw his expression.

Those old eyes were shining with anticipation and ambition. I wasn't sure, but I could only imagine that it was the same expression I had when thinking of a new idea to implement.

"Not bad. Not bad at all," Maldong said.

The siblings straightened, expressions bright.

Maldong nodded. "Alright. First-"

Just then, rapid footsteps running up the stairs. Not long after, the door slammed open. "Grandpa~!"

"H-Hm?!" Maldong blinked in surprised and looked at the door.

I did as well... and then sighed when I saw who it was.

A beautiful woman with flowing crimson hair barged into the office and ran into Maldong's arms. "I'm here, Grandpa."

"Y-You?!" Maldong spun around to glare at me.

I shrugged.

Seeing that, he carefully pried Sora away and said, "Why are you here?"

"Don't say that!" She instantly grabbed back onto Maldong's waist and said, "Who else would I rely on?"

"L-Let go!"

"What do I do? Because of that Bok bastard, I'm now a miserable, pathetic loner."

I sighed again and said, "If you were going to come here, you could have mentioned it earlier, Sora."

Sora blinked. "Sora?"

I nodded. "That's your name, right?"

Phi Sora let go of Maldong and then walked over to me.

Maldong gave me a look that seemed like a man staring at a buddha.

I ignored it and focused on Sora.

"I thought you were already... But after seeing this, you really are a lady's man, aren't you, Dear?"

I rolled my eyes. "Says the one who keeps calling me Dear... What, do you want me to call you something like Babe or Honey instead?"

Maldong smirked and muttered, "I knew I made that guy the leader for a reason."

I thought I heard the old man say something troublesome, but I ignored it for now.

Sora smiled and shook her head. "You're really something else... Most men would be sniveling to get my attention you know?"

"I'm not most men. And besides, aren't you evaluating yourself a bit too highly? You're sweet, but not that sweet."

"Hoh?" Sora placed her hands on her hips. "Really now?"

"U-Um. Hyung?" Sungjin quietly spoke up and said, "Should we go unpack our things?"

"Ah, right." I nodded and waved towards the left side of the connected buildings. "There should be some open rooms on that side. Pick a pair that you're comfortable with and relax. We'll talk more when everyone gets back."

Like that, the pair made a quick exit.

Maldong coughed and then said, "I'll go prepare some tea." With that, he ran away as well.

Sora saw that and laughed. "Am I really that scary?"

"Mm, I'd just say people don't get you."

"And you're saying you do?"

I nodded. "I'd like to think so. We're pretty similar, after all... Though I did get caught off guard with how coy you are. What are you, a tsundere?"


"Yeah. I offered, didn't I? If you needed a place, there are some extra rooms here. I'll just count it as paying a favor for Coach."

Sora's expression shifted a bit and she looked to the side. "...I didn't want to be a burden..."

"Geez..." I shook my head and said, "What's with my luck running into these dishonest women..."

"What was that?"

"Just lamenting my own circumstances. Now, sit down for a bit." I gestured towards the sofa and then took a seat for myself.

Sora looked a bit displeased, but nodded and did as I asked.

"Out of consideration for your circumstances, I can spare you a room here while you get back on your feet, like I said. But that's under a few terms."

Phi Sora nodded. "That's fair. What are they?"

"One, try not to bother the siblings. They've got a bit of a trauma towards you and with moving into a new team, it can mess up dynamics if they get off on the wrong foot."

"I got it. I'll make sure to avoid the brats."

"Two, this is short term. At most, I can only give you a room for a month, Paradise time."

"Only a month? Can't I stay forever? I won't bother anyone." Sora tried to play up her looks with doe eyes but I shook my head.

"You should know by now that Carpe Diem's members are a band of misfits. I've got enough respect and trust from everyone to let something like this slide for a while, but letting a High Ranker like you, especially one that pioneered her own realm, leech forever... it's a bit much, you know?"

Sora looked dissatisfied, but agreed with the reasoning. "Fine."

"Third condition, and the last..." I looked up at her and said, "Head back to Earth as soon as you can. The others are waiting for you, aren't they? This is an important time to lay down the foundation to give them a reason to keep going. You know it as well as their Unni, right? An anchor only works when it's there to use. If you're here, they're just lost at sea, adrift."

Sora's eyes widened and then they softened. "I understand. And... thank you."

"Of course. Now, are the terms acceptable?"

"I'd be an idiot not to accept them, so yeah."

I held out my hand.

Sora stared at me for a bit and then shook it, averting her gaze.

"Now." I ended the handshake and said, "As for your room-"

"Gramps! We're back!" The door slammed open and a familiar brusque female voice called out. "Is our fearless leader back yet- Hm?" Chohong walked into the office and then looked at Sora. "...Who the fuck is she?"

Sora narrowed her eyes and stood up. "The fuck you say to me?"

Hugo walked into the office as well, carrying a bag of groceries, and said, "Who's that? Bro's new girl?"

I sighed. This was going to be a recurring thing, with me and women, huh?

Chohong ignored him and crossed her arms. Looking up and down and Sora's outfit... mostly how it was tattered and emphasized the woman's assets, Chohong said, "Big talk for a woman who looks like a cheap whore. What, did you run after Jihu like a little puppy waving her tail when he reached out his hand? Oh wait, I meant a little bitch waggling her ass."


"Chohong." I stepped between her and Sora and shook my head. "Stop."

Chohong narrowed her eyes. "You've got to be more firm, Oppa. You can't just pick up every woman that crosses your path." She stared at Sora and said, "Who knows what kind of trash you might pick up along the way."

Sora grit her teeth, but perhaps realizing the situation, she endured and didn't say anything else.

I shook my head and said, "She's a guest. And she's staying as a favor to Coach, not because of me."

Chohong flinched and then lowered her head. "Oh. You should have said so."

I sighed. "My bad."

Chohong shook her head and then walked over beside me, looking around. "Did you just get back? Where are the newbies and the old man?"

I glanced back at Sora. Considering her personality, I thought she would be pissed. But surprisingly, she was mellow. If anything, it looked like she came to a realization and calmed down.

Hugo shook his head. "Who cares about them. I'm hungry... You going to make some food soon, Bro?"

"Hugo, you dumbass! Read the room!"

"What? I've been reading all day already because of the old man and Ira and you want me to read the room too?"

"...And you call me a birdbrain." Chohong let out an exasperated sigh.

I shook my head. Just as I was about to turn around to tell Sora where she could stay, the door opened again.

"Jihu! I'm back!"

"Again with that, Miss Flone? Are you going to do it every day until- Oh? He's actually here today."

Flone and Ian walked in.

The Alchemist waved and said, "Been a while since I've seen your face, friend."

I nodded my head back in greeting. But then...

"Oh." Flone stared at Sora with a blank look and then turned back to me. "Did you decide to adopt that red hus- woman after all?"

Sora narrowed her eyes.

I sighed.


Since everyone was back, introductions were in order. Back in the main lobby of Carpe Diem's office, the Yi siblings bowed and introduced themselves.

"Yi Sungjin! I'm looking forward to working with you all!"

"I'm Yi Seol-Ah! Please, take care of me!"

The brother and sister bowed and then stood up again, bright smiles on their faces.

"Oooh!" Hugo grinned and walked over to Seol-Ah, pointedly ignoring Sungjin. "You said you're an Archer?"

"That's right! I'm a Level three Tracer!"

"That's great! We'll have a new Pathfinder in no time!" He grinned and patted Seol-Ah's shoulder. "I'm Richard Hugo, a level 4 Barbarian Warrior. You can call me Hugo- No, how about Hugo Oppa~?"

"Y-Yes. Hugo... Nim."

Hugo froze and then turned to look at me, betrayal in his eyes.

"...What?" I blinked.

Hugo sighed and turned back to Seol-Ah. "Anyway, let's get along. If anything's troubling you, let me know." He finished with a downtrodden response and then walked off.

Chohong scoffed at Hugo's sunken form and then turned her attention to the siblings. "Level 5 Templar, Chung Chohong."

Her short introduction made the siblings visibly nervous.

Even so, Chohong ignored it and said, "Since Leader and the old man both approved, I don't have much to say. But..." She spat out the cigarette butt she was chewing and said, "Don't hold me back. As long as you keep this one condition, we'll get along well. That's all."

"Wow. I didn't know you liked acting tough in front of newbies, Chocho." Flone's calm voice echoed.

Chohong flinched and then glared at Flone, but didn't say anything else. Maybe she really did want to keep up that image as she quickly stepped back.

Flone giggled and then waved at the siblings. "Hi~! I'm Flone, but you can call me big sister or Unni! I'm a bit new to this level thing, but Jihu and my status window both say that I'm a Level 6 Saintess."

Sungjin flushed and averted his gaze when Flone looked at him.

Seol-Ah rolled her eyes at her brother's reaction.

Ian chuckled. "Then I suppose it's my turn." He stepped forward and said, "Ian Denzel, Level five Grand Alchemist... Or so my status says. To be honest, I'm still a far cry from a true High Ranker though. Unlike our leader over here who pioneered his own realm."

I shrugged. "It's nothing much. I'm sure you'll figure something out soon, Ian."

"Here's hoping, my dear friend."

Seeing that everyone else went, Maldong stepped up. "You already met me, but I'm Jang Maldong. You kids can call me Gramps or Grandpa though. I don't mind. Just don't be like these two idiots." He pointed at Hugo and Chohong with his cane. "...And call me old man or make offerings to off me."

Chohong huffed and said, "It was one time!"

Hugo blinked. "Wasn't it two?"

"Hugo, you idiot! Shut your damned mouth!"

"Idiot? You're the one who forgot how many times we did it!"

I shook my head at their antics and then stared at the siblings. "Since we're doing this, I'll officially introduce myself."

Was it because of my words or the atmosphere? The room became quiet, as if waiting on my words.

Seeing that, I nodded and said, "Seol Jihu. Level 5 Karmic Blade... and your leader for the foreseeable future." I smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to your growth and your future efforts."

The siblings practically lit up at that and both shouted, "Yes!"

But immediately after...

"Huh?" Chohong looked at me and said, "Since when were you a High Ranker? And a Karmic Blade...? Isn't that another named class?"

"Whoa! Bro! You leveled up!? And three times at once!?" Hugo stood up, shocked. "Damn, man. No wonder you get all the bi-"

"Ahem." Maldong cleared his throat and tapped his cane.

Hugo flinched and then looked to the side, sheepishly whistling.

While there was a warm atmosphere with the siblings interacting with the other members, I found myself staring at the final person in the room.

Phi Sora stood off to the side, looking on with a somewhat bitter smile while biting her lower lip.

It seemed a bit lonely and I wanted to pull her in... but this wasn't the time for it. Instead, I forcibly turned my attention to the others.