
Natural Goodwill

After spending the evening reconnecting with everyone and making promises to call at least once a week, I headed back home. The moment I did, I got a phone call. Kim Hannah.

I shut my door and then answered it. "Your timing is impeccable. Do you have a camera in my apartment or something?"

"Isn't that obvious? Someone has to make sure your apartment is safe while you're gone."

I tossed off my suit and changed into casual clothes. "True... But I'm not really an exhibitionist, so I hope you don't have any in the bathroom."

"Pft. Like I would do that."

So she said, but I could detect a trace of embarrassment there.

Did she really consider that...?

I shrugged and walked over to the kitchen. "So what's up? Just calling in to check in?"

"Yeah. And to give you a heads up. You might be approached by some people soon, so don't go crazy and take them out or anything, alright?"

I opened my fridge and pulled out a cola before saying, "That makes me more worried than not if you say it like that..."

"You'll be fine. Ah, and I also wanted to mention something else."


"That friend of yours... Yoo Seonhwa. Is she your girlfriend or something?"

"Why are you asking? Jealous?"

"As if. I was just curious since she's been digging around a lot."

"Oh?" I cracked open the soda and took a sip. "Mm, that's about what I expected."

"What, that your girlfriend is clingy?"

"That, and... Well." I paused, considering how to explain it. "I guess she feels a bit guilty too."

"How so?"

I paused and said, "There was a time when she went overseas for school. I put my plans on hold and helped pay for her expenses... And I think that's around when I started gambling a bit more too. She probably wants to make sure that I haven't gotten wrapped up into something dangerous to protect Jinhee considering what I did for her."

Kim Hannah was silent and said, "She studied overseas? And then she's probing... Hm. Hey, Jihu. Don't you think that-"

"No. She's not part of that world."

At the moment, at least.

"And if she is... Well, I'd prefer to have her tell me in person. Even if you do find something out, keep it to yourself, alright?"

"...If you say so. Anyway, that's all I had to say."

"Alright. Have a good night, Hannah. And sleep well. Don't curl up with a beer in your office clothes, alright?"

"I... definitely won't do that. Definitely."

That's what she said, but I heard the metallic clatter of a beer can nearby.

Smiling, I ended the call after a last farewell.


The next morning. Saturday.

I got out of bed and changed into some workout clothes. A loose white shirt and sweat pants. After grabbing my keys and cellphone, I walked out of my house, heading to my car. As I did, I got a phone call. Jinhee.

Frowning, I answered and said, "You're calling early. Miss me already?"

"N-No! I just wanted to make sure Oppa kept his word!"

My heart warmed at the way she tried to hide her worry and I said, "I'm fine. I won't disappear on you, alright?"

"H-Hmph. Who was worried about an idiot like you anyway?"

I smiled and got into my car. After putting my phone on Bluetooth, I started my car and headed out.

"Hm? Oppa, are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah. You were right about me losing muscle mass, so I wanted to get in some workouts while I had the chance. I'm probably going to be wrapped up in a lot of work soon, so I can't waste the time I have now."

A sigh echoed from the speakers. "You're such a workaholic, Oppa. If it's like that, you're never going to find a wife, you know?"

I started to nod, acknowledging that fact. But then I paused, realizing something off with her words. "Hm? Weren't you trying to set me up with Seonhwa before?"

"Tch. Unni... You can find someone better than her."

I kept my eyes on the road, following the path to the gym, but frowned when I heard her. "Did something happen with you two?"

This was the second instance I noticed of the two having strained relationships.

"Yeah! That woman wasn't even worried about you!"


Jinhee started ranting and said, "I kept trying to contact you and even wanted to show up to check on you. But Seonhwa kept saying that you were grown up now and that I should respect your privacy. She even got mom and dad to stop me from coming over! Not only that, but did you know? Every day, guys keep visiting her at her coffee shop and flirting with her, giving her their number. But she never said that she had a boyfriend, only that she couldn't accept it! How can someone like that be worthy of my hardworking Oppa?"

A wry smile crossed my lips and I said, "Seonhwa has her reasons, Jinhee. And if she really finds someone better, then let her."

"She's an idiot! Did she forget about how Oppa worked so hard to support her studying abroad? And then there's how much Oppa cried too when she-!"


My sister was silent and then she said, "Sorry, Oppa."

"It's fine."

For a while, there was only the sound of my car engine and the usual sounds of driving.

"Oh right!" Jinhee broke the silence and said, "Who's that Kim Hannah to you, Oppa? The last time I tried calling, she was the one who picked up. Is she your secretary or something?"

I smiled at the thought of Hannah being a mere secretary. "No. And she'd be pretty mad if you called her that. She's just..." I paused to think about it and said, "A good friend."

"A good friend who you let walk into your apartment and answer your phone calls? Hm... That sounds a lot like what a girlfriend does..."

I laughed and said, "We're not like that. We're close, mostly because our success is tied together, but we aren't lovers or anything. Not to mention she'd probably try to beat you up if you mentioned that to her face."

"Wow. I didn't know Oppa was into women like that." She paused and said, "Does that mean that Hannah Unni-"

"Ah. Sorry to cut you off, but I'm here already." I parked at the gym's parking lot and undocked my phone.

"Oppa! You're dodging the-"

I shut off my phone and said, "Guess younger siblings are nosy whatever the world, huh?" I shook my head and then headed inside the gym.


There was a simple objective for the day: Correct the imbalance between my physical body and internal energy.

Well, it was simple, but that didn't mean it was easy.

I had accumulated all sorts of destructive energy in my time at Paradise, so I had to either harmonize it all with my body or take in calming energy to correct it. Well, that or build up my body enough to tolerate such an amount.

Either way, it was a long process that couldn't be settled in a day, but I could at least start building up the process. And the simplest way to do that was to forcibly retract my energy and rely on my body's physical strength to get it used to operating on its own so that it could work in tandem with the energy I used.

Of course, that was easier said than done as well.

I docked the bench-press bar back on its hooks and then sat up, moving over to the plates. As I did, I caught a look of myself in the mirror.

Rippling muscles, lean and without a shred of fat. Before, they were bulked up and impressive, but now they were taut and wiry, like steel tendons instead of boulders.

But most importantly...

"Dammit. Do I need to wear weights too?"

...There wasn't a drop of sweat on them.

I glanced back at the barbell and frowned. I had maxed out the bench-press, putting six of the heaviest plates on either side. Altogether, I had to be pushing at least a quarter of a ton. But it just felt light. A mild exertion, like doing ten pushups.

"...Maybe more reps?"

While I stood there contemplating the bench press... And ignoring the stares from the other people in the gym, I frowned.

Just before I sat back down to put in more reps, a voice called out to me. A female one.

"Eh? Jihu Oppa, is that you?"

A young woman waved and walked over.

I blinked and looked up at her, trying to recall who she was. And then I remembered. "Yuri, right?"

"Yeah!" She smiled and walked over, sipping a water bottle. "I thought you died in a ditch or something. It's been a while!"

"...Most people usually ask if someone's in good health after seeing them, you know?"

"Yeah, but asking someone as fit as you if you're in good health? Isn't it more likely that you dropped dead?"

I shook my head.

"Anyway." The cute university student sat down on the bench next to me and said, "How've you been?" She glanced at my body and said, "You aren't as jacked as before, so did you get a desk job or something?"

"Yeah, actually."

"Whoa, really?" Her eyes widened and she said, "You became a functioning member of society?"

"Ha, ha. I should be asking you that. Are you still taking classes?"

Yuri shrugged and said, "I'm a dance major. Not much I have to study or worry about."

I frowned and said, "Dance major... What, are you trying to get into the idol business?"

"As if." She shook her head and said, "My parents just wanted me to get some degree, so I'm going through the motions. Besides, my family's pretty well off, so it's not like it really matters what I choose."

"Huh. And of all things you still picked dance?"

She shrugged again and sipped on her water bottle. "Gives me a reason to work out and not be a couch potato all day, you know? But anyway, you said you got a job, Oppa? What are you doing? Ah, and what's your phone number? I never got it last time..."

After chatting with Yuri for a while and being forced to hand over my number, I headed back home.

But as I pulled into my apartment parking lot, I noticed that there was an unfamiliar car there. A black sedan with opaque dark windows... And a man standing there with sunglasses, surveying the area.

I parked my car and frowned, staring at him.

[Sinyoung Employee]

Working for Second Young Miss.

Looking for Seol Jihu.

I didn't get much information, but that was because I only wanted the basics.

Seeing that he wasn't someone sent by the First Lady that Kim Hannah made a fuss about, and remembering what she mentioned earlier, I got out of my car.

Almost immediately after, the man noticed me and walked over. "Pardon me." He gave my look a careful examination and then said, "Might you be Mister Seol Jihu?"

I nodded. "That's right... But who are you?"

The man pulled out a business card and bowed, handing it to me. "This is who I am."

I took it. And as expected, the word 'Sinyoung' was clearly printed on the card.

He raised his head and said, "I know this may be sudden, but can you come with us?" He pointed to the sedan.

I paused and said, "Is this about the fake employment?"

He nodded. "It is, but also... Well, it will be apparent when you come with us. Please, it won't be too long."

"Hm..." I stared at the man.

He stared back.

I didn't sense any malevolence, and he apparently worked for Yun Seora, so...

"Alright." I nodded and said, "I don't have too much to do... Ah." I paused and said, "I just got back from the gym though... is that fine?"

The man shook his head. "I'm sure it will be alright. We aren't going anywhere too formal... And even if we do, no one would dare speak against you as an honorable guest."

"Honorable guest, huh?" I shrugged. "Well, if you're going to do that much, I might as well oblige." I grabbed a hoodie from my car and tossed it on.

"Thank you. Then, this way please." The man led me to the car. After personally opening the door and ushering me in, he headed to the driver's seat and turned the engine on. After that, he glanced at me and said, "Pardon me for being rude. And thank you for being so understanding."

I shook my head. "It's fine. And it's not like you're trying to forcibly abduct me. Ah, for the record, that wouldn't end well."

The man smiled. "Of course, Mister Seol Jihu. And we would not dare." The man stepped on the accelerator, pulling the car out of the lot. "In truth, Director Kim Hannah warned us not to approach you, Mister Seol Jihu. She mentioned that this was a critical period in your business engagements and preparations. Because of that, our miss waited patiently. However, she's been having trouble sleeping, getting weaker and weaker by the day..."

I frowned. "Trouble sleeping?" That was odd. It didn't seem like Yun Seora to be like that.

Could it be that this was regarding Yun Seohui after all? But then...

"Yes. It's to the extent where we're all uncertain of what to do. The fact that you decided to come along is definitely a great help."

"I see."

I didn't, but I was curious as well.

The rest of the trip was in silence, the man having said his piece and me lost in thought.

And then we arrived at a high-class Chinese restaurant.

I blinked, seeing that, and then glanced at the man.

He parked the car and then opened the door for me again before leading me inside.

I stuck out like a sore thumb because of my attire. But whether because of my appearance or because of the man's presence, the few glances that came my way quickly were averted.

We climbed up the stairs to the top floor before stopping in front of a traditional sliding door.

The man stepped forward and carefully knocked, saying, "I brought him, Miss."

I frowned, wondering just exactly who was waiting behind that door. And then-

"Thank you."

-A sweet, melodic voice rang out. High-pitched, but light on the ears... And familiar.

But realizing that didn't make much sense.

'Yun Seora?'

So it was her after all?

"You can take your leave now." Yun Seora's voice... At least, the person who sounded like Yun Seora called out again.

The man hesitated, looking back at me. "But-"

"I'm fine."

The man stared at me one more time and bowed before leaving.

Just as I wondered whether to enter the room by myself, the door slid open.

I hesitated, wondering how to react if it wasn't her. But I didn't need to worry.

A beautiful young woman in stylish clothes with silky black hair. Staring at me with bloodshot eyes, a trembling smile crossed her face as she said, "Finally..."

I froze, unable to comprehend the sight before me. Clearly, it was Yun Seora, but the voice bearing so much longing and then the countless gold and crimson threads wrapping around her...

"I wanted to see you." She reached out and grabbed my arms, happily clinging to me.

I blinked non-stop and then looked down at the beautiful woman clinging to me that was so unlike the aloof beauty I remembered.

She looked up at me, tilting her head slightly and said, "Jihu-nim?"

I blinked again. "...Nim?"

She frowned and said, "Um... Did I remember wrong?"

I shook my head. "No. That's right. And... Just to confirm, but you're Miss Seora, right?"

She shook her head.

I frowned. "You're... not? Then-"

She tugged me inside and said, "It's not Miss Seora! It's just Seora, Jihu-nim."

Oh. So it really was her. But...

Yun Seora- No, Seora led me to the booth inside and sat me down across from her. After that, she walked over to the other side and leaned on the table, looking at me.

I stared back and then realized why it was so odd seeing her.

From all the times I had seen her, Yun Seora had been in practical clothing. Whether it was the hoodie or the equipment I bought for her, I had never seen her wearing anything else.

But right now, she was dressed up in a manner that completely dispelled the context I was used to seeing her in.

Leapord-print sunglasses hanging above her milky forehead. A lacy, navy-blue tweed dress that accentuated her slim figure. A maroon leather belt that outlined her waistline. And then a small diamond earring sparkling on her left earlobe, with polka-dot stocking adorning her legs.

In short, it was the typical appearance of a daughter from a rich family.

Each of those items were bound to be in the thousands. Altogether, I was sure the outfit could pay for an entire semester at a university, if not two.


Yun Seora stared at the young man sitting across from her, the one that she had been waiting to see for so long.

He was the same as always- No. He was different. The same, but different.

His gaze, that calm and deep look that seemed to be analyzing everything around him was the same. However, his body had changed quite a bit.

If before he was a star athlete with his body that was bulging muscles, now he had the appearance of a master martial artist, every muscle bearing nothing but pure utility. Even now, while wearing a baggy black hoodie over a loose white shirt and gray sweatpants, the chiseled and taut muscles were on clear display, rippling with his every movement.

Moreover, the air around him had shifted as well. Before, he seemed reliable, like a dependable older brother. But now... It was the air of someone who could, and would, stand off against anything in front of him.

In short, a strong, reliable, and mature man.

The thought of it sent a flush to Yun Seora's face. But then she realized that he hadn't said anything since they sat down and she started to panic.

Was it something she said? Was he annoyed at her bringing him there out of the blue?

Just as she was starting to fret, a calm smile spread across his face. "I'm glad to see you again, Seora. Are you well?"

Yun Seora's heart raced at that serene expression and she quickly nodded. "Y-Yes, Jihu-nim! I've been wonderful!"

He paused, his brows furrowing a bit.

Yun Seora froze, wondering if he caught her lie.

"Hah... Again with the honorifics." He shook his head and gave her a chastising look. "I told you before, didn't I? It's just Jihu. We're friends, after all."


That words sent a splash of cold water on her heart. But it also let her focus again, reminding her to not get too ahead of herself.

"I understand, Jihu."

"And don't be so formal! It's not like there's anything I've done that warrants such respect. If anything, I'm the one who should be talking politely, you know?"

"B-But that's not true! To me, Jihu is-" She paused, realizing what she was about to say, and flushed.

Jihu laughed and waved his hand. "Relax. I won't judge you for anything, so calm down."

Calm down. Right. The words were like what he said in the past. Because of that, Yun Seora was able to get a hold of her composure again.

"I'm sorry."

"Again, it's fine."

She smiled and then said, "Did any problems come up on your way here?"

"Not at all. Your driver was polite and punctual. But I was surprised." He looked at her and said, "I figured you were busy, so I didn't think I'd meet you so soon. I was thinking that it wouldn't be until winter at least."

Yun Seora's eyes widened.

Winter? Did that mean that he was going to wait that long to seek her out?

No. He was probably expecting her to throw her all into training so that she could stand beside him at that time. And considering the timeframe of things...

Did he realize her chaotic thoughts? Jihu shook his head and said, "Don't worry about it too much. I didn't mean anything by that. I just thought you would be too busy to reach out to me."

"Never!" Yun Seora shook her head and said, "How could I ever not fit time for you?"

He smiled, although his gaze seemed to have mixed emotions.

Silence fell.

Yun Seora was worried that he would find it uncomfortable, but Jihu seemed relaxed, just enjoying the moment. Seeing that, Yun Seora let out a sigh of relief and then turned to the conversation she wanted to have. Hesitantly, she said, "I heard you were coming to Sinyoung?"

The comfortable smile on Jihu's face vanished in an instant.

Yun Seora froze, wondering if she had stepped on a landmine.

"Sinyoung... Mm. I'm not joining you guys if that's what you're asking... But it is true that I'll probably be using you for a cover story. That's what Hannah recommended anyway."

Hannah. It seemed like Jihu had gotten close to Director Kim in the interim.

Yun Seora felt a sudden sense of urgency and said, "T-Then, please, apply to the department that I'm in charge of!"

"Hm?" Jihu looked up, pondering. "Your department?"

Yun Seora nodded and said, "It isn't a fraction of what you've done for me, a-and I've still a long ways to go! But, if it's in this regard-"

Jihu held up his hand.

Yun Seora cut off her words.

He shook his head and said, "Seora. There's no need to put in that much effort."

"P-Pardon?" Hearing the flat tone of his voice, she feared the worst.

He smiled and said, "If you've worked hard enough to reach that point, it'd be rude to not acknowledge your efforts, right? Of course I'll join your department- Ah. I will warn you that this is temporary though. I've still got it out for Sinyoung."

A sense of warmth spread through her heart at his words and Yun Seora nodded. "Of course! I won't pressure you to stay with me or anything like that. Whenever you want, you're free to go!"

"Funny. I thought you'd be trying harder to keep me with you."

Yun Seora blanked.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Now, have you eaten yet? No, have you been eating well? Because if you haven't, I'll have to scold you, you know?"

Yun Seora laughed, her heart warming at the familiar concern.


Eventually, servers entered the room, carrying platters of food.

I glanced at the wide array and then looked back up at Seora.

She clasped her hands together and shyly said, "I wasn't sure what you'd like, so I prepared a little of everything..."

Glistening crabmeat soup. Mouth-watering fried pork belly in soy sauce. Parboiled bean sprouts... all sorts of savory and appetizing dishes were on display.

I nodded and then started reaching out to the dishes, scooping a bit of everything. After that, I handed the plate over to Seora. "Here."

"H-Huh?" She blinked, staring at it in confusion.

"If you've worked hard enough to be department head, you've probably been missing out on some meals, right?"

Seora flinched, as if guilty. "That's..."

"I knew it." I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and placed them in her hands before waiting on her.

She stared back at me, flushing. "J-Jihu. Aren't you going to-?"

"You eat first. I'm not taking anything until I see you take a bite."

Seora's flush turned deeper, but she nodded and meekly bit into a chunk of pork belly.

After that, I started serving myself.

"...You haven't changed, have you, Jihu?"

"Hm?" I glanced back at Seora and said, "I'd like to think I've change a lot since we last met."

She shook her head and said, "No. You're still as kind as always..."

"Mm... I wouldn't say that. After all, I can't get back my investment from you if you're sick and get ill, can I?"

Seora laughed. "I guess so?"

For a while, we ate in a comfortable silence.

Eventually, Yun Seora brought up another topic. "I heard the news."

"Ah." I nodded. "It's not as bad as the rumors make it out. I promise."

Yun Seora frowned. "Now it's you who seems a bit too quick to deny, Jihu..."

We chatted about various things after that. Mostly how everyone was doing, what Seora had been up to.

Apparently, she was the one that Dylan mentioned being raised up by Sinyoung, the level 2 Red-Eyed Berserker.

While there wasn't news about Shin Sang-Ah or Hyun Sangmin, Yi Seol-Ah and Sungjin were doing well for themselves and had reached level 2 as well.

"...It's still nothing compared to you, Jihu." Seora looked at me with awe in her eyes and said, "To do all of that while still just a level two warrior... I can't help but think that you're more and more amazing."

"You shouldn't be comparing yourself to me. I'm an exception among exceptions, you know? Instead, you should be focused on the path you're walking and firmly walk ahead."


"No excuses!"

"Yes, Oppa."

"And stop that!"


A meandering and relaxing time.

For the first in a while, I felt at ease. Chatting about random things like this, it was nice.

But eventually, we had to cut things short since the restaurant was closing.

I stood up to pay, but it turned out that Seora already did that ahead of time.

As we walked out, I turned to Seora and said, "I'll pay for the next meal."

"Really?" A high-pitched and surprised response.

I nodded and said, "Of course. I can't have you waste your hard-earned money on me. Save it to invest in yourself, first."

Seora frowned. "Oppa really is-"

"And stop calling me Oppa."

Seora stuck her tongue out at me.

I rolled my eyes. Just what was it with the girls I met that made them act so childish around me...?

At the parking lot outside, the man that drove me here was waiting with his car. As soon as we arrived, he walked to the back and opened up the door.

Yun Seora climbed in without hesitation and then looked back at me with a longing gaze.

I couldn't just dip after that, so I sighed and walked inside as well.

Yun Seora lit up at that and then leaned back, a smile on her face.

The man started up the car and then drove off.

And with that, an awkward air filled the atmosphere.

When it was just us, the conversation flowed smoothly, but with the man's presence, it seemed like Yun Seora didn't want to talk.

Or so I thought.

But soon, soft breaths filled the car and then a light presence leaned against my arm. Yun Seora, fast asleep.

Seeing that, I sighed and brushed her hair away. "Right. I forgot about it..."

After what happened to her in the Neutral Zone, she probably was worried about what would happen to her if she fell asleep. Even if her rational mind said otherwise, her body probably unconsciously rejected it.

The only exception was me, the one who saved her from that situation.

But then this was a problem.

"Seol Jihu-nim." The driver called out my name and looked at me in the rearview mirror. "Do you enjoy driving around at night?"

I shook my head. "There's no need for pretenses." I gently brushed Seora's hair away from her eyes and said, "It's my fault she's like this anyway... I didn't think that it would leave such a big impact on her."

The driver's eyes widened in the mirror. But then they returned to normal and he steadily said, "I see. It appears that Seol Jihu-nim is quite the dear person to our Miss."

"She's a dear person to me too... Ah." I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. "Since you're concerned with her, your loyalty is probably with Seora... but I want to remind you." I loosed my killing intent... Not enough to distract him, but to drive in my point. "If this gets out and harms her in any way, you won't die an easy death."

The man smiled, a relaxed expression and then gave me an approving nod. "I understand. And there's no need to be concerned, Seol Jihu-nim. This life already belongs to the Miss."

"Good." I brushed Seora's hair again, watching as she visibly relaxed. I paused, considering something and glanced at the driver. "You know about that place, right?"

He nodded. "I do indeed."

"Then I won't have to hide it. Good." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a glittering necklace. Well, pretended to pull out. Instead, I wove together mana and conjured the material from scratch.

Using what I recently learned about 'intent' being able to reside in mana, I placed a bit of my 'presence' within it, as well as some defensive measures... Well, offensive defensive measures.

It was a silver necklace with an amethyst star. Both things that would help with good sleep and restoration.

The driver's eyes widened and he said, "Seol Jihu-nim. That necklace..."

Did he sense its abilities?

I placed my finger over my lips. After that, I gently put the necklace around Yun Seora's neck and adjusted her sleeping posture to be more comfortable.

The effect was immediate. She was already relaxing, but now her breathing was completely regular, almost dead to the world.

To test it, I gently lifted her back up and leaned her against the seat.

She didn't stir.

The man's eyes widened.

I stared at Yun Seora for a bit before taking off my hoodie and giving it to her as a blanket and letting her use my lap as a pillow again. After that, I grabbed her cellphone and typed in my contact information.

I thought the man might object, but he simply turned a blind eye, watching the road ahead.

I shrugged and then typed a message to Yun Seora's phone. After seeing the notification pop up, I tucked it back in her purse. I gave her one last look to make sure she was in a comfortable sleeping position and then glanced up at the man.

"So. What's the situation like for Seora?"


I leaned back and said, "Is she in any danger? Is her older sister plotting against her? From the last time I saw Seora, it seemed like she was on the verge of falling out from her father's favor." I narrowed my eyes and said, "Is the situation the same?"

The driver shook his head. "No. If anything, the president is looking favorably on Miss. Since meeting you, she's thrown herself into her work both this side and in the other with a passion that she's never had. Paired with her natural talent, it's a recipe for success that even the president can't deny. But..."

He looked hesitant.

"...That guy still holds the power, huh? Even though he stepped down."

The driver's eyes widened, but he remained quiet. After a while, he shook his head and said, "Seol Jihu-nim is quite insightful."

"You could say that." I muttered and then stopped to think.

In the regular story, Seol didn't have to worry too much about Sinyoung. Kim Hannah managed to keep them off of his back and they also wanted to keep him in their good graces. Not to mention that he grew too rapidly for them to do anything about it.

So, by all accounts I should be fine. But...

I had a faint inkling. That I wouldn't have quite as easy a time as Seol did.

First of all, I didn't need to reconcile with my family on Earth. While there was the issue about my job, if worst came to worst, I could just say that I was working on a major deal overseas and actually take over a company by force.

And then there was Yun Seohui.

The doll-like child in an adult's body. The one who could not restrain herself because she was forced to act in a particular manner from a young age. No, because that bastard of a father existed.

...Should I seriously take them out?

While Sinyoung had power in Paradise, the same wasn't true in reality. No matter what, their powers were sealed on Earth.

Because they weren't innate abilities.

But... Mine were. And even the ones that weren't, I could recreate on my own merit because it wasn't borrowed power.

The problem came from the fallout.

I was sure of it. Taking out Sinyoung would cause a major shift in Fate. Not only that, but the causality on Paradise would be completely thrown off.

I wasn't prepared yet. Or rather, the people around me weren't prepared.

I could weather the storm, but not them. So then, until that point...

"I seriously have to bide my time...?"

The driver's gaze turned to me, sharp. "Seol Jihu-nim. Could it be that you plan to-"

"You heard nothing about today. Understood?" I stared at him.

He was quiet and then said, "Understood."


Early morning. The faint rays of sunlight, filtering in.

Yun Seora blinked and slowly opened her eyes. When she did, the sight of a car roof greeted her.

It took a while, but the events of last night came to her and she flushed. She quickly sat up and then bowed her head. "I'm sorry, Oppa, but-"

"He's already gone, Miss."


Yun Seora blinked and realized that the man was right. The only person in the back seat was her.

"That's... strange?" She muttered and looked around.

It felt like he was still there. The comforting presence that would stand up against anything.

Subconsciously, Yun Seora reached for her chest. And then she noticed something there. A sparkling amethyst necklace.

Her eyes widened and then she glanced to the side, realizing that Jihu had left his sweatshirt as well.

"Ahjussi!" She looked to the driver and said, "What happened to Oppa?"

"Mm. Seol Jihu-nim stayed with you for a while as we drove around at night, but then he said that he had certain tasks he had to accomplish. In the meanwhile, he wished for me to pass on the message that he enjoyed the night greatly and that he left a few good luck charms to sleep well in the future... And to stop skipping out on sleep, Miss."

Yun Seora blinked wildly and then brushed the necklace again. "Oppa..." She looked at the sweatshirt and then carefully bundled it up, holding it close to her chest.

"Ah." The driver glanced back and said, "Seol Jihu-nim also mentioned that Miss should check her phone when she woke up."

"Hm?" Seora did as the driver suggested and pulled it out. When she did, she saw a message from... Seol Jihu?

She blinked. 'Did we change numbers?'

She couldn't remember them doing that, so he must have done it while she was asleep.

Curious, she opened the message and read it.

[Morning, sleepyhead. You should have told me sooner you were having nightmares. I gave you a good luck charm... Well, two, so that you could sleep better. Honestly though, to think that you'd sleep like a baby the moment I gave you my sweater... Anyway, talk to you soon. And if you're having trouble sleeping again, don't hide it, alright?]

Yun Seora groaned in embarrassment after reading it and then buried her head in the sweater.

Still... It was true that she felt better...