
Dreadful Cursed Night

Dusk, a few hours before sunset. Standing in the fields outside Haramark, I made some mental calculations about the area and trajectory of my spell and then started forming the transfer circle. After that, I glanced up at Flone and said, "Remember the plan?"

Flone gave me a salute and said, "Save that Sora lady and anyone we can. After that, bring her back and then head back to explore!"

"Right." I finished the last symbol and then stood up. "Now... let's go."

A flash of light that was hidden from view with my energy manipulation. Distorted space from the inscribed glyphs. And then...

The sound over overlapping waves, rushing air.

Before I knew it, I was falling through the air in front of a sheer cliff.

Before I even fell a full foot though, delicate arms wrapped around me and pulled me up.

"Thanks, Flone."

"No problem, Jihu! But... that place seems kind of scary, doesn't it?"

I looked at where Flone stared.

An ominous villa standing at the top of the cliff. It was large, like the size of a small mansion. While ancient, it was also somehow in pristine shape. Like a memory preserved in time.

Not only that, but it was wreathed in light. Yellow, blue, gold, crimson, and even black.

I frowned and then said, "Take us over, Flone. And turn back to your spirit form."

"E-Eh? Are you sure? What about you?"

I glanced at my body. While the building was wreathed in color, my body wasn't. That wouldn't be the case if it proved dangerous to me. "I'll be fine."

"Alright then..."

A ripple passed through the air. At the same time, I felt Flone's presence change. Sharper, colder. At the same time, her arms felt icy, the familiar warmth vanishing.

It made me feel a bit guilty at that realization, asking her to take that form again. But before I could dwell on it, Flone's voice echoed. "Hold on!"

A rush of wind. A blur of colors.

And then, in an instant, we were at the front door.

Flone dropped me onto the ground and materialized beside me, her silver hair fluttering in the wind. As she placed her left hand on her sword, sheathed at her right, she frowned. "Weird."

I glanced over and said, "What is?"

"I feel like it's gesturing me to come in. Like someone's calling to me."

I frowned and stared at Flone.

She was colorless, so it wasn't dangerous. But...

"Be careful."

Flone nodded. "I know. This place..." She looked around the building and said, "It isn't meant for living people."

"You're fine though, right?"

"Of course! And you, Jihu?"

"Unless there's a dark god buried inside, I should be fine. And even then, I'm confident in surviving."

Beating it was another story, but if it was just to live, I was sure that I could handle anything.

"Alright. Then..." Flone walked over to the door. "Let's go."


Darkness. Since the sun was setting and since no one was living in the villa, it was pitch black.

Ordinarily, that would have been a problem. Fortunately for us, we weren't ordinary.

Flone's vision wasn't obscured since she was originally a creature of the night before I reincarnated her. And as for myself... Well, just because there was no visible light didn't mean there was no light.

Ambient mana, radio waves and ultraviolet radiation, heat, soundwaves... Even pressure.

Energy Domination and Synthesis allowed me to form a composite vision from the miscellaneous information, letting me see just as well as if the place was lit up with fluorescent lighting.

And from that...

"Looks like they just came through."

The place was well furnished and adorned with luxurious items. That much was apparent from the gold leaf tapestries and marble flooring. But the ornaments that should have been lying around were gone. However, traces of dust and scratched areas showed that it was a recent change.

Flone looked around and muttered, "So this is the Sacrificium..."

"Nothing's here." I glanced around the main hall and said, "Let's go. We don't have more than an hour to waste."

"I know, I know."

The first floor was mostly empty, so we quickly went to the second floor.

It was ominous. Despite everything being visible, it had the appearance that was just like a horror game. A sort of film filter that cast everything in grayscale shadows.

I was almost expecting monsters to jump out at any moment and jumpscare me.

...And I definitely didn't hold on tighter to my sword because of that. Absolutely not.

After wandering around the second floor for a while, mostly following Flone, she pushed open a door.

Stepping inside, there was a portrait of a woman smiling kindly. Beneath it, there was a small drawer with a beautiful ornament on it. A large glass cup with a crystalline stem, a bowl crafted with gems, and then golden orbs stacked on top.

"Hm..." I walked over to examine the cup.

It wasn't like I was in need of money, but it was always good to have raw materials lying around...

"Are you going to take it, Jihu?"

I nodded and said, "Might as well, right?"

"Un." Flone walked over and said, "It's pretty, so we might as well. But... I wonder where grandpa is then? If he's not on the second floor-"

Suddenly, the room changed. Not anything tangible, but a slight detail that shifted in an instant.

The kindly smiling woman was no longer 'kindly' smiling. And the mouth that was shaped in a soft curve had turned into a sharp line, cutting across to both of her ears.

"Jihu?" Flone looked at me, concern on her face.

A gut reaction.

Without thinking much more of it, I drew my sword and cleaved into the painting. For good measure, I loosed fire, lightning, and ice. Then, I reached out with energy domination and ripped apart everything that wasn't material in the area in front of me.

Flone blinked.

I sighed and put my sword back before quickly scooping up the cup and tossing it into my bag. "...Let's get going." Without further thought, I quickly walked out.

Flone followed after me, confused. But then she grinned. "You were scared, weren't you?"

"Pft. Me? Scared? Of course not."

"Mm... then was there a dangerous monster there?"

"No. Just some dumb ghost that didn't know better."

"Oh? Then why did you attack it with all of that instead of just cutting it with your fancy new skill?"

I paused, remembering All as One and how that would definitely have been more than enough to handle an ordinary ghost. And then I coughed. "I was bored?"

"Sure, sure." Flone smiled and walked forward, lacing her hands behind her back, her silver dress shimmering in the darkness. "Anyway..." She turned back to look at me, appearing like a silver princess in the night.

I felt my breath hitch, but suppressed it.

Flone looked around and said, "I don't think there's anything on this floor. Should we go up?"

I nodded. "Let's go." Saying that, I stepped forward and led the way.

"Ah. Jihu?"

I glanced back. "Yes, Flone?"

"...I think you should put that back first."

I blinked and then realized that I hadn't actually sheathed my sword. Instead, I had jammed it through my pants, tearing the fabric and holding it to my body only by virtue of the blade being pure mana.

Flone giggled.

I sighed.


The third floor was mostly the same as the second, with the exception of being more luxury items lying around. Flone picked them up, wanting to have something of the trip just in case, and I tossed them in my handy bag of holding.

But there was still no sign of Phi Sora or any others...

As we rounded the corner to the stairs though, there was a human-like doll dressed up in a full suit of armor and helmet holding a spear.

It didn't seem too special in terms of design, but there was definitely a powerful ominous aura around both.

Flone stared at them and said, "I think it's best not to touch that, Jihu."


Flone frowned and said, "It feels strange. It's overflowing with an ominous feeling... No, I guess it's resentment?"

"Resentment, huh?" I shifted my gaze to the armor and rubbed my chin. "But not a spirit?"

Flone shook her head. "No. Nothing's inside of it... but it seems like the spear itself is cursed. I don't think anything good will come out of taking- Jihu?!"

Before she finished talking, I stepped forward.

A cursed spear overflowing with resentment. One that was bound to have come from killing countless people.

I wasn't a spear user. But that didn't mean I didn't know how to use it. Especially after all the training I did with Maldong. Moreover, the weapon was bound to be useful... And most importantly of all.

It was glowing purple.

"Atma Refinement, was it?" I muttered and then reached out to grab the spear.

"Jihu!" Flone's worried voice called out.

But there wasn't a problem.

I felt it. Voices and screams, countless curses from innocent souls, damning the original wielder of the spear. Despair and resentment that was strong enough to manifest as a direct curse.


In the end...

[All as One reacts to the ominous curse!]

[Energy Domination tames the raging resentment!]

[Atma Refinement activates!]

...It was just another form of energy.

I grabbed the spear and pulled back. But when I did, the original spear didn't come with me. Instead, a twisted barb pulsing with crimson lines was in my hand. Nearly ten feet long and with only a few places on it that weren't barbed, it was something that couldn't be used casually. Yet, when I held it in my hand, it naturally moved, as if responding to my touch with ease and even flowing like water when I spun it around.

"...Huh." Flone looked at me, surprised.

Just as I was examining at my new weapon, the armor and spear vanished, crumbling into dust.

"Did you resolve the resentment in it?" Flone asked.

I shook my head. "No. I just ripped it out directly... and it looks like that's what was keeping the ancient metal intact." I flicked my hand, causing the spear to vanish, turning into a jagged line on my left arm that looked like a scar.

Flone sighed. "Honestly... every time I worry about you, you go ahead and solve it."

"I appreciate the worry though, Flone."

"Hmph." She crossed her arms and then looked at the stairs. "Only one floor left..."

I nodded. "I think that's where we'll find both of our objectives."

"Grandpa..." Flone muttered.

"Right. Then, let's go." I led the way, walking up the stairs. At least, that was what I planned to do. But the moment I stepped on the stairway, I felt a current of killing intent. No, that wasn't the right way to describe it. A malevolent longing, envy. Like a dark being coveting my soul itself.

On instinct, I grabbed my sword again. But before I could do anything, Flone stepped forward.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

I blinked. Was she... talking to me? No, she was looking up. So what-

"You want me to give him to you? No, he's mine."

"Um, Flone?" I blinked, confused at the exchange. Glancing up, I saw 'something' there.

I couldn't comprehend it with my eyes. No, I vaguely could. It looked like a female figure. But as if my mind refused to acknowledge it, the figure blurred, like one of those optical illusions.

It wasn't a matter of inability, but rather revulsion.

Like how you would recoil from seeing an insect or a spider... Something like that. Not fear, but sheer disgust.

"What? You'll tell me if I hand him over? Quit your shit before I rip your mouth off." Flone stepped up the stairs, her eyes narrowed. At the same time, black smoke erupted from her and her body became half-transparent.

Seeing that, I decided to let my dear friend handle it.

A bit cowardly, but if someone was going to kill a spider or something for you, why not let them, right?

"...Fine. You want to go, huh?"

A deathly silence.

And then...

"I'll kill you."

...Flone's cold voice.

A black blur. A horrific scream, strangled and distorted like a creature from beyond the veil- No, the range of human comprehension. And then silence once more.

"Hmph." Flone brushed off her clothes and turned back around from the top of the stairway. "It's safe now, Jihu."

I quickly walked up after her. I also didn't remove my hand from my sword.

Flone looked amused, so I quickly changed the subject. "What was that thing?"

"That?" She shook her head and said, "It was a kin. Probably from the same era as me considering the amount of resentment it held."

"And you took care of it?"

"Easily!" She stuck up two fingers in a victory sign and said, "I was already strong before as a ghost, but now I'm a Saintess too, you know? Things like that aren't a match for me!"

"Good to know... Ah, you were talking with it a bit, right?"

Flone's expression dimmed. "I was. Since it seemed to be from the same time, I wanted to know what it remembered, but it kept muttering stupid things about some dark master and wanting to take you as an offering. So I killed it."

A frank, to the point response.


I frowned and then narrowed my eyes at Flone. "You aren't allowed to kill any other people that want me. Got it?"

Flone rolled her eyes. "I'm not an idiot, Jihu. A girl has to win fair and square. Killing the competition is cheating."

I pointedly decided to ignore the question and just walk ahead. But when I did, I froze. "This smell..."

"Blood. And a lot of it," Flone finished.

As if her words were the cue, the hallway up ahead lit up, showing an entwined blue and black light in the distance.

With it, the scenery was lit up as well, showing thick puddles of blood that hadn't solidified yet.

"Let's go." With only that, I walked forward, following the trail.

It led around the corner, into another corridor. And where it stopped...

I froze.

There was a random white cloth. Or so it seemed. But when I looked closer, I realized it was a person in a white robe. A priestess.

On a first glance, she seemed to be just standing. But her posture was off. It was slanted, like she was leaning. Except that she was in the middle of the corridor, so that couldn't be possible.

And then I realized it.

Flone muttered, "Look at her neck, Jihu."

Right. It wasn't visible at first because it was thin, but a rope wrapped around the Priest's neck, tying it to the ceiling.

I sighed and started to move forward, intending to ignore the ominous decoration.

And then it moved. Swiveling like a broken marionette, its head creaked up and looked at me with black, dug out sockets for eyes.

On instinct, I drew my blade. This time though, I activated All as One, intending to get rid of it completely-

"Wait! Jihu!"

Flone's voice called out.

Hearing that, I stopped.

She stepped forward and said, "Look closely!"

I did. When I followed her advice, I noticed it.

The Priest's robe was clean. That was impossible considering the amount of blood.

Flone stepped forward and said, "She doesn't have any malice or resentment... Instead, it looks like she desperately wants to say something."

I frowned and walked forward.

Since she died recently, she had to be a member of Sora's group.

Realizing that... Or rather, continuously telling that to myself, I stepped forward and looked at the deceased priest.

[Plea...se... he...lp... Unni...!]

A coughing and barely audible voice. Along with it, the Priest raised her trembling arm and pointed at a room diagonally opposite from her.

"I think we should listen to her, Jihu." Flone frowned and said, "She looks like she's not leaving on purpose and clinging on with all she can."

Hearing that, I focused. "Understood." I gave the priestess a curt nod and kicked off, running towards the door.

Behind me, I heard the body drop to the floor. Was it because the priestess was assured by my actions?

Either way, I stepped into the room.

It was empty... Save for one thing.

Another body- No, a woman with crimson hair, hanging on the ceiling, shaking sporadically. Beneath her, an overturned chair.

I didn't hesitate. This time, I properly swung my sword, cutting the rope down, and then grabbed Phi Sora's falling body. But the moment I did so, I felt it.

An indescribable sensation, like a towering mountain standing up. Something that pressured even me.

I tried moving my body, but it wouldn't respond properly. Realizing that, I moved it by manipulating kinetic energy instead, sending me back towards the entrance of the room- But it slammed shut.

I gritted my teeth, debating whether to just split the building apart and run.

But then I saw Flone fly into the room and slowly walk past me toward the corner.


My voice didn't cooperate. I narrowed my eyes and stared in the corner, rousing my energy to use All as One and tear everything apart-


-And then Flone's delicate voice echoed.

At once, the pressure vanished.

There was a towering black figure in front of Flone.

It looked like a man, standing a few heads above her. In life, he was surely a fierce general. And now in death, he appeared to be a dreadful specter, wielding an ominous shadowy spear.

It shifted its head to look at me and then at Flone before muttering. [Flo...ne...?]

Flone nodded, her eyes glimmering with tears and stepped forward. "Yes! It's me! Flone- Ah, your granddaughter, Flonecia Lusignan La Rothschear!"

The shadowy figure let out a ghostly wail and its form rippled.

Flone took another step forward, her body trembling. "Grandpa... Is it... really you?"

[Ooooooooh...!] A voice filled with disbelief and sorrow at once. [How... How...!?]

Flone flew forward, holding out her arms. "Grandpa!"

The shadowy figure rippled again and then took on a tangible form.

A tall man in cracked plate armor. A gleaming spear carried on his back with a crescent blade.

But only for a second. After that, his form dissolved back into shadows. But it was enough to reveal his identity.

I let out a sigh.

The shadowy figure... No, Flone's grandpa stepped forward and gently wrapped his arms around Flone.

A touching scene, one of a grandfather gently cradling his delicate granddaughter in a soft embrace.

Of course, considering that the former looked like a wraith from the depths of hell, it was slightly terrifying. But Flone didn't seem to mind.

[That... bastard...!]

"I know, Grandpa. And..."

Bits of conversations, occasional words echoing.

It seemed that the two were communicating directly with thoughts, only speaking out at key parts when they were emotional.

Seeing that they were fine, I shifted my attention to Phi Sora.

The beautiful red-haired woman moaned, her eyes rolled back and foaming from her mouth. From the blue marks around her neck and her symptoms, it seemed like she wasn't out of harm's way yet.

I frowned and cast some healing spells on her while also directly fixing the worst wounds I could see with Fate Reversal.

At once, Phi Sora's breathing eased and she seemed relaxed. Well, relaxed enough for a person that was unconscious. It seemed like the trauma and possession was still affecting her though since she was unconscious.

Just as I was pondering on how to resolve her situation, a black shadow approached me.

Flone stuck close to its... Well, 'his' side. Anyway, she walked over with a bright smile and teary blue eyes. "Grandpa, this is him. Jihu. If not for him, I would still..."

Gently setting Phi Sora aside, I stood up and then bowed. "A pleasure to meet you, Lord Rothschear."

[Is... Is what Flone said... True...?]

I raised my body and nodded. "While I'm not sure exactly what she mentioned, if it's about me saving her, then yes. It is."

A strong gaze scanned me from top to bottom. Then for a brief moment, I saw a warm smile within the shadow. After that, the strong voice echoed again.

[Thank you... so much...]

I shook my head. "I only did what was right."

Flone's grandpa nodded and then spoke again. [Please... necklace... oath... change...]


"Ah!" Flone stood up and walked over to me, quickly removing her necklace and tying it around my neck. "Here!"

I blinked. "Flone? What are you doing?"

She shook her head and stepped back, looking at her grandfather.

[A promise with the Seven Virtue's Temperance... on par with the Imperial Oath... Flone's hero... please-]

Suddenly, the voice cut off.

Flone's eyes widened. "Grandpa? What's wrong?"

At the same time, I saw the mansion light up- No, dim. The darkness became darker, pitch black dying everything even in my 'eyes'. And more than that...


...My body, for the first time, turned completely black in my eyes.

A terrifying malevolent aura erupted, on par with a 'dark god' I joked about earlier. No only that, but I felt an otherworldly presence that didn't belong. Neither divine, mana, nor demonic like I felt in that future vision. Something 'other'.

Flone's grandpa stiffened. [He... why...? No. How...?]


I quickly scooped up Sora in my arms and headed towards the door. "Flone! We need to leave, now!"

She shook her head. "But Grandpa-!"

The shadowy figure pushed Flone towards me. At the same time, his form condensed back into that stalwart general. Spinning his spear around, he quickly moved in front of us and shouted. [Listen to him! Hurry!]

Was it that serious? The intermittent voice was normal now. No, it was as if Flone's grandpa was squeezing every drop out of his existence to resist whatever was coming.

And then I remembered it.

The gods said that fate didn't like being changed. Not only that, but Gula mentioned causality would tip the scales back.

And didn't that weird malevolent spirit at the Forest of Denial suddenly disappear?


I didn't hesitate. Activating the Festina Earring, I boosted my speed and then amplified it more with my own mana and modified the kinetic energy even further.

"Flone!" I held out my hand.

She seemed hesitant.

Suddenly, a thunderous roar echoed through the villa. A monstrous sound that was once human, but now heavily distorted with malice.

With that, she took my hand.

The moment she grabbed it, I kicked off, flying at mach speed.

But the 'thing' moved just as fast.

For the first time in a while, I felt sheer panic.

Should I run? Fight? Blow everything up?

Before I could decide, another darkness moved to block the 'thing' chasing after us at a blinding speed.

[Go! Take care of my granddaughter!]

A heroic and stern old voice. Immediately after, he charged with his spear, sending out waves of light against the darkness.

"Grandpa!" Flone screamed and held out her hand.

I grit my teeth and didn't stop moving. Even so, the darkness was approaching me still despite Flone's grandpa trying to hold it back.

It was the same as a person trying to stop a moving car- No, a semi-truck with their own body.

But just as I was about to worry again, more things flew out. But they weren't darkness. Golden lights- No, corpses wreathed in golden light. The priestess that asked me to help Phi Sora. Over a dozen others that must have been members of her expedition team.

[Protect Unni!]

[We'll hold it back!]

[Don't let her die!]

[Even if we're destroyed...! As long as Unni is safe...!]

A chorus of voices. All of them declaring their unwavering resolve to protect Phi Sora.

I grit my teeth, furious at not being able to do anything. But I nodded and said, "I will!"

The priestess turned around to look at me and let out a bright smile. [Thank you!]

A furious, resentment filled roar.

I stomped the ground and then dashed off to the side.

Shattering glass and scattered debris.

Before the 'thing' could reach us, I broke through the side of the villa. And at the same time, I started falling to the sea below. But before then-


"I've got you!"

We shifted roles, Flone now the one to keep us moving. But we didn't stop. Not until the villa was far away and the lights had died down.


Finally, on an open field miles and miles away, we came to a stop.

I set Sora on the ground and then collapsed, staring up at the night sky. "Fuuuuuckiiiing hell. Bullshit. Utter bullshit."

That was close. Waaay too close.

"Jihu?" Flone called out. "Are you alright?"

"Are you?"

Flone nodded. "I am. But..." She shuddered. "What *was* that?"

"I don't know. A dark god? A demon? An SCP? Something terrifying, at least. Thankfully, it seems stuck to that place."

It was something that completely didn't belong to this world. A force that wasn't divine, but had enough power to threaten something on that level. Not only that, but it was absolutely malevolent.

Flone nodded and then looked at Phi Sora. "Ah. You should probably heal her again. It looks like her spirit is ready to leave her body."

"Yeah, I- Wait, what?!" I spun around and looked at Phi Sora. Sure enough, the blue color was still fading, dyed in black. "The hell?"

Her body was healed, so... was it a curse?

Without wasting any more time, I went over and checked her pulse and breathing. Her pulse was fine, but her breathing...

'Is it because of the strangulation?'

The pulse was getting weaker and her body wasn't taking in air, even after I healed all her wounds.

...Maybe her body had lost its will to live? Or did it forget how to breathe?

"Tch." I hesitated for a brief second and then started CPR.


I heard Flone gasp behind me, but I ignored it.

One breath. After that, I stopped to check her pulse and breathing.

Her pulse was still faint, and she still wasn't breathing.

Frowning, I did it again. And then on the third, Phi Sora let out a shuddering breath, coughing and gasping.

Seeing that, I sighed and stood back.

Phi Sora's eyes blinked open, dazed. They rolled around, scanning the surroundings absent-mindedly. Then, Phi Sora carefully wiped her lips with the back of her hand and raised her upper body. Seeing the surroundings, she blinked rapidly and rubbed her neck. After that, her eyes widened. Turning towards me, she whispered, "What... happened...?"

"A rescue."

"Rescue?" Phi Sora muttered and then glanced over at Flone.

Flone raised her hand back in greeting, but didn't say anything else.

"...There's no way that old man Jungsik would form a rescue team for us..." Phi Sora muttered and slowly stood up.

I nodded. "That's right. I didn't come here to rescue White Rose."

Sora blinked and tilted her head, waiting for an explanation.

I nodded and said, "There was someone who didn't want you to die. I just came to fulfill that request... Ah, with Flone over here, of course."

Flone nodded right away.

Good, she caught on quick.

Besides, I didn't lie. That 'someone' was just me. And if she asked... Well, that priestess wanted me to rescue Sora too, so it worked out great.

But of course, I didn't say that. Instead, I let her fill in the blanks.

Phi Sora slowly nodded. "I got it. I think I know who it is... Anyway, does that mean you came here without White Rose knowing?"

I nodded. "Of course. Is that a problem?"

"Mm." Phi Sora shook her head. "No. I'm not such a bitch that I wouldn't understand your position. But..." She spun around to look at the surroundings. "Did you two come here alone? Where's everyone else?"

"Ah. They're-"

"They're dead." Flone finished for me and said, "We went through the whole mansion and you were the only one alive. Even then, it was only barely alive. If Jihu didn't heal you with a high level spell, you would have joined the other ghosts haunting the villa."

Phi Sora clenched her teeth and then tried to walk past me. But before she could, I grabbed her hand.

She spun around to look at me, glaring.

"Listen to me first." I gave her a steady gaze and said, "There were a dozen corpses that we saw, and maybe a few more we didn't. The two of us barely escaped from that place alive, and that was by running without looking back the moment we found you. Not only that..." I gestured towards Flone and said, "She's a level six Saintess and I'm a level five warrior. I won't stop you if you go... but I'm telling you right now that you'll die the moment you step in the door this time. Whatever entity that was chasing us in there wasn't happy about us all escaping alive."

Phi Sora tensed, the resolute glare she gave me dimming. At the same time, the black aura that surrounded her when she started walking past me began receding.

She brushed off my arm and then reached into her bag, pulling out a communication crystal. Holding onto it like a lifeline, she muttered, "Please... please...!"

I thought it wasn't going to work. After all, there wasn't anyone to answer.

But suddenly, light burst out.

"Sohyun!" Phi Sora shouted out, her eyes filled with relief. Staring into the crystal, she said, "Sohyun, Sohyun! Are you okay? Where are you? Are you alive? Say something?"

Flone looked over at me and slowly shook her head.

I sighed.

The line had gone through. However, in the crystal, there was only a pitch black darkness.

"Sohyun!" Phi Sora cried out again. And then...

[Wheeeere aaarrreee youuuu...? coooomeeee baaaack...]

Phi Sora flinched. "So-"

[Saaaaveeee meeee... Unnniiii...]

The crimson haired woman froze, the color leaving her face.

[Youuu raaannnn awaaaaayyyy... alloooooneeee....]

A terrifying voice like from a horror movie. The sound of nails on the chalkboard, screeching and grinding.

The crystal slipped out of Phi Sora's hands. When it bounced along the ground, her knees gave out and she fell down too, kneeling on the ground.

Flone walked over, gently picking up the communication crystal.

I shook my head and said, "You know, right? What happened."

Phi Sora looked at her and then at me. "I... don't know..." She muttered. "I'm sure. There... there were four people left. We ran away... and I said I would be the bait."

I sighed and walked over to her.

Flone looked at me and tactfully stepped back.

Phi Sora didn't notice, staring at the ground. "We barely managed to escape. But it was suddenly too silent. I told them to leave while I was attracting their attention... but I didn't hear them running away..."

I was silent, waiting for her to finish.

Phi Sora bent over, as if she couldn't bear to look up anymore, and stared at the ground, clenching the dirt. "It was too quiet... and strange... so I went back in a hurry... and everyone was..."

The sound of her swallowing, of words she couldn't say. After that, she balled her hands into fists and smacked the ground, gritting her teeth.

I wanted to let her grieve a bit more. But then I saw it.


It seemed Flone noticed too.

"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck." I didn't hesitate. Cutting my right hand to draw blood and speed up the process, I slammed it on the ground next to Phi Sora.

She blinked and looked up at me. "W-What are you doing?"

I held out my left hand and said, "Take my hand."


"Take. My. Hand!"

Flone vanished, turning into spirit form and then entering the necklace around my neck.

I had a lot of questions on how and why she could do that... or how she even knew how to do that in the first place, but I didn't think about it. What mattered was that taking one less person along saved me the calculation time to set our destination.

Phi Sora shook her head. "I-"

"This is the Parasites' territory and that thing is chasing after us! We need to leave, now!" The ground was swiftly turning black. Not only that, but my body was being dyed black as well.

Phi Sora's eyes widened. "B-But how-"

"Just grab my hand! I'm not leaving you here to die!"

Phi Sora's eyes glimmered with tears and then she grabbed my hand. "You bastard...! I'm sad enough already, why do you have to- Eek!"

I pulled her in close, staring at the approaching darkness in the distance and then focused.

There wasn't enough time to calculate to Haramark, but at least over the ocean-


A dreadful, monstrous voice filled with deathly resentment.

A darkness approaching at lightning speed.

I grit my teeth and activated Transcendent Insight.

Immediately, time froze. At the same time, I could see the true form of the darkness.

An eldritch god from beyond the veil, taking over the resentful spirit of the former Emperor.

And one far more powerful than me.

But power didn't mean anything. It was just another form of energy. And with All as One...

I glared, forcibly binding the being in place.

It roared again. And almost immediately, I felt knives pressed against my neck. Causality pushing back against me.

...Meaning that this thing was meant to be here. No, that it was meant to kill us.


But there was time now. So...

Phi Sora subconsciously pulled me closer. And when she did-


-I tore space apart.


Rushing wind, crashing waves.

Almost at once, gravity took over, pulling us down. But before we fell, a pair of delicate hands pulled me back up. And in turn, I pulled Phi Sora up, holding her in my arms like a princess.

Her eyes widened and she looked around. "What?" So surprised, she didn't even seem to notice the fact that I was holding her close. "Where are we?"

"Somewhere over the ocean close to Nur... Probably."

It was pitch black, with only the pale blue moon reflecting over the night sky.

[Jihu? Should I carry us back?]

'No. I'll take over from here. Rest up. You've done more than enough.'

[...Okay. But don't get involved too much with that red-haired hussey, alright? Don't forget! She was mad at you before!]

'Yeah, yeah.'

Like that, the necklace dimmed and gravity took over again. But I was ready this time and inverted it, keeping us afloat.

Phi Sora looked up at me and then shifted her gaze. It seemed like she had a lot of questions, but other matters weighed heavier on her mind.

It was understandable. The ones who died were her comrades. Some were probably with her since the Tutorial.

While they weren't completely dead, there was no mistaking the fact that they wouldn't be the same.

Unlike me, the protection of the gods and the memories made here would vanish in an instant upon death. That gaping void would no doubt leave a tangible absence in one's life. Personality traits and habits without basis, the constant sensation that something was missing.

Like a dream that one couldn't remember, but one that made you wish you could.

It was enough to obsess over... I was sure of it. Enough to ruin someone.

So I didn't speak. I didn't ridicule her or bring it up.

At least, that was the plan.

But after an hour of slowly crossing the night ocean and seeing Phi Sora stare so blankly, I sighed and said, "At the villa..."

Phi Sora shifted, turning to look at me.

"...A group of souls remained to block the monster."


I didn't meet her gaze, only saying what I needed to. "Your comrades were desperately worried about you. Enough that they clung to life- No, I suppose they clung to death here long enough to make sure you were safe. All of them, begging me to protect their Unni."

"...If you're going to come up with a story to comfort me, you might as well tell a better lie."

"Believe what you want. But I know what I saw. A young priestess pointed to the room you were in and desperately pleaded for me to save you. And then afterwards, she led the charge with the others, telling me to save her Unni and thanking me for taking you away." I glanced back at Phi Sora.

She stared at me, her eyes clearly in disbelief- No, she didn't want to believe it.

I sighed and looked away. "Believe it or not. It's your choice. But know that those people wouldn't want you to throw your life away."

Phi Sora didn't respond, but I felt her body tremble.

I didn't look, but I was sure that she was crying.

"Sohyung... everyone..." Phi Sora's pained voice echoed amidst the sound of the passing wind.

I pretended I didn't hear it.

Instead, I thought about something else.

Chohong. Hugo. Ian. Teresa... everyone I met here. How would I feel if they died? Although they would be alive on Earth, their memories would be gone. Not only that, but that gap left behind... And that was only for the Earthlings. If someone like Teresa died, that was it.

I narrowed my eyes and focused. 'I need to make preparations.'

The ominous darkness reminded me. Despite everything, it wouldn't be a walk in the park- No, rather, everything that I did 'here' would cause events to intensify.

I developed All as One, but that only made the world push back with that unfathomable being.

In that case... I needed to make proper preparations.

As I went over what had to be done and what was left, a harbor began to appear in the distance.

The port of Nur.


It was still early morning when we arrived, so the place was empty. Even so, I remained on my guard and picked a deserted place to land, at the same time diverting light rays to hide.

Sora had stopped crying and regained her composure. While she was still flushed and seemed dissatisfied, she didn't seem delirious anymore... At least, not to the extent of charging off on a death mission. Also, her color had faded away, turning back to normal- No, that wasn't true. There was now a faint gold and red thread around her now. Karmic ties that emerged, but weren't solid yet.

And thankfully not a hint of danger. It seemed like that 'thing' gave up chasing us.

I touched down behind a building in the port and then let Sora go.

Brushing herself off, she looked at me and said, "So what, you're going to leave me here and ditch?"

[That woman-!]

'Calm down, Flone.'

I shook my head and then pulled out a handful of silver coins and a spare sword... Or rather, a steel sword I made from mana. Handing both to her, I said, "Don't die on me now. If you do, I'm going to track you down on Earth and curse you out."

"Tch. If I die after all of this, I deserve that." While her words were sharp, she gingerly took the sword and coins.

I nodded. "Stay strong." With those parting words, I waved and turned around, walking off.

"Thank- No, I'll repay this debt..."

As I left, I thought I heard her faint voice echo behind me, but I decided to ignore it.

Now, to get rid of the evidence...

Light bent, erasing my presence. Then, not long after, space bent.

Taking another step forward, the port of Nur vanished, and then familiar fields outside Haramark emerged.

When they did, Flone popped back into existence beside me, frowning. "Did you really have to go that far for that woman? She wasn't even grateful!"

"It's fine, Flone. Sometimes, you just have to do the right thing, you know?" I walked forward. "Besides... I remembered now."

It was while we were flying back that I jogged my memory. Seeing Sora's turned head and her back, I remembered where I saw her.

That 'Good Pork Belly' restaurant I took Jinhee to.

Sora had been the cook I noticed at the time in the kitchen. A cook that made the two of us some good food and kept at it even though we overstayed our welcome a bit due to Jinhee's long questions.

I smiled and said, "She helped me out a bit, so it's only fair I helped her back."

Flone followed after me, sighing. "Even so... You're too nice, Jihu."

"Me? Nice?" I laughed. "If I was really nice, I would have saved all of them. This... how can a guy who selfishly saves certain people instead of everyone be nice?"

"By feeling guilty that he didn't. And you couldn't have saved them all anyway, could you?" Flone looked at me and said, "Otherwise, we would have left even earlier to go to the Sacrificium. Right?"

I was silent.

That was true. If I intervened earlier, then the outcome would have been worse. That expedition was something that was 'fated' to happen. If I broke off from that... I already saw the countermeasure at the villa. I couldn't even imagine what might occur if I stopped the expedition completely.

"I knew it." Taking my silence as an answer, Flone nodded and skipped ahead of me.

I sighed.

"Ah." Flone stopped and turned around. "There was something I forgot to say, Jihu."

"Hm? What is it?"

Flone stopped and then gently clasped her hands against her chest. Giving me a bright smile, she said, "Thank you. For helping me meet my grandfather again."

I froze.

Flone was already beautiful. I noticed that from the beginning. But with that bright expression and the rising rays of sunlight glinting off of her delicate features, that beauty was magnified a hundredfold.

Seeing that, and remembering her words back on Earth... For a moment, my heart raced.

Still, it was only for a moment. Before I was too dazed by her beauty, I smiled back and said, "Thanking me for something like that?" I shook my head and walked up to her, messing up her hair. "What do you take me for? Helping out the person I care about is natural. There's no need to thank me."

Flone giggled and leaned into my hand before sidling up beside me.

I was about to push her off, thinking she was messing around again.

But then her soft voice echoed. "Thanks, Jihu. I love you too."

I pretended not to hear it and walked forward.

As expected, Flone stumbled, almost falling to the ground. "Meanie!"

I waved and said, "Come on. People will get suspicious if we take too long, you know?"


I heard Flone run up behind me. But I didn't turn around.

After all... I wasn't confident in hiding the guilt on my face if I looked into her eyes.