
Changing His Story

I stood over the valley, looking at the horde of monsters- No, Parasites.

They were literally giant cockroaches, half the size of a grown man. The only difference was that their mouths were more like an alligators, a terrifying appearance.

But that wasn't important. Instead...

"It's that one, right?"

The Medusa.

A monstrous mishmash of human and beastly legs sprouting out of its main body, dyed a thick green hue. A mishmash coiled shape. The leader of this horde.

I brushed my earring, going over my plan again.


Dylan was nearby, lying in wait. Despite my insistence, he came over to be with me and watch my departure.


"...Since this could be the last time we meet again, do you mind if I ask you something?"

I glanced over. "I'm not fond of raising death flags... But sure. What is it?"

"What did you do back on Earth before coming here?"

"Me?" I stared at the Parasites below and grinned. "I was a free lancer."

"A... free lancer?"

I jumped. At the same time, I drew in wind and pushed myself off towards the Medusa, activating the earring in the same breath.

A blinding charge, with my sword in front of me. I closed the gap from the cliff to the Medusa in an instant and then collided.

A sickening explosion of flesh and green blood.

Without hesitation, I kicked off its body and flew back, landing on the ground.

A pained scream reverberating throughout the valley. Almost immediately, the cockroaches attacking the fortress wall stopped their approach and turned back.

It was a deathly silence. For a split second, all of the attention from every living creature in the area turned on me.

But I wasn't done.

Rounding on the Medusa once more, I swept my emerald blade and channeled lightning, zapping it. Not enough to destroy it, but enough to injure it.

Sparks crackled, scorching the Medusa's flesh and melting it.

This time, in addition to screaming, the Medusa writhed around in agony. With fury in its eyes, it turned to look at me.

I grinned.

The Medusa flinched and then pointed at me, screaming. At the same time, a huge fireball erupted from its mouth.

I swung my sword again, this time sending out a blast of icy wind.

The fireball split.

Seeing that, the Medusa froze.

But the other Parasites didn't. Like a horror movie, the sound of countless skittering legs echoed towards me, followed the buzzing of wings.

"Time to go."

I spun around and kicked off, making my way through the valley.

Cockroaches jumped to ambush me, but I swung my blade, sending out blasts of lightning and ice, intermixed with metal shrapnel.

Bug shell, eerie green blood, and other debris filled the air.

But they all missed me, dashing past it through the valley.

So far, I was just moving with my own speed. But I could feel my body straining. The impulse to use my energy to empower my body was erupting despite the stars I created to stabilize it.

"Tch. Guess it's time for this." I touched my earring again, activating the second boost. At the same time, I reduced my actual speed by half, compensating with the earring.

The approaching tide of bugs was left behind. Not completely, just out of reach, but clear from danger.

The cliffs were in front of me. The promised area. Up in the distance, I could see Ian standing at the top, watching me.

But there was a problem.

As if predicting my advance, the area in front were filled with massive bugs. Cockroaches the size of cars instead of wild beasts.

With unsettling screeches, they charged at me, a flood of chitin and danger.


"Time to try it out."

I stepped forward and activated the last Boost.

An explosive burst of speed. And at the same time-

[Heavenly Reversal]

An attack that rippled across space, cleaving everything in front of me. Not mana, but pure spatial waves splitting apart molecular bonds, using my sword as the medium.

A hole blew open in the sea of bugs and I blew past.

Landing on the ground, I kicked off again, using the last of my Boost to clear the ravine.

And for good measure, I spun back around and threw out my hand.

The air rippled, and then a wall of ice formed. Not very strong, only good enough to stall. But that was what I needed.

I flipped and landed on the ground again, clearing the ravine entirely. But I kept running.

As for why...

Thunderous explosions. Giant boulders, as if ripped from the cliffs- No, they were actually ripped from the cliffs.

The entire mountainous terrain crumbled, crashing down on the horde of bugs chasing me.

And then I heard something snap.


My eyes widened and then I saw blood burst from my skin. At the same time, jagged pain coming from deep inside my body. But it was too late to deal with it. With such a sudden accident, I found myself collapsing, falling over. Thankfully, my speed had already gone to a normal pace. But it was going to hurt.

I grit my teeth and braced for impact... but it never came.

A pair of gentle but firm arms grabbed me before I fell over.

I blinked and looked up to see a pair of deep rose-gold irises staring down at me.


She looked... Well, her emotions were clear on her face. A passionate gaze, like a maiden falling in love for the first time.

I couldn't help it. With the context of everything, I laughed and said, "You know, it's supposed to be the hero catching the princess instead of the other way around."


I pushed myself off of her and then subtly healed my shattered legs.

My body was hot, burning from the overuse of my energy. I frowned and placed a hand on my sword, letting it drain the excess.

While I did that, Teresa stepped towards me, her gaze filled with happiness. "You!"

I nodded. "Yep, me."

She squealed and ran towards me pulling me into a tight embrace. Then, she pushed me back, holding me at arm's length, and stared deep into my eyes. "Did you know? You, you're so fucking hot and sexy right now!"

She leaned forward and tried to kiss me, but before she could, I held up my hand and smiled. "I know, I'm awesome. But there's something you have to do right now first, isn't there?"

Teresa blinked, regaining her composure. But then she looked even more impressed and stepped back, letting me go. Although her eyes still burned with desire, she nodded and drew her sword, turning back to the ravine.


Teresa's roar resounded through the ravine, followed by roars from the army that had been waiting in ambush.

Seeing that, I let out a sigh and limped my way off to safety.


A loud cheer resounded out in the valley.

Teresa raised her longsword high up in the air to meet their cheers, even forgetting about saving face and cutely squealing in glee.

Ian clapped his hand on my shoulder and said, "I have to say, Jihu. You continue to be a man of many surprises." He grinned and said, "I had assumed you could use some magic from our discussions, but that show you put on... Tell me. Your class is Warrior... But I presume that was not the god's first choice, was it?"

I nodded. "That's right. Apparently I would do great in any class, but they boiled it down to Magician, where I could rise to a High Ranker in no time at all, or to a Warrior, where I could make use of my natural physique. Of course, a man's passion lies with the sword, so I picked that."

Ian laughed. "Indeed. A man's passion, is it?" He slung his arm around my shoulder and said, "Well now, then it's also a man's passion to rescue a princess, isn't it? Tell me honestly, is that the reason why you suggested the plan?" It was a sly and lecherous grin. "Don't be shy. She's quite impressive, isn't she?"

Chohong groaned. "Quit it, Master Ian. Leave Seo- O-Oppa alone."

Ian leaned back, a grin on his face. "Oppa, is it? Or did I hear you say 'Oppai?'"

Chohong flushed red and reached for her mace.

Ian held up his hands in defeat.

I looked over to Chohong and said, "You know, I was just joking. You don't really have to call me that."

"What do you take me for, an easy woman, Oppa?" Chohong huffed and crossed her arms. "I made a bet and I lost."

"Yeah, but-"

"Just shut up and accept it, Oppa."

Ian nodded and said, "That's right, Friend. Enjoy having a haughty miss like Chohong calling you her Oppa. It's a once in a life time opportunity, you know?"

I sighed.


We were finally heading back to Haramark.

Originally, I planned to head back with Dylan and the others in their carriage, but Ian insisted that I ride with him.

Obviously, I wasn't about to decline hanging out with someone I respected as a friend. Unfortunately, I didn't expect the other person there.

"Well now. If it isn't Mister Hero himself." Teresa grinned and gave me a heated gaze.

Ian laughed and patted my shoulder. "I still can't believe you pulled that off, Seol."

"Yeah, yeah." I shrugged.

We were on the road, meaning there wasn't really an escape. And considering the distance to go, these were my traveling partners for the time being.

In short, I was stuck.

Still, with Ian here, it seemed like Teresa wouldn't do anything too drastic.

Teresa hummed and looked at me. "I agree. Something like that..." She hugged herself and said, "It really was like a hero swooping in to save me from the clutches of despair!" She smiled and then said, "Tell me, are you really a level 1 Warrior?"

I frowned and said, "People keep asking me that... Is it really that unbelievable?"

Ian shook his head and let out an exasperated sigh. "Jihu. My friend. You have to understand, you aren't justa level 1 Warrior, but one that can freely use magic. Lightning magic at that, and then even control your body with dexterity that rivals even a High Ranker Archer... With your abilities, no one would doubt you if you said you were a Level 4. Insisting that you are level 1, even if true... Well, it's frankly impossible."

"But I'm not lying?"

Teresa tilted her head and stared at me, carefully scrutinizing my face. "If not... Then that's even more amazing."

They weren't really there, but I could already imagine pink hearts pulsing in her eyes.

I coughed and then said, "Anyway, Ian. About our team..."

"Ah." The older Magician nodded and frowned. "Yes... There is that."

"Hm?" I frowned. "Is something wrong?"

"Not 'wrong' per se, but..." He looked at Teresa and said, "Miss Princess here made me quite the offer to stick around you see."

Teresa nodded. "Obviously. If not for you, even with my hero's brilliant combat prowess we would have been stuck. Furthermore... I still need you to help me with my dream."

"Dream?" I glanced at Teresa and said, "What's that?"

"Oh?" She smiled and said, "Is my hero offering to save me again?"

"Well, if it means I earn the favor of the princess, it's at least worth considering, right?"

Teresa laughed and then said, "You. I really like you, you know?"

"And I like the way you operate. So should we cut to the chase?"

Teresa smiled again, her eyes twinkling. "Playing hard to get, huh? Well, whatever. You know how Arden Valley is an imposing mountain range, right?"

"Yes. That's the whole point of the fortress, wasn't it?"

She nodded. "That's right. My dream is to turn that entire place into an impregnable fortress. A stronghold to stall the easiest pathway the Parasites have into Haramark." She smiled. "Wouldn't that be great?"

Ian nodded. "A wondrous vision... that would come at me being worked to death."

"Hmph. You're the one who enjoys me scolding you to work."

Ian shrugged. "True enough."

I paused in thought. "A stronghold... I can see that. But why do you need Ian?" I glanced over at him.

He sighed and said, "That is the rub. Unfortunately for Haramark, there aren't many skilled magicians around. Even if there were... Ah." He looked to Teresa and said, "May I?"

"It doesn't matter."

Ian nodded and said, "The royal family doesn't have the funding."

I frowned. "But... you're the royal family? Why don't- Ah." I nodded. "The rebellion."

"Right in one." Ian nodded.

Teresa sighed. "It would be simple if we had the money... but there's only so much. Not to mention that we sold almost all of our land..."

I paused, considering it. "Funding, is it?"

Ian nodded. "That's right. And it would be a lot too. Think of it... Hm. At a low estimate, take what we found at the expedition today and multiply it by a thousand." He sighed and said, "A few thousand gold coins... If we had that much, then even an old man like me could rest easy. But as things are now-"


"Hm?" Ian looked at me.

Teresa did as well. "What? Does my hero have another magical plan to save me?"

"...Maybe?" I paused and said, "Is the value in coins their currency being backed by royal families? Or the mineral itself?"

Teresa blinked. "Isn't it obviously the metal? What authority would royal families even have to enforce it?"

I smiled. "Great. Then... Well." I glanced at Ian and said, "I'm going to buy your employment contract."

Ian blinked. "Pardon?"

I looked at Teresa and said, "How much was it? A thousand gold coins, right? That would be... ten platinum coins?"

Teresa nodded. "That's right- Wait." Her eyes widened and she said, "Don't tell me-"

I reached into my bag and grabbed a handful of coins. Silver.

Of course, that wasn't enough. But I had a base mineral. Then, if I just converted the atomic structure, carefully balancing everything out...

"Here you go." I held out my hand.

Teresa blinked and then sighed. "I appreciate you trying to be cute, but-"

"Wait!" Ian quickly reached over and picked up the coins. Muttering under his breath, he stared at them, magic sigils floating over the coins. And then he turned to look at me, eyes wide. After that, he laughed. "No wonder you weren't tempted by the treasures!"

Teresa blinked. "Ian?" She blinked again, looking at the coins. Then her eyes went wide. "D-Don't tell me..." She looked at me and said, "Those. Are those... Platinum coins?"

"Yep. Ah." I placed a finger on my lips and said, "But it's a secret, alright? I don't want to be hounded down by people thinking they can rob a 'lowly level 1', you know?"

Teresa laughed, a genuine bright sound in contrast to the melancholy she had before. "You... Your name was Seol, right?"

I nodded. "That's my family name. My given name is Jihu."

"Jihu then." Teresa stared at the coins and then looked at me, her face serious. "Tell me. If I were to offer myself in marriage, how much would you pay?"

I blinked. "Huh?"

"P-Princess?!" Even Ian was shocked.

Teresa looked at me and said, "An honest proposal. If I were to offer myself-"

"Hold on." I felt a headache coming on and rubbed the bridge of my nose. "You... You're willing to sell yourself to me for the right price?"

Teresa gave me a serious nod. "I am."

I stared at her and said, "And what if I'm a bad guy? What if this was all just a ploy to seduce you and then take out the royal family from underneath?"

Ian was quiet, staring at me, contemplative.

Teresa stared at me as well and then shook her head. "I don't think so. I trust my sense of character and you... Well, if I'm wrong then so be it. But... something tells me that you aren't that bad a person."

I frowned and then stared at her.

[Teresa Hussey]

[2. Traits]

1. Temperament:

-Stout (Both her mindset and actions are sharp and substantial)

-Responsible (places importance on the duties or obligations she's been tasked with)

-Heroic (possesses vigorous spirits and does not hesitate to do minor matters if it needs to be)

2. Aptitude:

-Sagacious (Has a gift in quickly judging the situation correctly and to respond accordingly)

-Breaking-through (Regardless of the difficulty of the situation, she will search for a way to survive and overcome the current adversity.)

[5. Level of Cognition]

Hard to please (Tenacious and persistent)/Resolved/Hopeful (Feels a faint ray of hope for the future)

I nodded. "Fine."

"J-Jihu?!" Ian looked at me. "You can't be serious-"

I looked at Teresa and said, "100 platinum coins. Is that enough? I'll say up front, I'm not a good person. If you accept, then I'm going to use you without hesitation. After all, a body like that... Well. What happens in Paradise stays in Paradise, right?"

Teresa looked shocked, but then she seemed to be seriously considering it.

"Jihu." Ian looked at me, his eyes changing. "You...?" He shook his head and looked at Teresa. "Princess, even if-"


"What?!" Ian looked shocked.

Teresa looked at me and said, "100 platinum coins... but I want it now. As for the other parts... Give me a month. I'll settle my affairs in a month, and then you can do whatever you want."

It was a firm resolve. Still, I could see the disappointment in her eyes. Even so, it looked like she was willing to sacrifice herself for the greater good. Resolved to toss herself away for her homeland.

"...Are you sure?"

"What? Don't tell me you don't have the coin now?" Teresa crossed her arms and smirked, as if challenging me.

I reached into my bag and tossed a sack at Ian. "Take a look."

"Ian?" Teresa looked at him as well.

He sighed and took a look inside. "...These are truly platinum coins."

Teresa's eyes widened. She looked at me like she didn't really expect me to have it.

"Well?" I raised my eyebrows. "It's not too late to back out."

"I might be a princess, but I won't back down that easily. Deal." She grabbed the bag and placed it beside her.

I stared at her and then let out a long sigh. "Goddammit. Do people here only value themselves that much?"

"H-Huh?" Teresa blinked.

Ian did as well... And then he laughed. "I knew it. The whole thing was..."

"Wait. Wait, wait, wait." Teresa shook her head and held up her hand. "What do you mean?"

I glared at her and said, "I have to do this. I can't let this chance slip by. If it's just like that... For everyone else, I can endure it. That's what you were thinking, right?"

Teresa flinched.

"Idiot." I shook my head and said, "You're the princess of Haramark. The leader of a nation. Sure, it might be diminished now, but it's still one of the remaining foundations of Paradise. And you're willing to throw away your future just for some coin?"

Ian coughed. "My friend. 100 platinum coins is not just 'some' coin. With that amount-"

"It doesn't matter." I stared at Teresa and sighed. "I'm disappointed, you know? From what I heard and saw about you, I thought you would be the type to be against this to the bitter end. Rather than giving up entirely, I thought you would negotiate. Say something like, 'Is that all you have?' But instead, you caved the moment I tossed out that random number."

Teresa crossed her arms. "That's-!" She froze and looked away. "That's... not true..."

"Look at me."

She did.

I sighed and said, "This world is your own. While we're all here to help, in the end, it will be up to you to fight for it. You can't compromise, especially not to someone who could leave at any time and never return. That's not what someone called the Princess Knight should do, alright?" I smiled and picked up the bag, gently placing it in her hands. "So here. Take this and make sure to never fall for a wicked man like myself in the future, alright?"

Teresa stared at me, her eyes dazed. But then, before I knew it, they started to water.

My eyes grew wide. "W-Wait a minute."

She sniffed and said, "You... You...!"

"P-Princess Teresa?"

She tossed the bag aside and then jumped towards me. "You meeaaniiieee!!"


Teresa sniffed and brushed her tears away. "...You must think I'm some cheap woman."

I nodded. "Considering that you were willing to sell yourself-"

"Ahem." Ian coughed.


Teresa smiled. "No. It's true. I did... If that transaction was real, I would have done it anyway. Master Ian... You know it as well, don't you? What can be done with that much money?"

"Indeed." He nodded and said, "Which is why I would like to remind our friend here of the importance of it." He looked at me and said, "Jihu. Do you know how much that 100 platinum coins can do? No, the extent of that currency?"

"...It's just money, isn't it?"

He shook his head. "You... Are you some noveau riche person from Earth? This... Well, fine. To put into perspective, on Earth, that amount of money is enough to buy a large island. As for here..." His expression straightened and he said, "That truly is a fair price to pay for a princess. In fact, if you had gone up to the king and offered that amount, he would have accepted in a heartbeat."

I paused and said, "...Is the situation that dire?"

Ian sighed. "You must understand, Jihu. It isn't that the princess has low morals... Though I suppose that is true in part-"

Teresa narrowed her eyes.

Ian coughed and said, "That amount of money is enough to declare yourself king. In fact..." He looked to me and said, "How *do* you possess this much? I've heard that your backer is Miss Hannah and that Sinyoung are interested in you, but even *they* do not possess that much financial weight. In fact, I would hazard that no one does."

"Well..." I looked at Ian and said, "Ian. You're an Alchemist right?"

He nodded. "That is my Class."

"Can Alchemists transmute metals?"

He blinked and said, "We can. But-" He blinked. And then he pointed at me. "Impossible."

I gave a sheepish smile and pulled out a silver coin. When I did, I focused and shifted it to gold before their eyes.

Teresa's mouth fell open.

Ian was stock still.

"You see..." I flipped the coin and caught it, placing it back into my bag. "I originally planned to use this expedition as an excuse to get a lot of money so that I could start spending coins freely. Unfortunately..." I frowned and said, "It looks like I underestimated how valuable coins are..."

Ian coughed and then pointed at me. "Jihu. You... You can transmute gold?"

I shook my head. "Not just gold. Platinum, silver... I could probably transmute every periodic element if I wanted to."

"But... how?" He shook his head and said, "It's impossible. Gold is too stable of an element to create. Countless have tried... Even the ancient Empire-"

"Well..." I stared at the two and nodded. "Since it's you two, I think I can trust you with this much. You see, Ian..." I smiled and said, "Whereas you're an Alchemist by class... I'm an actual Alchemist in terms of abilities. I have an innate ability that lets me... Well, it's a bit complicated to explain. Let's just say it lets me directly modify atomic structures of certain items by using mana as a shortcut?"

Teresa stared at me and then grabbed my arm. This time, the shock had faded, returning back to those desire filled eyes. "Marry me."


"I'm serious this time. If you aren't lying... No. Even if you're telling even a tenth- A hundredth of the truth-"

I sighed and pushed her off. "I'm not marrying you."

"What? Am I not good enough?" She paused and then leaned back. "No, I suppose I wouldn't be if it's like that. E-Even so!"

I waved my hand and said, "It's not that. You have to get in line first."



Ian laughed.


"Are you sure that this is fine?" Teresa stood, carefully holding the sack of platinum coins to her chest with trembling hands.

I nodded. "It's only fair. I'm taking Ian with me, after all." I pointed to my traveling companion.

The older Magician shook his head and muttered, "To think that I would be sold out like this. All those years of service and in a single moment..."

Teresa scoffed. "Stop joking around. You're the one who couldn't wait to 'delve into the mysteries of alchemy' with darling over there."

I blinked. "Darling?"

She nodded. "Of course, Darling. After all, since you've done this much, you've earned that right. Unless you'd prefer to be called something else? Like..." She placed a finger on her chin and then gave me a sly smile. "Daddy?"

"Kuh!" Ian flinched and clutched his heart.

I rolled my eyes. "Just call me Jihu, Teresa. And if you seriously want to repay me, go fulfill your dreams first. If you're still determined on me afterwards, we can talk then."

Teresa laughed, "Talk, huh? I don't think there's a need for that... but if that's what you want, Darling."

"It's Jihu."

She waved and then hopped back into her carriage. After that, she sent me a kiss and said, "Take care, Darling! And keep an eye on that perverted old man!"

I sighed, but waved her goodbye.

And then it was just me and Ian, standing on the outskirts of Haramark.

He looked at me first and then shook his head. "Jihu, friend. You... Honestly. I cannot even begin to organize my thoughts. How many mysteries do you conceal?"

"Too many to count. I'll tell you about them sometime. But first... I'm curious about something." I raised my sword and said, "You can use analysis magic, right? Could you try it on this?"

"Mm? If you want. Just allow me to-"

"Ah." I pulled back as he was about to grab it. "This sword is a bit... fickle, let's say. It doesn't let anyone but me hold it."

"Oho?" Ian rubbed his mustache. "A challenge... But if that's the case, we should relocate." He looked around and said, "The outskirts of Haramark is fairly safe, but you never know, right?"

"True." I sheathed my sword and said, "Let's go then."

"After you, Boss~!"

I froze and then said, "...Just Jihu's fine."

Ian laughed. "Alright then, Leader. Whatever you say."

I sighed.

We made our way over to the gate. As we did, Ian pointed over there and said, "If I'm not mistaken, are those three Dylan, Hugo, and Chohong?"

I blinked and looked over. "You're right. Did they wait for us?"

Dylan noticed first and waved in greeting.

We walked over.

Dylan noticed Ian and blinked in surprise. "Master Ian? I thought you would return with the Princess?"

Ian laughed and said, "Our friend here made the princess an offer she couldn't refuse. As a result, I'm stuck with him."

I rolled my eyes and said, "That makes it sound like I enslaved you or something, Ian."

He shrugged.

Dylan looked between us and frowned. "Then... I suppose you two are in a party together?"

I nodded. "Seems like it."

Ian gasped. "I'm hurt, Leader! Are you throwing this old man away so soon? What, are you disappointed that I'm not some sexy young woman?"

"...You might be a 'sage', but are you sure your first class wasn't a jester, Ian?"

"Oho? A fellow Dragon Quest fan, I see!" He laughed.

"Wait!" Hugo spoke up and said, "Does this mean you're not joining Carpe Diem, Seol?"

The elephant in the room.

Chohong looked as me as well, biting her lip. "O-Oppa. Are you not coming to join us?"

I shook my head. "I appreciate the second offer but I'll pass. Not to discredit you or anything Dylan." I nodded to the leader of Carpe Diem and said, "But I don't think I'd be able to follow your orders."

Dylan sighed. "No. I understand. To be honest... I don't think anyone would be able to order you around if they wanted to." He smiled and said, "After all, you're a guy willing to quit the expedition team to protect his beliefs. Although..." He looked at Ian and said, "Are you sure you're okay going along with Seol, Master Ian?"

"Okay?" Ian shook his head and said, "In all honesty, I would pay to go along with Jihu. As for why... Eh. That's our little secret." He looked at me and said, "Isn't that right, Jihu?"

I frowned. "...It'd better be. I don't want to have to deal with the drama that comes if you spill it to anyone. Not to mention Teresa would want to skin you alive."

Ian laughed. "True, true. I doubt that she'd let me off if I bothered her 'Darling' so much."

Chohong blinked. "Darling?"

Ian shook his head and turned to me. "Anyway, Leader. What's the plan? Should we go turn in the mission? Or should we head to the temple? I'm certain that your achievements are enough to level up, so that would be a priority to do, right?"

I nodded. "Sounds like a plan... And I should probably deposit some things too. I don't mind carrying it around all the time, but... You know."

Dylan nodded. "In that case, we'll bid you farewell here."

"Dylan!" Hugo turned on Dylan and said, "But-"

Dylan shook his head. "I'll be looking forward to how you grow in the future, Seol." With that, he decisively turned around and walked away.

Hugo turned to look back at me one more time and then sighed, walking away as well.

Chohong looked at me with mixed emotions and then went after her team.

I watched them leave, seeing the golden light fade into the distance.

"...You regretting it, Jihu?" Ian turned to look at me. "If you want, we can still join them. This old man's stuck wherever you go, so I don't mind."

I shook my head. "No. They're good friends and I think we'd do well working together... But I'm not the type of person who like being under anybody else. At least, not someone less capable as me."

"Hoh?" Ian looked to me and said, "And you're saying that you don't lose out to a High Rank Archer?"

"I don't- Ah. I guess I can just show you. Since I'll be trusting you with my back in the future, it's probably good to have you know."


"Show Ian Denzel my Physical Stats."

Paused, staring at my stats. And then he shook his head, a wry smile on his face. "No wonder..." He sighed. "Honestly, friend. I have to say, while incredible... You truly cause no end of stress to those around you."

I shrugged.