
Villain (6)

Your hidden digger pierced my heart cruelly

And then…

Who can heal the broken heart

Since the trust doesn't exist anymore

Shui Jing


I know Brother Xu is really serious about this matter. I don't know how to process this new information. I don't know who Chen Xi Wang is anymore. I just know him as a kind-hearted grandfather and I never thought someday he can be a demon. Why is my life so regretful? The Sky must be joking to me, right?

"Shui Jing, are you alright?" Brother Xu asked me. I try my best to smile but I cannot. "Shui Jing, I don't know what should I say because now you are-"

"I am still Shui Jing!" I shouted at him. "I don't want to be his companion!"

The fresh blood spit up from my mouth again and this time my body is totally drained. I don't want to surrender!

"Shui Jing, don't say stupid things anymore."