
The Bet (8)

Can we make a promise that we will see flowers bloom together until our hair turns gray?

The Oath


Chen Xi Wang looked at Luo Fei Yang who slept beside him. He never knew that her blood was so sweet. This is his first time to taste her blood. Chen Xi Wang laid his index finger on her jugular. He is still thinking about Luo Fei Yang. His memory about Shui Jing just disappeared since this woman set him free that night.

"Shui Jing, Are you still alive?" He said as he sprouted the blood from his mouth.

Chen Xi Wang is shocked because Shui Jing is his first woman to make an oath with him but now why does the oath prohibit him from thinking about her? Does that mean Shui Jing was dead? Why he cannot remember her clearly?  Chen Xi Wang just remembers Shui Jing as the woman who imprisoned him over centuries in the big tree but he doesn't remember her reason to imprison him over there.