
1 - The Beginning

Alex was by no means unsuccessful: a top graduate of Princeton University with a PhD in Science and multiple job offers from top tech companies, his future seemed to be set in stone: a successful rich man who could do whatever he wanted, enjoying the pleasures and not caring about the sorrows of life. He also had a vibrant social life, with many friends who brought him out for parties every week.

But that was all on the surface; an outsider's view of Alex. To be more accurate, it shouldn't be called an 'outsider's view' - in fact, even his closest friends knew nothing of the secrets he kept in his heart.

Alex was tormented by his abusive and sadistic parents from young. Sometimes they would beat him or lock him up, allowing him to starve for weeks. Some of the wounds he had incurred still stuck with him until now, be it physical or psychological. His only release in life, the only hope was to quickly study and earn money so he could get away from those demons, which made him a hardworking person that led to all his achievements up to now.

He had never revealed it. Not to anyone. He felt it would be shameful.

That was when he discovered the SCP Foundation. While he was browsing the web one day, he found a strange website, one full of descriptions on creatures seemingly derived from one's deepest recesses of the mind, horrible amalgamations that would wreak havoc if released to the public (if they were real of course). But besides these, there were also friendly SCPs with sad backstories that made his heart ache, and ones that had miraculous healing effects.

Despite him knowing that the SCP Foundation was completely fake, the product of one's overly creative imagination, he still hoped that it could, in some way, exist. He would use the SCPs to get rid of his mental and physical wounds, to be a happy man.

That was until one day when he was sifting through his job offers....

"Amazon River Tech...Googol Industries...all of them seem to be boring. Why would I be interested in this crap?"

Although Alex had received many job offers, some offering to give him tremendous amounts of money, they had no allure to him at all. Physical cash would not heal his wounds.

That was when he saw a particular letter at the bottom of the stack. It had a triangular logo on it and three arrows facing inward. Eh? That's the logo of the SCP Foundation! He quickly sifted through his mail and took out the last letter...