
The Scourge of Altasia

Altasia is a huge plane in the universe where many species coexist. Nobody knows the true size of Altasia. A universal system came into existence and the race to choose the Monarch of Altasia started. Many members of different species like Demon, Dragons, Elves, Angles, Giants, etc. Start fighting to get to the throne of Monarch. 7 overlords needed to be selected for the final war to select the Monarch. To select these overlords cycles of world war started to happen one after another 24 times already. 6/7 of these overlord positions are already filled. It's time for the 25th cycle. Everyone is desperate to get the last seat of the overlord for themselves. Alliance form and break every few years. People betray each other. These things become common among every species. Join the 25th cycle of World war to see if this time Altasia selects its 7th overlord or not. Who will get the final seat of Monarch? WORLD WAR: The war between millions and billions of creatures, The place where thousand of behemoths like Giants, Dragons, Giamon, and monsters destroys. The place where many small but powerful creature shows their dominance like Elves, Humans, and Orcs. The place where vile creatures create chaos like Demon and Devil. The place where celestial creatures shine like Angles, and Fairy. This is the place where life has very little value, This is the place of Dreams. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS WORLD WAR OF ALTASIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ################## Note: Starting 20 chapters will have less detail. These chapters contain MC preparation before the main action start. I hope you will give this try for 30 chapters. WARNING: Not for below 17, There will be dark and gore stuff in the novel. ======================= English is not my first language. I hope if you find some problems let me know in the chapter comments. =======================

Champsing · ファンタジー
46 Chs

Power level of Warriors

So warrior is divided based on how many time they evolve. We name each evolution as a power level up. So based on the power level warriors are:

* Level 0- Also known as Apprentice Solider warrior. These are mortals who just start their journey to become warriors. You guys are part of these.

*Level 1 - Also known as Soldier. Someone who just enter the path of warriors. Most of the teachers teaching you are Soldiers.

* Level 2- Also known as Captain. Most of the Academies Headmasters and top management teachers in our region are Captain level.

* Level 3 - Also known as Commander. Most of the top people in a country are at the Commander level.

* Level 4 - Also known as General. I think the most powerful person in our country is at this level. Maybe the most powerful person in the royal family. Not much sure about this though.

* Level 5 - Also known as Marshal. These are mostly rulers of large empires.

* Level 6 - Also known as Lord. These rule over entire species.

* Level 7 - Also known as Overlord. ??????

You must know that These Soldiers, captains, marshals, etc are the title given by humans to high-level warriors there may be the case that other species do not know them by these titles so you calling them by level is the most accurate way to address a warrior.

We use these titles to give them respect. You must know when to use a title and when to speak directly on the warrior level.

Now each level is further divided into 3 stages.

Stage 1 (gas mana in mana core) (2% mana -> 30 % mana)

Stage 2 (liquid mana in mana core) (31% mana -> 60% mana)

Stage 3 (solid mana in mana core) (61% mana -> 100% mana)

So this is the basic hierarchy of warriors based on level.

Champsingcreators' thoughts