
The Scientists Way of Cultivation

John is a Scientist for the United States Defense Department, when he is met with a workplace accident and is killed. He is reincarnated with a contract between him and a god. As a boy he starts to invent things, until the day of the Magic Activation Ritual. That day his second life changes. The whole world will feel pain and joy as he rises to power cultivating a magical power in a new and unique way, The scientists way of cultivation.

Killershellfish · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Production Issues

Sir. Helsing set a pencil down on the table as did the two ladies that were next to him. "Care to explain these and your activities today in my guild hall?"

"Well, you see sir, these are free samples. I didn't see any rules explicitly banning the distribution of items inside the hall so I figured this would be fine. If you decide that it is not fine, I will need all of the pencils back from your patrons and staff." Van said while holding out his hand.

The eyes of the women quickly glanced at their pencils like they were about to lose something precious.

"Well, I cannot say that I approve of your methods but after doing some investigating, we have concluded that these, Pencils as you call them, are new and not dangerous. We also reviewed your actions and found there to be no malicious intent. But next time you want to do something like that ask first. The staff were confused about the origin of these items and had to explain to a lot of patrons that they didn't know. Which, by the way, looks bad on the Scholars Guild. Do you understand?"

"Yes, after your explanation I can see how that would put your staff and guild in a tight spot. But you have yet to answer my question. How may I help you?" Van said with a sly grin. He knew where this meeting was going to go so, he just had to wait and play his cards right.

"Okay, here is how you can help us. Where did you get these? I can see by the carving that you plan on selling them in the market tomorrow. Tell us where you got them and maybe we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement." One of the women spoke up.

"Nowhere. I created them. I have the designs to prove that as well." Van said as he pulled out a small piece or parchment from his inside pocket. He laid the designs on the table face down just to hide them. "About this mutually beneficial agreement, what did you have in mind?"

"How much do you plan on selling the pencils for?" the other woman asked. "I am sorry I didn't introduce myself; I am the treasurer of the guild. We have agreed to purchase a large amount of these from you, depending on the price, delivery dates, and supply."

"Well at the market I will be selling these for 5 silvers each. Since they are new, time consuming to manufacture and are a luxury item I need to ensure I make a profit." Van straight up lied.

"5 silvers each? Is that price negotiable, and how much overheard do you have per item?" Mr. Helsing inquired.

"Yes, the price is negotiable for orders large enough. It costs me 1 silver to make each one in labor wages, but the rest of the cost comes from raw material acquisition, processing, and transportation. All together if sold I will stand to make about 1 silver each." Van lied again.

"How much would you charge per item if we were to, let us say, order 5 thousand?"

Van damn near fell out of his chair. He expected an order but that was ten times the amount he expected them to offer. Even if he sold them the pencils at 1 silver each, that was 50 Gold. That was more gold that most individuals would see in a year and that is if they saved every copper they earned.

Regaining his composure he replied, "Well it still comes down to raw materials, I cannot guarantee that I will be able to produce that many in a reasonable amount of time with my meager supply chain."

Van was fishing for more than just a large order, he was hoping to secure a steady supply of materials at the least. What he was really hoping for was a workshop here in the city that he could use to produce so he didn't have to worry about transportation. The only thing that worried him was that his lathe design would be stolen. That was something that he wasn't ready to give to this world.

"Supply issues huh? Well, what would you charge for the pencils if we supplied the materials?" The first woman asked. "Oh yes that is right, I am the Guild's Quartermaster."

~Perfect, I didn't even have to ask. Now to see if I can secure a workshop here in town.

"For an order that large if I didn't have to worry about supplies that would be two silvers and 50 coppers each."

"If we are supplying the materials for the order and it costs 1 silver to make each one, why charge us that extra 50 coppers?" The Treasurer asked.

"For the safe transportation of the pencils from my village to your guild. My village only sends out trade caravans occasionally. If my goods are on the caravan I must help pay for security. With that being said, the next time I will be able to make a delivery is probably two months from now, and it won't be the full order. Due to space restrictions." Van said, and this time he wasn't lying.

"Hmm… please give us a moment." Sir. Helsing said, as he and the two ladies got up and left the room

~~ {Why did you lie about the price of the pencils? And you have over 1 thousand pencils with you to sell at the market. The transportation of the pencils is not an issue.}

~~ I lied because if I told the truth about the cost, they would still haggle me down and I wouldn't be able to make a profit. I lied about the transportation because I am trying to secure a workshop here in the city that can produce the pencils and sell on the daily market and handle large orders. About my supply I have on me I will be selling half here in this very room today, and the others I will be selling at the market. Granted it will now be for 5 silvers each but the educated men and women will pay that price.

~~ {What if they find out you are selling them to your village for 10 coppers?}

~~ That's easy to explain. The villagers are my supply chain. They provide me with the supplies and well they are my village. So of course, I will give them a hefty discount.

As soon as Sir Helsing walked out of the room and the door closed he turned around to the Treasurer and Quartermaster. "What are your opinions of this negotiation?"

"He seems too comfortable like he planned for this meeting to happen. I also have a feeling he is lying about the factors dictating the price." The Quartermaster stated.

"I also believe he is lying about what all goes into making these. I will have someone appraise a pencil and tell us what it is made from. Once we know that we can try to make it ourselves and see if the price is worth it." The Treasurer replied.

"Good we are all in agreement. But I do not think he is lying about the supply issue. I can tell just by the way it writes that the core is made from charcoal. That takes time and a lot of wood is wasted in the process. But what I can't get my head around is how he got the charcoal inside the wood and both to be so smooth and round." Sir Helsing explained. "I will send for Ms. Etta to come and negotiate the supply issue, and to see what she thinks of the boy."

With that Sir Helsing sent his fairy off to summon Ms. Etta to the guild hall.

The door of the room opened once again and Sir Helsing, the Quartermaster, and Treasurer walked back in and took their seats.

"We have sent for someone to come and hash out the details about your material supply." The Quartermaster said.

"Okay, but I do have one thing to say before we go on, I have brought some stock with me to sell at the market tomorrow. But I know I will not sell everything, and I was hoping that I wouldn't have to bring anything back home with me. Would you be willing to buy the stock I don't sell at the price of 2 silvers and 50 soppers? That is half of what these will be going for at the market. Also, if you do decide to order the 5 thousand from me, we can consider it the first delivery." Van asked

"We will think about it." The Quartermaster replied.


"Come in." Sir. Helsing said.

At that moment Mrs. Cartwright and Ms. Etta walked in.

Mrs. Cartwright immediately looked at Van sitting at the table and smacked him on the back of the head. "I heard you were causing trouble when Sir. Helsing's fairy summoned Ms. Etta here because of you, I had no choice to come with." She wouldn't tell him the truth though. She had come with because she didn't trust her friend around Van. She knew that the moment Etta had a chance she would claim Van.

"Hello, Van." Ms. Etta said, and she seductively walked by him and took a seat at the side of the table.

~~ {Van are you still with me?}

~~ Yes, I don't feel like I am being charmed by her now. I wonder why?

~~ {I don't know but I am thankful because you need to stay focused.}

"I have asked you to come here today because of Mr. Augustus there and this." Sir. Helsing said as he slid the pencil over to Ms. Etta.

"Oh this? yes I know about them. he plans to sell them at the market tomorrow."

"Yes, we know. But he was here distributing these with Ms. Cera earlier today to my staff and patrons, without their knowledge." He explained. "But that is not why you have been called; we have decided to place an order with him, but he states his supply chain is meager."

"Well, I am not happy with what you said he did today." Mrs. Cartwright glared at Van. "I will have a talk with him later. But what he says is true. I am the tavern owner of his village, and I can say with truth and confidence that his supply chain is meager to say the least."

"Well, we would like to rectify his supply issues, but he also stated that the transportation of the finished product is an issue. Is this true?" the quartermaster asked Mrs. Cartwright.

"Yes, the village is a 3-day ride by horse and 4 days by wagon away. And we only send out a caravan every few months."

"So, Ms. Etta this is where you come in. I would like to ask if you have any open workshops, he can use to manufacture these here in the city?" Sir. Helsing asked

"For Mr. Augustus, yes I do have a workshop that I think would be perfect for his little operation."

~It won't be little for long. I hope it is bigger than the shop back home.

"Okay, well Mr. Augustus, we will let you know our decision when you come back here after the market to deliver what stock you have not sold. We will pay the 2 silvers and 50 coppers each."

Mrs. Cartwright and Ms. Etta looked at Van with surprised faces. They both new how much Van was planning to sell the pencils on the market.

"We have a deal Mr. Helsing." Van said as he got up and walked around the table to shake his hand.