
Test It. A Somersault

翻訳者: EndlessFantasy Translation 編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

The foreign student's name was Charlie Lawson.

Lawson was always up to mischief, usually pulling pranks on his teachers. Now that he saw Yun Yi and the other boys, his instinct was tingling as he went ahead with his taunts.

The other foreign boys standing beside Lawson cackled when they heard his remarks.

Miss Maqi was put in an awkward position and was helpless in this situation.

"Your muscles are huge and look very manly." Right when the Country Z boys were seething with clenched fists, Yun Jian's melodious voice spoke in native English, surprising the group.

While they were shocked at the eloquence of Yun Jian's English, Country Z's students were boiling with anger.

How could Yun Jian compliment Lawson?

Lawson was not just making fun of them just now, he was ridiculing everyone of Country Z yet Yun Jian was helping an outsider?

Yun Yi was astonished too but he knew that his younger sister would never deride her own people.