
About Wasting Food and A Coincidence

翻訳者: EndlessFantasy Translation 編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yun Jian did not expect Yun Zhu to actually voice her whisper aloud. She immediately covered his mouth and pulled him along to speed walk into the hotel.

"No, no, it's nothing. Xiao Zhu, you heard wrong," Yun Jian said while she patted her brother's hair as they walked. 

Looking at the blush that crept up Yun Jian's cheeks, a charming smile made its way onto Si Yi's face before he, too, took large strides to the hotel following Yun Jian and keeping up with her.

The dishes were served once all of them were seated as Qin Yirou had already made a reservation. 

They were not in a private room but the large hall on the ground floor. A private booth was a lot more expensive than the dining hall and Qin Yirou could only afford a meal at the dining hall as Crystal Rhythm Hotel was a four-star hotel after all.

As dishes were served one by one, Yun Jian took a big drumstick piece for Yun Zhu.