
The School Heathrob's Fantasy Girl

Kilin, an adventurous and fearless high school senior, has always lived life on her terms. She had an insatiable appetite for excitement and a reputation for pushing boundaries. One fateful night, Kilin receives a direct message that changes everything. It's Wyatt, the heartthrob of the school, asking her to be his girlfriend. Overwhelmed with excitement and disbelief, Kilin's heart leaps at the chance to be with the guy she's secretly admired from afar. Despite never having spoken to him, she decides to take the leap and agrees to his proposal. Monday morning arrives, and Kilin can barely contain her excitement as she walks over to Wyatt's desk, carrying a well-intentioned surprise breakfast. However, what Kilin expects to be a romantic encounter quickly turns into a heart-wrenching realisation. Instead of a warm embrace or sweet words, Wyatt crushes her dreams in an instant. As Wyatt stands up, Kilin's heart races with anticipation, but her hopes are shattered when he cups her face not for a passionate kiss, but to deliver a devastating blow. "Don't be silly," he coldly utters, "You will never be my type." In that moment, Kilin finds herself unceremoniously dumped, her heart aching from the cruel rejection.

Faith_Andru · 若者
60 Chs

Getting hit on

"Why didn't you tell me you were such a genius? I thought for sure you were dead meat," said Keele brushing the stray strands of hair on Kilin's forehead.

Kilin leaned in close and whispered into her ear. Keele's eyes widened before she said, "Let me see." With their heads pressed together, they watched the video underneath the desk while giggling like little perverts.

Wyatt saw what they were doing and he suddenly had the urge to mess with Kilin again. He took out his phone and typed in a message.

While watching the video a pop-up notification suddenly appeared and both of them could read it.

Wyatt: I am thirsty. I need some sparkling water.

Kilin, "..."

Keele, "..."

The two girls looked back but their view was blocked by Myan who was standing beside Wyatt's desk. "The fu-," yelled Keele only for Kilin to cover her mouth and whisper.