
The School's System

Man gains a system while he is bullied. After overcoming his fears of the terrible acts they have caused, he starts to emerge himself into this new world of peace and trying to figure out how to use his new found system.

Shen_02 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Chapter 19: Bad realisation

Kumas was stationed still at the place he was sitting. Instead of staring at the teachers for m the other school, of what the girls thought, he was looking at the notifications.

He relaxed once he was done, spreading his legs on front and arms back.

'Ok, so let's go over what I know from these 'notifications''

He did air quotes.

'These windows are to the whole thing is apparently a system, and I get these superpowers which can help me. Apparently, I got invisibility because I had not accepted it for a week, so I guess that worth one week of getting hammered. I get these skills that I can do through something called an inventory, but I don't know where that is as…'

He stared blankly at the teacher again by accident.

'No clue, actually, how do I open it? I have the notifications up because I pressed it hard, also'

He put his hand through the notifications and his hand went through, and he could see the primary school through.

'It is,'

He snapped his fingers trying to remember.


He said it happily as he had paid attention in class.

'Now that I have all the information, how do I get rid of this?'

He heard the bell go, he got up brushing of the grass on him. He stopped again.

'This again?'

He moved to go to his next class. He had been thinking if it was a good idea to go because of wat had happened, but he shook his head.

'I need to go to the lesson; it's maths and I can't miss that'

He looked determined to go and he did. He went back to the hall and saw people already there, the teacher opened the door and let the students patiently waiting in. He followed them inside.

When he entered, everybody glanced away from him, they ignored him, as always. However, Kumas noticed it differently.

He sat down in the corner, like every lesson.

He remembered when he would enter a classroom. He would never arrive on time; it was not because of his punctuality but because of somebody else.

He would run quickly to make sure he would be at least before the lesson starts If he had the same lesson as the bullies, he would walk and enter with them, but not at the same time, either earlier or later than them.

He would enter, people avoided him, but people would still look. It would be like he was a criminal, and he was locked in shackles, he would get food thrown at or rocks if it was in a worse situation.

He never turned around though as the stares at the back was where people mainly aimed their projectiles at as the criminal walked down until he sat down in his chamber: the corner as always.

This time, no projectiles thrown, people did look however, it was a much nicer feeling, as if you were wearing a creepy hat, but that better than being branded as a criminal.

'This new thing, I could get used to this'

He was happy none of the bullies were here as he had two of them in his class: Jim and Ray. Them not being here was good, he listened to the teacher talking in peace.

When it was done, he was stuck.

'One crucial thing I really forgot to go over'

He bit his nail as the teacher told everybody to pack up.

'I can only use the system at school'

Hope you enjoyed

Check: Swordanica


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