
A Fall

Fear is something everyone has, whether it's in order to keep you safe or just because someone scarred you when they popped out of nowhere with a clown mask on and now you're afraid of them. Fear of unknown, fear of spiders or even, the fear of hieght. Picture it, the constant and violent wind crashing into your body as you feel a certain uneasiness take over right as you step out of the elevator on the top floor of a 103 levels. There are no walls or safe guards in order to keep you safe from the edges but you go closer anyways, as you near the edges the howling of the wind seems to increase causing a certain diziness, almost as if the closer you get to the very edge of the building the more your body wants to leave. Right as you finally near the edge, your legs go limp but they still seem to somehow be stuck to the ground.

Once again, Picture it. The slow tilt of you body as you lean closer and closer towards the edge of the building, almost inviting you to jump straight off of it. The cold sweat rolling down your back as your thoughts run around, unable to calm yourself down or focus on anything except the approaching feeling of death as you continue to edge yourself closer.

For the final time, Picture it. The almost lightless feeling as you start plummeting towards your own demise, the high pitched and piercing sound of the wind zooming past your ears. The small moment of peace as your fears subside and you worries become naught, until finally. Nothing.

I personally am not proud of this one as I struggled to convey what was happening and I felt I just repeated a lot only just to give up at the end, so I'd like to sincerely apologise for this horrible chapter.

duck_alternate44creators' thoughts