
The Scarlet’s Blood (the Evans next heir to the throne)

•Hera Alexa Cassidy Evans is known as one of the youngest yet powerful CEO of city A and ranking number two in the business industry.She is also known as the rumored girlfriend of the also young and handsome man CEO in the city and ranking first in the business world and that is Casper Aidan Lopez. •Having dinner together,spending time with each other,sleeping on the same bed,going on a trip together,kissing direct to the lips and the most hotter is making love together,is that even a rumor!,Let just tell that they can’t express their own feelings for each other ,like they are telling us that their relationship is like Friends with Benefits... •And for some reason she can’t remember her past life

ReddisHeart · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1:Seductive body part 1

Third person's POV:(Point Of View)

Cassidy open her eyes slowly while trying to get up from bed,though her head still hurting because of last night.When she turned around she saw a man's back and thought "Did I drink too much last night?,What the hell! happened?"

She examined the man's back and saw some scratches on it,"Shit!,are those scratches mine?"she thought,she looked around the room and find that it's not hers moreover it looks like the man's room!!


"The hell!,when will I find someone who has that f****ng kind of blood!" She thought while drinking another glass of hard wine.She's sitting on the counter while waiting for someone to arrive when a man approached her and tried to flirt with her.

"Hey miss!,want to dance with me?" The man asked while smirking and trying to make a move on her,she just smiled at him and spoke,

"No thank you" she answered though deep inside her she feel disgusted by the man and wants to punch him in the face and when she was about to turn and go back from drinking when someone pulled her waist and grabbed her tightly, "What the f**k!"she stated inside her mind and looked at the person who suddenly grabs her,and to her anger it's the man who invited her to dance.

"Miss to tell you this,no one ever dared to ignore my invitation,so if I were you I would freely accept it"the man stated while whispering on her right ear,"what an asshole!"she whispered not letting him hear her.She stayed quiet for awhile and waited for the man's next move to her,

"So what do you think?"the man asked her with a seductive voice and started to move his free left hand to her thighs,she tried to break free from the man but he just laughed and hold her even tighter.

"Why pretend miss?, you just need to accept my offer and we'll be on the way to heaven !!hahahahaha"he exclaimed while laughing devilishly and licked his bottom lips like telling her he's ready to hit someone,Cassidy felt disgusted again,she can already feel the man's left hand slowly sliding into her thighs,"Why do I feel weak?"she asked herself though she knows that she's good at fighting,until someone pulled her arm causing for her to fall into a hard thing,she raised her head only to see a man below her ,and the hard thing were talking about is a chest!

"The f**k!!,can't you see?!! I'm busy flirting with her!"the man exclaimed pointing out where Cassidy is right now,

"Sir Light we are warning you!, don't act like you own this club" the manager answered,

"I'm a VIP here!"the man stated trying to act like a cool person.

"Yes we know sir,but still we have the right to remove you from the VIP list if you keep making troubles,and besides sir maybe you don't who's the person you are hitting on awhile ago"the manager explained.

"What?!!! Is she some kind of a billionaire?"the man asked still trying to be cool.

"You're guess is right sir she is indeed a billionaire,moreover she is someone you can't mess with,so if I were you sir , I would be careful to every person I will try to flirt with"the manager answered trying to calm down,when the man heard what the manager said he suddenly felt fear inside his body so he immediately exited the bar, after that the manager was relieved knowing the problem is solved and approached the two persons still lying on the floor, " I think this will be the hardest situation"the manager thought,

"The problem is solved already sir,let me excuse myself here"he explained and leaves immediately the two persons behind.

Cassidy was still on top of the man not knowing what to do until he spoke,

"Miss Cassidy,though I don't want to tell you this but our position right now is kind of inappropriate " the man answered kind of embarrassed,

"Who are you ?, what I mean is ho-how did you know my name?" She asked confused,the man got up from the floor not totally but only his top body because Cassidy is still on his lap.

"Well don't you remember the bouquet man"he answered smiling while Cassidy is trying ti recall until Ding! Ding! Ding! now she remembered,

"Mister Lopez!,is that you?!!"she exclaimed trying to get up from their position,this is the person she's waiting awhile ago but she never thought the handsome man in front of her was the man who gave her a bouquet of roses during the banquet,that day he only look like an ordinary person but now! he looks like a greek god sent from heaven.They shake hands and entered the VIP room together.

When Casper entered the room someone spoke,

"You're late bro!" The man exclaimed only to see there's still another person entered the room,

"Yo! Who's this pretty lady we have here?!!"another man asked,

"Everyone!,meet Miss Cassidy Evans" Casper introduced her while the others are having the question look on their faces.

"The ranked second richest billionaire in the city?"The man asked Casper

"Yes indeed" he answered

"Woah!,Nice to meet you my lady"the man again said while reaching out Cassidy's right hand.

"No need to be polite Mister for I only came here as an ordinary guest of Mister Lopez " she answered kindly until another person spoke.

" Wait! Bro are you sure is that you?"his friend questioned him still confused,

"Yeah!,the Casper we know is not a flirt"the other one stated.

"Woah!,that's a mean word to describe their friend"Cassidy thought laughing inside her mind not letting the man beside her notice it.

"What do you mean?"Casper asked them,

"Bro, what they mean is that you never dated nor bring a girl before" The man name Alex answered one of his friends,Cassidy felt a little happy inside knowing the man beside her never brings a girl before ,so it means she is the first one he brings today.

"Whatever"Casper said avoiding his friends questioning look,he lead the girl to their seat and ordered food for her.

"So you never dated someone?" Cassidy asked wanting to know what's behind his story,

"You want to know?"Casper asked returning the question to her,Cassidy nodded in response,

He came closer to the girl and spoke,

"It's a secret " he whispered to her left ear and looked at the girl's reaction and it was so epic!,

"You!,asshole,moron,idiot!,I hate you!"Cassidy exclaimed and turned around letting Casper face her back,"I was expecting him to tell me the reason yet she made fun of me!,wahhhhhhh!,he could just told me that it's a long story not joke with me!"she thought.

When the orders arrived they started to drink and have a toast,when a friend of Casper spoke,

"Let's give our friend here a toast"

"Yeah!,for the first time in forever he bring a beautiful lady with him"his other friend answered

"Cheers!!!!!"they all exclaimed while Cassidy is still feeling angry,she grabs the one bottle of hard wine and gulp it up,

"Whoa! Bro,you never told us that Miss Cassidy here is an alcohol addict"his friend named Alex exclaimed.Casper looked at the girl beside her and smiled when she looked at his direction,

"What are you looking at?!!!,after you trick me you dared to looked at me?!!!!!"Cassidy exclaimed while gulping again another to her one bottled whiskey drink,Casper felt happy looking at the girls reaction, "So she is angry" he whispered,

Cassidy is already close to her limits while the others are still getting started,Casper look at her and spoke,

"Don't drink anymore"he stated

"Shut up!,I can drink whenever I want and I will stop wherever I want!"Cassidy answered while feeling hot already like she wanted to take off her clothes.

Casper on the other side is starting to get irritated by this girl,he is already being a gentleman yet this girl still a hard headed one,after a few hours he decided to take Cassidy home,first he bid goodbye to his friends and grabs the girl's wrist,

"No!, I still don't want to go home!"Cassidy exclaimed acting like a child,this girl is getting to his nerves so he had no choice but to carry her into a bridal style like newlywed couples and exited the VIP room,though the other guys inside are having a thought "Does Miss Evans really his guest? Or His secret lover?"

"Lemme go you-you man!!!"she again exclaimed,Casper let go and let her stand on her own,he waited for the girl's next movement until she started to take off her shoes next her coat,

"He-hey what-what are you doing?" He asked her confused,then the girl looked at him and spoke,

"Mister Lopez,can you help me take off my clothes?"she asked trying to pull down the right string of her dress,

"What!,hey! Stop that!" The man exclaimed grabbing her coat together with the shoes and stopping her from taking off her clothes on the hallway.

"This girl making me crazy!!!"he thought

"But it's so hot inside!, I feel like I'm burning!"Cassidy explained

"Help me please!"She continued

"She's totally drunk and it's really hard to handle a person who is drunk"Casper stated trying to balance the girl.

When they reach the parking lot,Casper immediately open the car's door and let Cassidy go inside and when the girl got inside she started taking her clothes off again and that made Casper's face turned red like a tomato,

"Miss Evans stop taking off your-" his words were cut because of what he saw,the girl is only wearing her bra together with her underwear.

Casper immediately grabbed the girl's coat and throw it to her body to prevent her catching a cold and also to avoid seeing her seductive body.

Well I want to make this story a big hit and make the person who will read this will love it.

Though it’s my first time to write a novel I will still try my best.

ReddisHeartcreators' thoughts