
moments that stay’s forever

"Am I a bad person?"


"Then why did her statement made me look bad"

"Who did?"

"I know I said that but I really didn't mean that, I will never ask for his life I just wanted him to leave me alone, I swear I never wanted him gone"

"Shhh its ok" Julius said and hugged her tightly

He shouldn't have left her there with them, he knew someone was going to bring that up. He wished he could take all her pain away

"Aileen I wish I was the one you met first" he said in his mind

Sel got ready for the reception the rest was already there, she saw her mother and

"Mom have you seen Aileen?"


She called her and she wasn't answering, Julius called her back

"Sorry sel but can you forgive her for not coming to your reception but she's not feeling ok"

"It's okay Julius take care of her"

"You look upset?" Brian said

"It's nothing"

"Come I want to introduce you to some special people"

He took them to where his father, Ann, Mika and the rest were

When she saw Ann with them, she wondered who she was to them, her attention was on her

Brian took her there

"Meet Mika"

"Nice to meet you" Mika said

"I bet you've heard about me from your sister" Mika said jokingly

"Actually no, she has never mentioned you. Who are you to my sister?" Sel said

"Nothing let's move on" Brian said, he didn't like where things were going

"Dr Ann, she's very important to my family, she's like a mother in our family"

"Hi" Ann said

Sel intensely looked at her

"I see why you did that, you regard yourself as a family, sorry Brian I need to speak to my mother. Excuse me" she said and left

"What happened?" Brian said shook his head and followed her

"Sel what was that about?"

"Why don't you ask your consideration mom"

"Sel we just got married I don't want any misunderstandings please tell me what happened"

She told him everything that happened

"It's my wedding and my little sister can't even share my happiness with me. You all blame her but what about what she went through? Is it because she didn't die? I am sorry but if that's how your people feel then this marriage shouldn't have happened, I can't allow your people to push my sister away from me. I love you but I love my sister too, maybe I should have thought carefully about this and to think I thought she didn't want me to get married maybe is because she thought of all these things" sel said crying

"This tears is supposed to be of happiness not this and I shouldn't be having second thoughts about this marriage, we just got married, excuse me I will be in my room tell them I am tired if they ask about me" she said and left

Rìan heard them, he asked the nurse to take him away from there, it was not a good time

"Why did you do that?" He asked Ann when he was getting inside the car and she came to him

"I am sorry but I saw what you went through" Ann said

"You saw only my pain but what about hers, the ones I inflicted on her and I guess I still am" he said

he was disappointed with Ann

"I thought you couldn't even move at all but I guess you could but you still didn't come to my wedding" Brian said sadly

"Brian I am sorry"

"You even promised me….. you know what let's talk some other time I am already stressed out, which I shouldn't, it's my wedding"

"Brother I am sorry"

"Go home you're not fit yet" Brian said

Brian looked at Ann

"I consider you my mom but I guess I can never be in the same position as my brother and not that I am jealous because he's known you way before I did but today was supposed to be a happy day of my life and the woman whom my happiness depends on is not even happy on her wedding day and it hadn't even been a day since we got married and she's already sad" Brian said

"Bro forgive Ann she didn't mean it" Rìan said

"Rìan!! What was the need to say that?! You didn't die you're alive and i have been selfish when it comes to you because I lied to sel even till today. I have seen Aileen being blamed for your death but you're alive, today sel questioned our relationship for the first time even after everything that happened and today seeing sel I feel scared about her finding out that you're still alive"


"Junior, I am tired today was supposed to be a happy day" Brian said.

He closed his car door for him and asked the driver to take him home, he called his father and told him that sel and him were going on their honeymoon and he should thank the guests on his behalf