
The saviour doomed the world again!

The world was about to be destroyed by the Lord of Darkness. And so, a warrior arose to protect the two worlds! He defeated the Lord of darkness, and managed to killed it ... Alas, how was he supposed to know that killing the Lord of Darkness, would cause the destruction of the two worlds? Now I have returned! And I will not make the same mistake twice ... or for the nineth time!!

paragon_x3l0r · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 8


The hooded figure crashed into the ground a few meters away!

"You're actually the one commanding these bandits?" Glade smirked.

The hooded figure stood up, before saying, "You've won this round."

Glade frowned. Something didn't seem right!

Suddenly, a glowing, red circle appeared underneath the hooded figure! The figure disappeared without a trace!

"Shit! There's a Mage nearby!!" Glade edged backwards.

He ran towards Anissa, who was now struggling to fight against the bandit leader. She had a few scrapes, but wasn't overly injured.

The remaining bandits, however, began to withdraw from the battle.

To cover up for the retreating bandits, arrows began to fall once again!

Glade realized it, and used the last of his ki to erect a wall made of earth. The wall managed to protect them, but as it was still going up, an arrow suddenly made it past the wall, headed in Anissa's direction!

Sebas realized what was happening, and hurriedly tried to push Anissa out of harm's way!

However, he partially succeeded. The arrow grazed her on the left arm, before dislodging into his shoulder!

The young priest suddenly woke up, and was startled as he heard the sound of something going past his head at top speed!

He realized that something was wrong and hurriedly ducked!

"Hey priest!! Make yourself useful!!" Glade yelled; eyes still red.

The priest stood up, when the arrows were no longer flying.

The first person who needed emergency healing was Anissa, as her arm had fully turned green.

If it wasn't because of Kyle, she would have died already! He had rushed to where she was and noticing that she had been poisoned, he ripped off one of the sleeves of his shirt and used it to tie the arm, before cutting up a vein, which caused her to bleed.

He had once served in the military, but it was only because it was compulsory for him to do so. One of the things he had been taught there, was first aid.

The young priest used the [Purify] skill, which removed all toxins from Anissa's body. Afterwards, he used the [Healing hand] skill, and after a few moments, colour returned to her face. Unfortunately, she was still unconscious!

Kyle noticed that, before doing whatever the priest seemed to be doing, he had to put on some black gloves first, before taking out a rosary of sorts. These black gloves had a crystal at the back, and whenever the young man was doing something, the crystals would glow! The rosary-like thingy would also glow with a pale blue light.

A few minutes later, that woman was no longer pale, and her wounds were healed, including the one he had inflicted.

Was that some sort of a healing super power? Do people in this world have super powers? If so, how did they get them?

While Kyle was pondering the mysteries of whatever this universe was, the effects of Glade's [Berserk] skill wore off, causing him to collapse.

So, now, the only people who remained uninjured were, Kyle, the dark-skinned warrior, the young priest, and less than six miners. Since they had been healed, they could continue the journey, and protect the others.

Anissa was unconscious, Glade was out of commission, still awake, but he couldn't move a muscle, and everyone else was dead! Everyone besides those mentioned to be alive, of course.

The dark-skinned warrior, whose name was Kaihya, took charge. He ordered everyone to burn the bodies first, before they continued on their journey.


Kava Mede received a report on his desk and opening the report, his eyes widened briefly, before he frowned.

There was something in the report that didn't make sense at all!

Without wasting any time, he stood up, and left his office. He took a robe in one of the rooms, and wore it, before wearing a hood to cover his face.

Leaving the building through a secret exit, he made sure that he wasn't being followed.

He arrived at a tavern, before going into a secret room.

Inside the room, there were five hooded figures, and they appeared to be waiting for him.

"Why was I summoned here during the middle of the day?" he asked, clearly annoyed.

"The church is becoming suspicious of our movements!" one of the hooded figures spoke. Their voice could not be discerned clearly. "You have been drawing too much attention to yourself!!"

"Unlike others, I haven't forgotten my mission! The only reason why I would be here, is because of the respect that I have for him! He's the one who assured me that we have the same mission, after all!!"

"Don't forget that it's because of the Paladins, that you were crowned Sword Saint!! You can lose that position as easily!" another voice threatened.

Kava laughed loudly, before saying, "If that's your wish, then I wish you all the best! How many high rankers do you have, if I may ask? Do you actually realize that, even without the position, I'm still more powerful than any of your high rankers??"

He paused, as he turned. "I didn't forget my mission, and I'm also not the one sitting comfortably on my fat ass! If you want to come after me, make sure you have an army of high rankers! Otherwise, just leave me to my devices!"

With that, he left the tavern.

Arriving home, he took off his hood, and sighed. "How did it get to this?"


Kyle and the party he was travelling with, finally reached their destination. It was a magnificent, medieval-type city!

He wondered if he had travelled back in time, as he saw the strong, magnificent walls that protected the city. At the gate, there was a sign, in a language he didn't understand, so he was basically clueless as to where he was.

The streets were filled with people, some of them were wearing armour, while some were wearing ordinary medieval clothes. There were vendors selling different wares from stalls by the side of the road.

Kyle noticed one person paying for a fruit with copper-like coins, and his mouth gaped. It seemed as if he had totally been transferred to the past, after all, civilizations had advanced waay past this. There was paper money, banks etc. Oh, right, there were also guns, cars and so on!

If he could speak these people's language, he could have asked where they were going.

However, he was afraid that, if he asked, he wouldn't get a response. If anyone answered, their reply would probably sound like:

"etauksl eioapwk vbsloao aiwllasyu stwedsaaw …"

Of course, if you could decipher this, kudos to you! Kyle couldn't, and he didn't want to attempt anything at all. He prayed that he would be able to find someone who would be able to teach him the world's language.

Unfortunately, he was quite broke … Even if he found a person willing to teach him, he was sure they wouldn't want to do it for free! What a predicament …