

Rose Lynn is a woman who loves anything related to makeup and cosmetics and because of her love for it, she managed to become a makeup artist. She works for a well-known magazine company. She has met many famous also handsome and beautiful models while doing her job as a makeup artist. It's also very clear that she must have her favorite model which has always been her phone's lock screen. But what will happen when Rose meets her two favorite models? It turned out that her two favorite models were unexpectedly attracted to Rose. Which will also let Rose know some things she didn't know about her two favorite models. Navier Vance and Eliot Archer. So, who will Rose choose between the two of them? Or will Rose choose both? Let's see what gonna happen... *** Hello, this is my first time writing in English, so I'm really sorry if there are many shortcomings. p.s: the cover is not mine, so the credit belongs to the owner.

Blueside · 都市
7 Chs


Navier Vance.

Known as Navier, a tall man with a handsome face, sharp nose, sharp jawline, and crystal blue eyes managed to make Navier a famous model. His modeling career is so brilliant that he has a lot of fans.

His handsome face always adorns well-known magazines that make his face as magazine covers and even advertisements. Navier is also famous for his friendly and smiling nature, but what is unique is that he is also known for his bad-boy appearance.

Navier's friendliness doesn't make him look like the flower boy that you always see on your television. And it seemed that Navier's presence had taken a woman in the makeup room by surprise.

Navier put on his best smile. "Hello, we meet again," said Navier kindly. "So you work here?"

"W-why are you here?" Rose stuttered.

Navier pointed to himself. "Me? Hmmm... because you have to do my makeup?" said Navier.

He was in this makeup room because he had to be put on makeup and directed by one of the staff to enter this room.

Rose was still trying to process what had happened at this point. Her brain suddenly thinks properly. "But y-you..."

"The man on the bus?" Navier sat on one of the chairs at the dressing table. "That's right, that's me," said Navier who then smiled at Rose.

Rose, who had been frozen before, was now made to gape at Navier's words. So... the thigh of the man Rose accidentally sat on was Navier Vance?!

God! Just kill her now. She wanted to disappear from this makeup room right now and hide in the toilet.

Do you guys ask if Rose knows Navier?

Yes! Of course, she knows Navier and even knows that Navier is a famous model who is currently on the rise and is being idolized by women.

"Aren't you going to do anything?" said Navier.

Rose who was still frozen immediately realized "A-ah... I'm sorry."

Rose immediately approached Navier, she opened her makeup bag and took out the various brush tools she had. As for Navier, he was getting ready to be makeup by Rose.

With slightly shaking hands, Rose started to apply moisturizer to Navier's face. She tried to touch Navier's face as gently as possible and also tried to calm herself down Because Navier's skin was very soft.

Even softer than the previous female models she had makeup before. After that, Rose applied foundation to Navier's face using a brush.

As time went on, the nervous feeling that Rose felt earlier began to disappear because Rose is getting more and more focused on her work.

That's what Rose is like, she will be very focused when doing her job as a makeup artist and that's why she is always praised for her professional demeanor. But one thing that Rose didn't realize was that Navier had been watching Rose from the mirror.

"Is your hand okay?" asked Navier.

Rose, who had been very focused, immediately lost her focus. "W-what?"

Navier turned his head and because of that Rose immediately moved the brush she was holding from Navier's face. "Your hand, is it hurt?"

Rose, who just understood Navier's question immediately held her hand. "A-ahh... my hand is fine," answered Rose.


Navier suddenly grabbed Rose's hand and gently pulled Rose's hand away. "Let me see."

The shocked Rose couldn't say anything because it never crossed her mind that Navier would hold her hand. Rose's heart was currently beating twice as fast, she looked at Navier who was examining every side of her hand.

"Good! There is no wound on your hand," said Navier who then let go of Rose's hand gently.

Rose quickly pulled her hand down with her being flustered because of Navier. Rose turned her head. "I'll put some eyeshadow on you," said Rose.

Don't ask how she's feeling right now, because right now her heart is about to explode. Rose was desperately trying to calm her heart, she busied herself by picking up her eyeshadow palette.

Rose turned around and saw Navier who leaned his head back on the chair and closed his eyes. Then Rose put the eyeshadow on Navier's eyelids. She rubbed the brush gently but in the midst of herself doing her work, her concentration suddenly shifted and it was because of Navier.

Rose looked at Navier's face which was only a few centimeters from hers. She saw how perfect and handsome that face was as if it had been sculpted so perfectly.

How could someone have such a handsome face?

"Is it done?" said Navier with his eyes still closed.

Rose is panicking, cursing herself for not focusing on her work. For the first time in her time as a makeup artist, she couldn't work with focus and that's because of Navier.

"Just a little bit more," Rose quickly finished her work of applying eyeshadow to Navier's eyelids as quickly as possible.

This time, Rose brought out her skills that were able to apply makeup very quickly until her job was finally done. "I'm done," said Rose.

Navier slowly opened his eyes and he immediately saw his face in the mirror. Meanwhile, Rose hastily packed up all her makeup tools stuffing them all into her makeup bag.

"I like it so muc--"

"I-I have to go," said Rose interrupting Navier's words, and immediately walked towards the door.

Navier then immediately took something from the dressing table. "Oh! Your cell phone!" said Navier but he was too late because Rose was already out of the makeup room.

Only Navier was left alone in the makeup room with his hand holding a cell phone. He is currently feeling confused because Rose, looks very in a hurry to get out of the makeup room. He hadn't even had a chance to thank Rose yet, but only seconds had Rose gone.


Suddenly, the phone that Navier was holding rang causing the phone screen to light up. The sound is a notification of an incoming message.

Navier stared at the cellphone screen for a long time and soon a smile appeared on his handsome face.

"Ah... I got you," said Navier and looked back at the photo of his face on the phone's lock screen.