
Chapter 34: Empire/Unification Day

Author note"hey guys it's me your handsome,tall, intelligent and wise Author greeting you my amazing, goodlooking and intelligent readers and all I want to say is there is a speech in this chapter and admittedly it's not the best but hey it's fine so thanks and enjoy the chapter.

The west galaxy had always been known to be a galaxy filled much with e and there have been many conflicts and times of peace the constant imbalance would have torn the galaxy apart but from the shadows, a new power emerged finally bringing balance to the torn galaxy the Saiyan Empire lead by Arrot Sanllerson,

As if out of thin air he formed a mightly empire using the remnants of his fallen people the Saiyans they colonized a small sector of the west galaxy with the Soya and Taccons and established a home base which was renamed New Saddala.

They then began to take control of all trade in the west galaxy and would so often attack trade vessels that did not pay the tole which was one of the ways the empire gained an income and not to mention the price for planetary occupation many races fleeing from the Frieza force would pay a great amount to inhabit a planet within Arrots territory due to the reputation it Arrot had built for being a good leader, of course, this was mostly due to the binding spell he put on the planetary leaders to have them perform to the maximum of their ability for him so they would work hard to make sure everything was done well this leads to a reduction in corruption as well.

Although the Empire was not perfect nothing was perfect it was incredible, especially for such a young Empire and today was the day that Arrot would officially declare them an Empire although many have called it an Empire many have disputed it since Arrot seemed more like a rouge warlord with the desire to conquer and fight rather than an actual Emperor but in the recent years, the territory began to look more and more like an empire with the establishment of trade roots and laws it was just about time for Arrot to officially announce the formation of the empire.

Why did he wait so long you may ask well already established empires don't like competition and at a time it was not powerful or stable enough to properly defend themselves and if one were to ask why they didn't try and crush Arrot during his expansion well the answer to that would have to be that many of the spies they sent were quickly captured and with a little magic they were ordered to send back false information about the situation in the west Galaxy which is why Frieza was not too concerned about the Saiayns surviving he simply didn't know there were more than Vegeta, Raditz and Nappa

But Arrot has become confident in the stability and power of his empire and so he has decided to hos a massive celebration to finally declare themselves an Empire.

Location: Planet New Sadala Capital of the Empire

Fireworks danced around the night sky marking a glorious end of the day celebration and the beginning of a new night celebration and the planet was busy not from the usual work they would partake in but the celebration of many alien species under the empire from the Soy to the Donca and Taccons each one never having interacted with the other now celebrating drink in hand.

And above them on a massive tower balcony out stepped a Figure to the cheers and applause of the crowed gathered underneath this was, of course, Arrot the ruler of these united people he waited for the crowed to calm themselves as the camera droids circled him projecting his speech and the event to many other planets in the West galaxy and even other galaxies as well.

He Looked around at the massive crowd of people below him and he smiled.

"It pleases me to see the many different people's gathered together, it has always been a dram of mine to see a world where many of different sizes, shapes, colours and ages can live together in peace and to think I would be able to see such a miracle in my lifetime what an honour it is, what an honour it is indeed, I must begin by thanking you all for giving me this honour.

The crowed began to cheer and applaud Arrots words for those in different galaxies they saw this sight and were confused and assumed it to be fake joy from the people since they could not comprehend how they could come to love the tyrant that used war to conquer them they simply could not understand how this was possible.

What they didn't know was that it was all genuine. And as the applause died down Arrot continued

"I have spent a lot of time asking myself questions I have asked myself why I was born and why there was never any peace in the universe why we constantly fought each other why we have never united together and now I know, now I know and I will tell you why

'because we are divided into far too many kingdoms and cultures under far too many leaders one may say but of course, we are all different and to that, I say yes we are but deep down we are the same and we need someone to rise and unite us all together and I am proud to announce that I have chosen to rise and answer the call of unity but I cannot do this alone for there are many out there who would resist unity prosperity and salvation, my people it is with your help that we may soon see true peace in our lifetime it is with your support and with your power we can truly unite the universe for under one ruler can the universe know true prosperity

And the first step to this is for me to announce to you and to the entire Universe that I Arrot D Sllerson am officially declaring the birth of a new Empire one that will burn the universe to ash and from within a new and more prosperous one will be forged I say this from this day forth we are warmonger no more but now we will become the Great Saiyan Empire

The crowed errupted into loud and excited yells of joy and the night was enveloped in Thundarus Applause applause and with them, the west galaxy died and so became the territory of the great Saiyan Empire ruled by Arrot Salerson once deemed the scourge of the West

Arrot continued "rejoice my people and may those who love us join us hate us learn to fear us and those who are yet to be sure may our actions help you decide, but for now, eat drink and celebrate for the night is young and our Empire even younger so celebrate to your heart's content.

and with those last words a new Empire celebrated but this was not the case in other galaxies.

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