Max, a Mexican military man, loses everything in a mission that goes wrong so he ends up reviving in the year 830 at the beginning of the Viking Age, as the son of a Jarl in exile named Einar. Einar can overcome the challenge of surviving a hostile world where only the strongest can live. It is up to you to find out.
Two people got off one of the boats. One of them was a beautiful young woman with golden hair and gray eyes.
Her body was full of some scars and she was very well formed due to the fact that the young woman seemed to exercise too much.
Einar did not see her too much because their eyes met, and although it was a small moment, he could feel that the young woman had a murderous look.
For her part, the young woman only showed some interest in the young redhead in front of her, since the white bear cape and the scar on his eye were a sign that he had fought a bear.
She knew this because she herself had a similar wound on her abdomen, as she was unlucky enough to come across a young bear.
Which ended up killing using only a dagger in a confrontation in the forest.
The other person was a monk in brown robes and a rope belt. His hair was cut using the tonsure, a haircut that left the top of the head completely shaved.