
The Saga of the Unbroken

"I want to retire." One of the elites in the army, Luke, complained silently as he wanted to take a break from his job. Duty bound as a soldier and genius as a mage from a famous magic academy, Luke had achieved the rank of corporal in his younger age. One day on a mission, there's storm going on inside his country as conspiracies brewing in secret. 'Who cares about the country, go to hell!' thought Luke, as he avoided a barrage of bullets and ran away for his life before his body would be shred to pieces. In the last second before the explosion hit him, time stopped and some unknown force pulled him from the fabric of reality, placing him in a place far away from home. The mystic land of dragons, inner energy, and demons. "What the--" ....... Hey guys! I am writing two stories and this story always updated dailies! two chapters dailies! it is posted in another site and I am here to show you guys how the story is! if you enjoy reading it, please support me by reading in original site, GoodNovel! Thank you for reading ^^

RandomGuy · ファンタジー
16 Chs


The black box started to reassemble itself and changed into some type of metallic construct, similar in shape to an eye. Though with some features on it. Two barrels of mini guns each on both of its sides, pointing forward and a strange construct near the back, shifting with its movements. Then, it floats in the air as it follows Luke's position. 

Seeing that his android was ready, Luke started to launch his mech armor. After a few moments, a lot of nanoparticles that were colored in black enveloped Luke's body in seconds, spreading from his bracelet onto his body. Soon, his body was covered with dark high tech armor, with blue, glowing lines shone in the place of his eyes. 

Moving his gaze to his surroundings, Luke saw that all the Crimson Snake members had already donned their mech armor. Shortly, captain Morlock clapped his hand loudly and everyone began to gather. 

Counting that everyone was in here, he nodded his head as his expression was unreadable by being covered with his helmet, "Alright, when I connected my armor, I just got a heads up from the staff inspector that the MPS officers won't be joining us in the upcoming operation. It has been upgraded into military affairs, which officially our order from the headquarters. At this very moment, our reinforcement would be on their way to the site. But as we couldn't let the Abomination alone unless we wanted them to open up their damned wormhole gate to bring back more Abominations, the same Abominations which we had to clean up later, we had to stop them right here, right now, understood?" 

""Yes sir!"" 

"Good, I want our division to be divided into two teams. As this was a special case, we would need everyone that experienced in the battlefield at very least to fill up the quantity until our reinforcements arrived. The tactical soldiers, Zen and Josh, would join us at the upcoming battle. Both of you would be paired with Weiss and Andie." 

"Fine by me." "Likewise, sir." 

Answered both of them at the same time while nodding to show they had understood. Zen's voice was the one that everyone in the groups always heard whenever they had reached their destination as Zen was the division's driver. Captain Morlock nodded back and continued, "Now, for the team, it would be our old arrow formation. With three soldiers on the front, one soldier each for the right wings in the left wing, two soldiers in the middle, and one last soldier in the back." 

"Andie and Josh, both of you would follow my lead in front. Weiss and Zen would be in the middle-" 

Before the captain finished with his speech, Luke raised his right hand to ask for permission to speak. Gesturing his hand to Luke, Morlock asked curtly as he furrowed his eyebrows, if the one who had raised their hand wasn't Luke, he would already have lashed at them for interrupting his speech, "Yes, What do you need?"

"I would like to be assigned in the back formation, sir." answered Luke calmly as if he didn't notice the slightly annoyed tone of the captain when he asked him. 

The others started to knit their eyebrows from Luke's words. The back formation had always been the second most dangerous part aside from the frontline. As a young, genius mage, he graduated right from the famous mage academy with excellent grades. Scoring all top marks in almost all subjects. Taking that into consideration, the captain had assigned him in the middle of the formation and that was the safest place. Either that or in one of the two wings. 

Widening his eyes in surprise from the sudden proposal, captain Morlock couldn't help but ask, "Is there a particular reason for that, soldier?" 

Nodding, Luke began to sound out his excuse and hoped in his heart that it would work, "The enemies would be the Abominations, known for their ferocity and strength. And not to mention their unknown technology which is still in the middle of our research right as we speak. I believe that as a mage that majored in recreation school magic, with enough material around, I would be able to create a temporary supply base. Not to mention, my microphonic-eyes spell would be able to observe the overall situation easier if I were in the back of the formation." 

Putting his finger to his chin, captain Morlock contemplated as he thought of the risk. History had proven that the last line was always the weak link and their foes could scatter and run away should the need arise to eradicate all of them. With that, humans started to always attack on both sides. Which would be the front and the back. 

After that, people started to strengthen the back line. But it was 50/50 chances, as the enemies not necessarily strike from behind and amplifying the force on the back more would thin out the other areas, which were in need for immediate reinforcement. That was why rather than reinforce only in one area, they would rather gather the force in the middle. In which case, the middle part of the formation would be able to take a quick response to help either the wings or the back line should the need arise. 

Thinking about it only in a few breaths, captain Morlock nodded heavily and said, "Alright, then back of the formation it is, soldier. We don't have much time left, Saphir, you would take the right wing. Orzo, you take left." 

"Yes, sir!" "Roger that." 

Both men, who are around the age of late twenties, replied in affirmation. After seeing that the briefing was over, captain Morlock quickly led the group to approach one of the MPS officers that had been tasked to guard the perimeter of the area. 

Clenching his right fist lightly, Luke suppressed the urge to smile as he thought in his mind, 'I did it!' 

Feeling quite cheerful, Luke sighed in relief as he thinks, 'With this, should the situation go awry, I would be able leave quickly.' 

'After all, the back line should be the safest place on the battlefield!'