
Chapter 013: Blessing You with a Lifetime of Peace


A lean man was sitting in the center of a single-seat sofa, his body all skin and bones, with sharp eagle eyes and a hooked nose. He casually crossed his legs and held a cigar in his hand. He wore a linen robe and had a string of Star Moon Bodhi beads around his neck, with an IWC Portuguese series watch on his wrist. An air of wealth and luxury emanated from him.

The man glanced at Hou Daqiang with contempt and said, "So you're the monkey, huh?"

"Brother Long." Hou Daqiang suddenly felt a chill surge up his spine.

Long Wu, the true underground emperor of Jiangnan City. He had a monopoly over the city's earthmoving projects and the sand and cement business. His fortune was worth billions, and he held a huge reputation in the underworld. Most importantly, Long Wu had a powerful backer, something many longed for but could never attain. Moreover, Long Wu was exceedingly cruel; at the very least, he would cripple people, and at worst, he would kill them. Having operated in Jiangnan City for so many years, Long Wu knew how to maintain his power and territory with various methods.

Compared to him, Hou Daqiang was barely even worth mentioning.

"Uncle, quickly teach them a lesson!" Hou San yelled, infuriated and embarrassed as he watched his girlfriend get stripped.


Hou Daqiang turned and slapped Hou San across the face, his eyes blazing with anger: "You little bastard, open your damn eyes and see who this gentleman is!"

"He..." Hou San was nearly slapped to death, seeing stars and tears streaming down his face from the pain.

"He is Brother Long!" Hou Daqiang bellowed.


The crowd behind sucked in a breath of cold air.

In Jiangnan City, who didn't recognize Brother Long? Even if they hadn't seen him, they'd heard of his great reputation. How prestigious and esteemed he was?

"Damn, that's Brother Long?"

"We're screwed, we're screwed!"

A group of classmates secretly stuck out their tongues, realizing Hou San had really stepped on a landmine. They all shrank back, too.

"Kneel down!" Hou Daqiang roared.


Hou San hesitated for nothing and knelt down immediately.

Hou Daqiang cupped his hands and said, "Brother Long, I've failed in disciplining my nephew. Today, my nephew has offended Brother Long, and I offer an apology on his behalf. Tomorrow, I will set up a banquet at Wangjiang Tower and hope that Brother Long would look past this for my sake, Hou Daqiang, and spare him."

Long Wu tapped his finger on his knee.

His gaze swept across the crowd, then he spoke indifferently, "Since when did pigs, dogs, and monkeys have any face to save? My Long Wu's good graces can't be that cheap, can they?"

"Brother Long," Hou Daqiang's eyebrows furrowed, "Even if you don't do it for my sake, you should do it for Dongzi's face, right?"

A flicker of murderous intent crossed Long Wu's face.


More than ten burly men around him stood up.

Seeing the tables turning, Hou Daqiang grabbed Hou San and tried to flee.


A burly man next to him picked up a chair with one hand and smashed it onto Hou Daqiang's back. Hou Daqiang fell to the ground immediately, coughing up a mouthful of blood.

Guo Yi's eyes brightened.

The burly man who had just made his move was quite strong, quick and forceful. Even among ordinary people, he stood out. But to deal with such a person was effortless for Guo Yi, so much so that even if all those present joined forces, they likely wouldn't match up to a single finger of Guo Yi's. How could mere mortals be compared to a Grandmaster of the Qi Transformation Realm? Guo Yi did not hold them in high regard. However, he certainly wouldn't intervene at this moment.

It was none of his business and he had no reason to help Hou San.

"Monkey!" Long Wu slowly stood up, a smile devoid of emotion on his face, "Even Dongzi has to kneel and speak in my presence."

"Brother Long, I was wrong." Hou Daqiang knelt on the ground: "I beg you, spare our lives."


"Nobody's walking away today," Long Wu said leisurely as he glanced over the group, his eyes settling on the few girls. He spoke with interest, "Tsk tsk, these chicks don't look half bad. Pretty fresh and tender."

"Brother Long, these five women are my gift to you," Hou Daqiang hurriedly said.

Long Wu stretched his lips into a smile, showing off rows of yellow-stained teeth that frightened the girls into retreating. They all regretted coming to watch the excitement now.

"That works. You guys keep the girls for us, and the rest of you can get lost!" Long Wu was known for his lecherous nature.

Two burly men came forward to grab the girls, and everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

"No!" came an outcry. Liu Ting and Qu Mei were scared to the point of losing their color.

"Stop right there!" Suddenly, a voice came from the corner.

Everyone turned to look.

"Guo Yi?"

"Damn, what does this kid want?"

A group of boys cursed under their breath.

Not even daring to breathe too loudly, Hou San berated Guo Yi, "Are you sick? If you want to die, don't drag us into it."

Hou Daqiang also cursed, "Kid, don't get us killed too!"

Ignoring everyone else, Guo Yi walked slowly out of the corner and made his way directly to Long Wu.

Long Wu furrowed his brows. Having mixed in the Jiangnan underworld for many years and seeing all types of people, this guy was an enigma to him. His clothes were nothing to look at, but his presence was undoubtedly extraordinary. The air around him was strong, which Long Wu found odd.

His eyes!

Long Wu stared into the man's eyes—clear and deep, unflustered. Those were enigmatic eyes, suggesting that the person before him had either a strong background or was a clueless big oaf. Yet, considering his association with someone like Hou San, he likely wasn't somebody noteworthy, probably the latter. Long Wu felt certain in his heart. Nevertheless, in Jiangnan City, he wasn't afraid of anyone.

"These two are under my protection," Guo Yi pointed at Qu Mei and Liu Ting, looking at Long Wu, "As for the others, their lives or deaths are none of my concern!"

He protected Liu Ting because she had been kind to him. He protected Qu Mei because she had spoken up for him at Hou San's company just now. In this world, what goes around comes around. Those who help will be helped, and those who harm will be harmed.

"I must be seeing ghosts today; every Tom, Dick, and Harry thinks they can stand up for themselves?" Long Wu's eyes turned cold as he stared intently at Guo Yi, "And what exactly are you supposed to be?"

"If I want you dead, you die; if I want you alive, you live," Guo Yi said casually, "In this world, there's nobody left to protect you."

Hou San was close to crying out of frustration.

Damn it, daring to talk to Brother Long like that? Has Guo Yi totally lost it? There should be a limit to showing off, right? Showing off in front of Brother Long is freaking useless, even if you were the king of show-offs reincarnate.

In regret, Hou San felt like crying. Why the hell did he run into this jerk yesterday; he truly regretted inviting this guy to the reunion. Now they were done for. If Brother Long didn't kill him, it would be a miracle. Hou San looked at Hou Daqiang with a face full of panic. At this point, even Hou Daqiang was a clay Bodhisattva crossing the river—barely able to save himself—and dared not make a sound.

Liu Ting stood behind Guo Yi, looking up at the silhouette of the young man—tall and imposing.

Young man, after eight years of gazing up, why can I not see your face?

"Guo Yi..." Liu Ting called out anxiously.

"Don't be afraid!" Guo Yi glanced at Liu Ting once, his slender, delicate fingers gently sliding across her face as he said, "With me here, you shall always be safe."

"You..." Liu Ting was astonished.

Eight years had passed, and a person had changed so much that they were unrecognizable. The silhouette she once looked up to, the one she followed - why was it now shrouded in such thick fog? She wanted to see him, but couldn't; she wanted to touch him, but couldn't.

"This kid's gone crazy!"

"We're done for, we're dead for sure!"

The boys' faces turned deathly pale, and the girls trembled even more.

[ps: Is there still anyone reading this? Could you leave a comment?]