
Chapter 258 ELSA'S FANTASY 1

          The entire mansion shook from the enormous rainfall escorted by lightning every few seconds, the fireplace was lit for the first time in ages as a pair of dark eyes stared down at it. Now he had the information he wanted, now he knew 80% of the things that happened that night, what next?

          Liam let out a sigh as he kept staring at the fore, he took a little sip from his favorite liquid lost deep in his thoughts. It's the first time he's returned home since his workers heard of his arrival, the man is such a sight to behold, an interesting movie you can't get rid of. One you can watch over and over again. They all admired him, taking turns to watch his behind, that's what they all do but never get his notice.

         His mind and intuitions were darkened by everything he heard, he thought that the old man was hard-hearted, but it turns out the bull-headed man just needed a little push to open up. Just some finger-cracking to remind him who he was dealing with, a cold-hearted monster like they call him. At this point he didn't know if he could ever forgive them, he didn't know if he wanted their surname, that's how irritated he was with them.

         "Good evening sir." Carlos arrived from his mission in time to tell his boss about everything that has happened. "Go on." His deep cold voice could be heard scaring the man a bit, it felt like he was back to his old self again, the cold ruthless Mr. Black. The small man wondered what he found from Barrett, they had no idea what he was looking for and why he had to abduct his uncle, but they knew whatever decision their boss makes was for the best.

         Carlos pushed his glasses upwards before fully standing before the man, he gulped when those dark eyes stared at him, "We found the hospital, it's been given to the government but I made sure her name and that of your family is not dragged to the mud by her actions." He announced, hopefully, that would brighten his boss's mood, but it didn't.

        Liam was unbothered by his words, "Take it back from the government, that's not the kind of punishment I should be giving to her. That will not move her, I want to make her life a living hell till I send her to where she belongs." He said calmly. He wanted to make her suffer, to see her suffer to his satisfaction, he wants her to beg to be killed, make her feel she's mad, make her go insane.

        "How do you want me to take the hospital from the government and get the hot news with more than 60 victims off the internet?" This was insane, what Liam wanted was impossible, "Just tell them everything is fake and there's no hospital for destroying young girls womb. I Shouldn't be in charge of telling you what to do. You and I know those 60 cases are fake." He got up and walked away.

         Carlos thought of the next way out of this mess, his boss is right they could actually get rid of it. This is not one of the old times' news was left hanging, they started it, so they can take it out. While Carlos thought of how to stop the spreading news, Liam called for Alan to finally let Claudia out, to let Claudia meet her son again just as asked. It doesn't matter if Raf will not accept her, she's his mother and they'd be united again.

        He stepped into his room, pulled out his clothes, and sank deep into the warm bathtub filled with water to its brim. A large portion of the water poured out the moment Liam stepped in but that wasn't up to 1% of the thoughts in his head at the moment.



        Elsa stared down at her phone continuously, contemplating if this was the right time to call him or not. To be honest, she's disrupted his work a lot recently and didn't want to disturb him any further. "All thanks to Elsa, you would have been kicked out for sure." Their words distracted her and she was back in their world. She hated that she couldn't spend a day alone without his thought popping into her head.

          How does she prove she can stay without him? How does she make herself scarce and wanted by him? He shouldn't see her always and she'd make sure of that, from now on, Liam will not hear of her as often as he does.

          The trio decided to have a sleepover, to spend quality time together, both sisters could not believe how close they've become with Preya in just a few days. "Thank you so much, Elsa," Preya said feeling so grateful. She had no idea what her life would become if she had been expelled, she didn't know if her parents would send her to another college again. The shame her father would go through cause of her. "It's nothing, Liam did everything, besides, it's not your fault that bastard has your tape all over the net and students' blogs," Elsa stated.

        "Yes, that's pretty terrible, and even if I had a way of taking the videos down, the source still has it and so do other preposterous students." Jesse chimed in only for Preya to smile downwards. Her friends were right, her image has been tarnished, and it's been destroyed. Right now she wished she would attend another school and not this, she wished Elsa had not stood up for her. Not only will she go down, but her closeness to both girls might tarnish their image too.

        "Uhh, what do I do now?" Preya cried out, "It's not your fault, we're young and crazy, it's normal for young people to act this way, to live this way, that's the privilege that comes with being young. Just ignore the b.s (bull**it) from people and focus on moving forward." Jesse let out her little words of encouragement to see her friend smile.

        "That reminds me, we're having another freshman party tomorrow, it was told that more students are yet to resume cause of some troubles registering but we'd know who they are at the party." Jesse swung her hands in the air dancing to an unheard song. "Another party?" Elsa asked in alarm, her last party was the worst. She's never attended any student party before but Dante made her hate parties even more. She's sworn not to do anything that would upset him or distract him from his work. "How did you know about all of these?" She asked her friend who seemed so excited about it.

         "What? I have actual friends, we also have another party outside school the day after, it's a naked party, where you get to meet and mingle with people, especially men and older guys. Single people like I and Preya are going to attend so we could have boyfriends." Jesse declared. "And what time do we have to read and prepare for our first test? Jess, I think your friends are not the kind you need." Elsa stated. "There's no hard feeling El, it's okay if you don't want to attend. We understand you're married to my brother." Jesse stated, giggling.

          "Yes, you both are insane." El said for both girls to laugh out loudly, "Yes mummy." Preya responded. She couldn't believe Preya, just a few minutes ago she was remorseful for having given her first time to a silly boy, and now she's thinking of hooking up with another guy. Jesse only attended lectures for a week and some days, and has already gotten influenced by her gullible friends. Yes, they were young and should have fun, but this is not her definition of fun.

         Elsa lay on the bed after their arguments and talks about a few things and school, she stared at the girls sleeping on the bed before diverting her gaze back to the ceiling. It was pretty much late, and everywhere had turned dead silent, this was a good time to reflect on her day and lessons of the day.

        Different things ran through her mind, but the persistent one was their recent conversation, no matter how hard she tried to forget, she just cannot get their words out of her head. Was she being too uptight? Is she meant to have more fun than this? All of these questions kept popping into her head but she didn't have the right answer for them.

          Elsa has always been a reserved person, most people call it boring, but that's who she is. She's a boring girl who got attached to a boring man but both people were fun and loving to each other. Jesse on the other hand has always been a flirtatious girl, Dax had attested to it, that's one of the reasons her friend was not surprised at her attitude.

          Above everything, an image kept popping into her head, Liam. She groaned rolling from side to side but tried not to wake the girls up as she wondered what he must be doing at that hour. He doesn't sleep early so it's obvious he was working. Her curious mind longed for him, even if it was just once again, she couldn't stop herself from calling him. She placed the phone in her ears and quietly stepped out of the room.

         "Liam." She called when he picked up...