
Chapter 214 SUDDEN VISIT 1



        The ting sound of the cooker distracted them making Liam pull out from his kiss. Her facial expression told she wanted more, he was merely teasing her but she already looked drowned in it. This was the best punishment, making her understand no one can treat her better than he does. He wanted her to know he was the only one that can make her react this way. That can make her long for him. He's the only one that can frustrate her this way, she is his and no one else.

        Those blue alluring eyes watched his every move calmly, how can she bring herself to tell him she wanted more? He can't possibly leave her like this, she felt hot, and she had to calm everything down. Her body longed for his touch, she wanted him, they've been apart for a few days and she wanted more of him.

       Why was Liam treating her this way? Clouding her mind, her thoughts with himself, driving her insane every single time. She bit her lower lips, she's never felt this way before, she fought to control the urge to pounce on him. The fishes were ready and Liam placed them in two different glass plates ready for eating.

        "Set the table love." He met her gaze, Elsa quietly left the kitchen to set the table, placing two glasses and a jar of orange juice on the table. Right behind her was Liam with the dishes in his hands, he placed them quietly on the table.


       "Where's my wife." Ethan got down the stairs to the first floor after realizing his wife was not in the room when he got up. "She went out early this morning to visit her parents, she said you should eat breakfast without her she'll be back before nightfall." The butler announced with a slight bow.

       He couldn't tell what has happened between his madam and master, but everyone in the mansion had noticed the cold shoulders both people gave each other when they got back. He wondered if she has found out about the new lady her husband was hanging out with.

        "Master." The butler called while Ethan was about to climb the stairs, "Mr. Carlos arrived a few minutes ago for a contract signing and a little gift package." He announced before leaving for his duty post. Ethan could feel his heart palpitating hard against his chest, this was not a good sigh.

        If he has heard Liam clearly, he said a piece of Dax and Rafael would be sent for every work done. Ethan rushed to the lounge which held a familiar little man, the messages of death and destruction. This man never appears to anyone with good knees. Carlos smiled on seeing Ethan approach him with quick steps, like one that was going to war or battle.

        "What's in that package?" He got straight to the point. "Good morning Mr. An akin." "Keep that greeting to yourself Carlos and tell me the content of the box." Ethan was running out of patience, he was getting desperate, how will he know Liam was one that doesn't joke when it comes to people's lives. If he says he's going to kill you, then he will without batting his eyes.

        "How can I know what's in the box Mr. An akin, my boss wouldn't tell, and the only way to get this gift is by signing these documents," Carlos said calmly. With gritted teeth and generation, Ethan signed the contracts quickly picking the box next to Carlos. "It's nice doing business with you, Mr. Annakin.

        Ethan dropped the box on the floor after seeing its content, he was speechless, devastated. This is all his fault, he shouldn't have brought them up in a challenging manner. He challenged Liam, he had let his anger consume him from thinking rationally like every normal person. When Liam agreed to send a piece of their body part he thought the man was jus0t jabbering.

        The black box he took from Carlos contained the fingers of Dax and Rafael. " My boss kept to his words, as he would from now on Mr. Annakin, you should keep to yours," Carlos said nonchalantly. "You knew all about this but said nothing?"

        "Most things are better seen than heard Mr. Annakin." Carlos rose to his feet arranging his suit as he left. Ethan only proved himself as an enemy the previous night when he tried to go against Liam.

       Ethan rushed up the stairs to his masters' bedroom, this was not good, he needs to talk to liam for him to stop else, those fingers will not be the only thing he'd be receiving.


       "I'm confused mother, you always said marriage was about endurance and maturity, but I don't think I can endure that." Jesse sat close to her mother who has turned leaner and paler than usual. Maisha is no longer the happy proud woman she once used to be, yet she still could not drop her pride and apologize on her son, behalf.

         They thought Liam was still a kid they could toss around and command him to do anything. His calm and reserved nature always makes people underestimate him, and when he proves or shows himself once more, it always gets bloody. "You can't possibly detach yourself from your marriage cause of an argument," Maisha stated.

       "He said hurtful things to me while angry, whatever a person says while angry, they mean it. And even if they take their words back it's still not going to change the damage those words have caused." Jesse said. It was evident she was hurting inside, she couldn't get enough sleep the previous night as Ethan's words kept ringing in her head the whole night.

       "Jesse, even I and your Dad fall out most times, but we settle our differences and still rise back up. That's all that matters in a relationship." She patted her daughter tenderly. "You're close to Elsa right." Marshal chimney in to see her daughter hesitate in answering a little bit. "Don't pretend honey, I know both of you are still very much close to each other," Maisha added.

        "Yes we are, I can't possibly stop being friends with her." It was time Jesse told her parents about her friendship with Elsa which will not be ending anytime soon. Elsa is more than just a friend to her, she's more of a sister, someone she could always run to when she's in trouble. If she was aware of everything her best friend went through in time, she would have in any way render an assistant to her.

       "Good." Florence felt hurt but had to cover it up, after all, Elsa's the only way to her son getting out of that place. "Have you spoken to her about your brother who jas been abducted by Liam?"

        "I don't think there's anything she could do. Dad committed a great crime and should pay for his actions." Assassinating his self-acclaimed brother was terrible, but not as terrible as sending his wife to a slave establishment cause of money. "That girl is the key to Liam's heart, she's the only one that can help Dax," Maisha added.


      Liam dabbed his wife's mouth with her napkin after spoon feeding her himself to her satisfaction. The hotness she once felt was calm now but can be ignited again if Liam does something stupid. "Good day boss." Carlos stepped in even after the warnings from his boss not to disturb him today.

      They had pressing issues at hand, issues that need his attention, "It seems the gate of hell has been opened to welcome you in." Liam spoke son calmly, "I'll see you later love." He perked her cheek before leaving with Carlos. Elsa sauntered to the lounge to watch the tv for the first time since they got here. She's rarely seen around the television since she barely had the time for it.

        Stepping out of the mansion, Liam and Carlos decided to take a stroll in the garden, Liam knew if Carlos has gone against his orders, then the issue is something else. "Florence has met with Don J, she's joining their group." He said calmly. "That's good, I have no business with her, so it's not going to be a problem," Liam stated. 

      If the woman has done nothing to harm or hurt his wife, then he had no issues with her. "Is that all? Did you send my gift to Ethan?" "Yes boss, he was very pleased to have it, you should send it  more often." If it was up to Carlos, he would have eliminated Dax and Rafael a  long time ago, for everything they did to hIs boss.

       "We've found the former manager of the slave establishment which held madam," Carlos stated to attain a cold aura from his boss. "Do you have him?" Liam asked calmly. All he wanted from him is to know who brought his wife to the slave establishment, and why that man accepted her. If he doesn't get the answers he needs, heads will roll.