
Chapter 124 Anakin's wedding 1

             🎅 SEASONS GREETINGS 🤶



  The week ran fast and Elsa's anxiety died down since Jesse didn't speak about anything, the only thing she said was about her being allowed to attend the school trip since Ethan decided to change his mind about their marriage.

Elsa dared not tell her about her little deeds cause she couldn't tell if her best friend would hate her or congratulate her. It wasn't her fault Liam doesn't do or see thing the normal way. 

As the days approached faster, so did the Anakin's only daughters wedding approached quickly too. Everyone prepared greatly for it. Cause it was like one of the biggest wedding in town for the next one to two years.

As expected, with permission from Liam, Maisha decided to take the two girls out for shopping, since it was already too late for their family fashion designer to make any dress for her daughters.

She was a proud mother in the society, she was feared by everyone and respected too.

Elsa arrived back at her former mansion, somewhere within, she has missed this mansion alot, that includes Wadsworth and his maids. At the arrival of the little Madam's, Wadsworth and his maids got out to welcome them in.

"Welcome back miss Jesse and Madam Elsa!" Elsa smiled at him, she really missed torturing this man. If she could, she would have asked Liam to replace Wadsworth with their new butler.

At the same time, Wadsworth was really happy to see his little madam. She was looking so healthy and more beautiful than a week ago. He saw her smile her heavenly smile, the smile that had warmed his master's cold heart.

Dax was at a corner of the mansion, when a maid informed him about the guest that have arrived at the mansion. Since Liam left, he had claimed to be the new master of the mansion, so the maids were to take turns in informing him about the activities of the mansion.

On hearing Elsa, Dax got up and walked out to go see the love of his life that he had missed alot. He steps were quick as he made his way to the lounge, but was informed the girl was in his sister's room. With the same quick steps, Dax sauntered to Jesse's room.

The door to Jesse's room clicked open only for her elder brother to badge in, without any word, he walked up to the beautiful girl close to his sister and picked her up in his hands. 

Both girls were astonished by his actions, "I've really missed you little El!" He twirled her around planting a kiss on her cheek. Elsa flinched and got off him. "Dax what are you doing?" She scolded to see him frown.

"I'm a married woman Dax, you're not meant to kiss me. Only Liam has the right to do that!" At least that's what Liam had thought her all these day.

At her words Dax palm turned into fist. "You are my cousin but that doesn't give you the right to kiss me anywhere you like!" She puffed her cheek in anger and left the room.

Jesse stared at her desperate brother before leaving. Dax gritted his teeth, this was not the first time he was pegging her and she has never complained or scolded him bafore.

He was not happy about this, he knew Liam would turn her against him. If he doesn't do something really fast, he might loose the girl forever.

With Maisha walking down the stairs to meet her daughters in the lounge, they all left the mansion for their shopping.