
Chapter 106 Barking Dogs 1

  Elsa didn't know how to look at Liam not after what she saw earlier, she was embarrassed even if he had not caught her staring. Her breath hitched and her body stiffened at his touch and presence before her. She felt hot all over just staring into his mesmerizing black eyes. And his exposed hard chest was not helping at all.

"It was great!" She said briefly. 

"Go freshen up and prepare for school!" He got up and left her. Liam was not blind not to notice her uneasiness, as much as he wanted her to get used to his presence and touch, he didn't want to scare her. Besides they have all their lives to be together.

His little wife would learn, but it would be a patient and enjoyable process. He walked into the closet elated. For some reason, Liam was more than happy, maybe because his plans were falling into place. His love was right here with him, his father in laws name would be cleared today.

And the most important news of all was Mr Lou was still alive but is married to another man which he could not tell why. Billow had forcefully told him everything, as usual he had made the man speak in his own way.

He wore his white shirt standing before the floor to ceiling mirror as he studied his appearance. With the years past Liam has learnt alot away from his father and his family, he just didn't know how to trust them anymore not after the recent information he just heard.

He fixed his bottons and tucked the shirt into his trouser before buckling it. He picked his wrist watch along with his black bracelet, the one that makes one a Black. On fixing his clothes and spraying his cologne he heard faint raps on the door.

Elsa wanted to be very sure he was no longer naked before she could step in, so as to avoid what she had experienced earlier. When she heard a come in, she twisted the door knob and walked in carefully watching her steps. Liam intense gaze on her made her blush and she was nervous, but the smile on his lips felt welcoming and somehow she was relaxed.

"Come here love!" He gestured his hands to her seat and Elsa went ahead to seat before the dressing mirror. He so much loved drying this little woman's hair and wouldn't mind if it became a hobby. Elsa glanced at him from the glass before her and she could see the endless smile on his lips.

"Liam!" "Hmm!" "About your promise earlier, I would love it if Jesse come stay with me this weekend!" She studied his reaction which never changed as his smile never dropped.

"Alright, I'll send her over. Anything for you love!" He continued his actions. Only God knows what goes on in that head of his. She just didn't know how to leave alone with Liam not when she feels the way she feels around him.

Liam was done drying her hair and he turned her chair around to see her cute face, "Love, you forgot my good morning kiss!" He said to have her gulp. Was there a good morning kiss? But they kissed last night? She thought. Elsa loved to kiss him, but she was scared of the feelings she always had when he does all this things to her.

"But we kissed last night!" She protested with a blush earning a smile from the beast. Liam had a playful side that he shows to just her, she blushed more at the thought of this. "Hmm that was a good night kiss. I want my good morning kiss!"

"Now be a good wife and let your husband kiss you!" He placed his both hands at the arm rest of her chair and tilted his head closer to hers. Elsa parted her lips unwillingly, welcoming his and their lips touched.

Surprisingly, Liam did not slid his tongue into her mouth as usual, he instead licked her lips with his tongue. This new method made her feel wierd. "Liam are we meant to do this?" Elsa asked.

"Hmm, it's what married people do!" Liam replied as he licked and sucked her lips, "ah!" A little moan escaped through her lips which almost shut his brain, but he was quick to pull out. "But it makes me fell wierd!" Elsa blushed at her words.

She just didn't have anyone to talk to about what she was feeling right now, Jesse was not not experienced and Mrs Maisha might scold her as she feels like what they were doing was wrong.

Liam stared at his little wife delighted to here her speak, he was happy cause the girl seems to be warming up to him. "That we'd work on later, for now, don't let anyone do the things we do to you!" His words sounded as a warning and she nodded.