
The Runaway Duchess

Leiana is a duchess who runs away from her husband and everyone with no one knows. Only she knows of her pregnancy. And only she knows that she's a transmigrator. Before she transmigrated, she is once a president's bodyguard. She died after receiving the bullet intended for the president. She wakes up in another body and is about to give birth. Shock splashed over her one after another. However, she slowly accepted and adjusted to everything until she gives birth to a boy. Upon remembering a few important details about the novel, Leiana chooses to avoid being involved in the flow of the novel. She tries her best to hide away but a few people won't let her be. Assassins always come after her life and wanted to stop her existence in the world. She can protect herself but she is not confident about how long she can protect her son from them. Then one night, a group of assassins attack their house. She fights them while ordering her son, Leitz to keep himself hidden. Since Leiana's body is originally weak, she couldn't fight them the way she used to. She is struggling and catching her breath with the few movements she made. Leitz is witnessing everything even the time when his mother bleeds. He jumps out of where he is hiding and lost control of his power. Leiana who witnessed her son being out of control couldn't help but feel hurt for her son. She decided to live with the old man whom she trusted as their family for her and her son's safety. Years passed by and the mother and son live their life normally and peacefully. Not until, when her friend from the capital sends her an invitation to a birthday party. There she attended together with her son to meet the people she don't want to meet or bump with. There she came face to face with her first love who is confessing in front of her after all these years. Also, she meets the man who is known as her husband and the father of her son. Where her husband is trying to bring her home together with her son.

Mieka Guan · 都市
14 Chs


This is my creation and not a translation from any manga, manhwa, or manhua.

Note: The cover picture is not mine. I just edited it and put the title of my story.


This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Happy Reading!

Mieka Guan


Leiana is a lady who married a duke that made her a duchess. She suddenly disappears without a word or anyone knowing where she runs to. The only person who knows about the reason for her sudden disappearance is herself alone.

Yet, one lady entered her body when she got into an accident. The lady who resides in her body believes that she transmigrated into a character's body she read. She had an idea and a few memories from the book she read but not remembering the entirety of the story. In the end, she as well didn't know why did the duchess runaway from the duke and secretly bring the child into the world.

That is not the only thing that bothered her, while she is adjusting and slowly coping with everything that happened to her. A group of assassins are lingering around them and sometimes attack them. She can fight them and protect her son by hiding him or giving him an excuse to isolate herself from her son.

As a former presidential bodyguard, fighting an assassin who didn't use a gun is no different from having a sparring and training session with her colleagues. The problem is the body she resided in is not the same as her previous body. The duchess's body is so fragile and sensitive to small pain. It has low stamina and poor flexibility. Even though it is just an easy task to fight the assassins, she is struggling in her movement because her new body can't cope with her. She decided to train herself to improve her stamina and reflexes while raising her son.

Duke Akhazriel Galhardo, the duchess's husband didn't know that his wife has given birth to their son nor didn't know that she is pregnant when she run away. The duke admits that the two of them didn't have a good relationship yet he never treated her harshly. As far as he knows, he treated her with the freedom to do whatever she wants and decides however she wants. He thought at least he can do that for her, who forced them to marry him terms of political reasons. Will the duke find the duchess and learn about the existence of his son?

Levin Dollenos, one of the childhood friends of the duke and the duchess. At a young age, Levin is her childhood sweetheart of Leiana. The two of them are close to each other until they grew up. The two of them didn't become lovers since neither of them did confess their true feelings toward the other. However, Levin did decide to ask for Leiana's hand in marriage. However, the marquess, the father of Leiana opposed his marriage proposal. Leiana didn't know about his plan and just caught him in her father's office when he is offering marriage to her father.

Leiana did hear how his father reject the proposal and her father's reason. Leiana's father wanted to marry her to the son of Duke Galhardo. She strongly disagreed and confessed that she wanted to marry Levin instead since she likes him. Levin is moved by Leiana's sentiments, but he couldn't bring himself to stand by herself fighting for the two of them. He mostly agreed with Leiana's reason for not agreeing to their marriage. Leiana could be in danger if he forces his marriage to her.

Their family has been against each other. If she bring Leiana to their estate as his wife, he couldn't guarantee her safety or a proper environment. Anyone may harass her while he is gone. And he can't stay in her estate together with her father since Marquess Merlette didn't want him as her husband. Even though they bought an estate for the two of them, he knows that his family will never let them be nor Leiana. Thus, he decided to protect her than stay beside her.

Ruprecht Essel, the second prince of the empire. One of the childhood friends of the duke and duchess as well as Levin. He, himself feel an infatuation with Leiana when they were young. Yet, he just realizes his feelings when they are in their teens. His curiosity about as to why Levin is so kind and caring to Leiana leads him to develop an infatuation with her. He keeps on observing her and slowly did see what Levin could see her.

Ruprecht knows that Leiana and Levin are already crossing the bridge and his existence will only disturb them. Thus, he decided to let go of her as soon as possible for the betterment of everyone. In his process of letting go, the emperor, their father asked him about marriage. He declines every woman that his father set up for him to meet. He is not ready yet to open up once again nor did find the thing he is looking for a woman he likes.

The emperor grow impatient and suddenly engaged him to a lady without his permission. It is so sudden, that even he is surprised by the announcement made by his father. Ruprecht didn't want to embarrass the lady by showing a strong reaction to rejection, so he decided to give it a try. But just then, when the duchess's disappearance spread. His fiancée suddenly starts to show interest in the duke, his childhood friend. This made him disgusted and started to have casual relationships with every woman in the empire.

The rumors spread how did the second prince be every woman's prince? His fiancée confronted him about the rumors but he just ignore her. When he got irritated, he throw back at her the question as to why she is showing an interest in the duke. The lady couldn't answer and left the second prince without explanation.

Ten years passed by after the chaos happened in the capital starting with the disappearance of the duchess. But what would happen if Leiana decided to come to the capital once again? Will the duke recognize her after ten long years? Will he know about their son? Will Ruprecht and Levin's feelings they bury resurface once again?

But most importantly, will Leiana know the real reason why the original Leiana run away without saying a word? For what reason could it be that a group of assassins wanted to kill them?