
The Ruler of Immortals

"What can a 17-year-old do?" he asked himself in his final moments of life, but he found himself in a situation that even the Gods couldn't handle.

Duskazuro · アクション
24 Chs

Seal The Rage Tight!

"So then, should we begin?"

Tsuki held onto my hands as she walked me out into a greenspace filled with vegetation and alot of open space seeming as if we had went towards the outskirts of the gigantic city after telling Clawz to leave us be for a while

"Why did you even bring me here" I said in a sweat after running for so long with her

Tsuki placed her hand over my forehead as I bent down due to exhaustion after all the running


my mind suddenly went blank as she said those words

what's happening, I thought as i took a glance around myself noticing that I was viewing seeing myself in a third-person perspective all of a sudden and saw my actual self fighting with Tsuki

"Is this supposed to be some daycare for you?"

a voice cackled as I sat on the dull floor and watched myself through the bright reflection

I sighed as I stared at my angered self with no pupils in their eyes kept powering themselves up "So, it's this place again. I'm starting to get used to it now. Can you now explain what's happening over there though?"

"She tried Tamaki Boosting your entire soul without considering the toll it'd take up on her body including the engrueling fight with your enraged form. Countless lives will perish in this act if she does anything wrong." the voice said as it started circulating its aura besides me

"Hey hey hey, get me over there right now. Stop all of this and explain why she even did that?" I panicked as I look down towards the aura gathering around besides me

"Shut up and let her do her thing. She's risking her whole life and the lives of billions on that planet for a feeble like you. If she's successful in doing this, you will be able to use Suiryū energy again and also know your Elemental Affinity" the aura answered angrily as it sent chills down my veins

I just stared at the screen and noticed Tsuki vanished out of nowhere along with my other self, "Looks like they teleported somewhere else, must've been Tsuki to avoid causing any danger to anyone on Planet : Hushong."

I got up and bit on my wrist really tight as it bled out

"Kid, what are you trying to do." the voice stares deep onto me thinking as if I had gone insane but soon realised it

"Don't tell me your trying to switch places with that tyrant." the voice laughed maniacly as it said that while the aura got much more tense

I continously keep chowing down on my wrist as I felt all the pain with each bite

I instantly woke up and saw a huge barrage of Asteroid sized burning orbs blitzing towards me as a lady glowing in flashy clothes like a angel with pure white eyes glistening bright through the dark envelope of the Void pointed towards me from behind the asteroids

"Whats even going on!" I call my skull back onto myself and glide through the Void as it starts changing shades the deeper I went in as the lady kept chasing me

"Can't escape her this way.. What to do now.." my eyes go onto the injury on my wrist and notice a huge part of it still bleeding out and let myself loose and glided through the void faster while infusing the Voidal energy around me onto my wrist making it a Energy Sector used for storing Elemental Energy

"Your dying with me then." I smirked as I thought of the pointlessness in doing everything and the deaths of everyone on Earth and the mercilessness of the same praised gods have towards their own worshippers

I bit my lip tight and halted down on the floor of the Void as the Voidal Energy starts enveloping my whole body in a orb "You God's really don't care about any of us. You all will never even feel anything towards us anyways."

The lady stops instantly with a shocked face and immediately blitzes over to me even faster

"Everything has its ending."

The lady instantly kicked me on the air and slammed me back on the ground with a astonishing force and continued to punch my chest with a barrage feeling as if being hit a million times every second

"CAN YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE" the lady cried out as she kept punching me, shattering the entire void into bits as I fell unconscious right that moment

"The End Feels Cold."