
The Ruin of Hayll

We know what happened to Shalador and Dena Nehale with the hope that Cassidy offered, but what about the other territories? What about Hayll in the heart of the corrupt with few queens left unbroken prior to the Purge? What would their world look like without a Shadow Realm queen to bring peace before violence and anarchy became the rule of the land. In Hayll the last of the Hundred Families has fallen; justice claimed for generations of stolen lives and potential. A warlord prince has risen to lead the once scattered force, naming himself as ruler of Hayll, as he rides his armies towards Draega, the last city holding out; trapped between the threats of starvation, landen uprisings, and the pressure of the rebellion. An overlooked queen, untrained and afraid, may be their last hope of salvation for their territory. The last chance for Hayll to rise from the ruin of corrupt rulers and incompetent queens rests in the hands of these two, pitted against each other as enemies- who must set aside prejudice to save their homeland.

courtney_parks · 書籍·文学
5 Chs

Chapter Three

"How did you know I was..." Kiera decided if she was going to be uncomfortably slung across a saddle bow then Alessi could be uncomfortable with her line of questioning. Embarrassment thought counter to that; pausing her line of questioning. She sought a way to voice the question without revealing her discomfort.

" inexperienced.." The soft rumble of his laughter behind her ear added to her temptation to elbow him in the ribs; not that it would do any good on putting distance between them. The strength of his arm around her stomach pinning her back against his chest, nestling the curve of her ass against his hips, was unrelenting. 

"Warlord prince, remember?" His breath tickled along her ear. The warmth of it a counter to the cold of the early autumn air. His fingers spread a bit further over her abdomen before curling just slightly; a visceral reminder of what he was, of what he was known for. The Witch slayer; even before the tragedy he had started his slaughter of priestesses, queen, and even lesser witches. Nothing seemed to connect them together and yet one morning their family would wake to find the dusted red mist of what remained of the women. 

"Doesn't give you special hymen sniffing skills." Kiera forced the fear that came with the reminder back down. Fear excited predators. It would only provoke the beast that prowled beneath the pretty surface. She turned her head to glare up at him before pointedly wiping at the top of her ear. "I can hear you without your mouth in my ear, Prince. Now, how did you know?" She should have been worried about angering him, of setting off his temper that seemed to appear at random. Kiera figured she had little to lose and he seemed amused more than anything at her peevish responses. 

"Your mother; she was shrewd enough to know that just a handful of minutes with you would destroy the whole story of you being addled. " She looked over the landscape, trying to bite back the mixed emotions of grief and resentment that the mention of her mother dredged up. It had been less than twenty four hours since her world had collapsed into burning rubble around her, leaving her completely dependent on the man behind her. Witchslayer, insane, cruel; and yet his people followed him down to the woman or man. They held faith and for a moment she questioned the rumors that were spread around the various villas by maids, told to young witches to scare them into good behavior, and a lesson for young men on what to not be. 

"Oh." The breath of a sound was all she could manage in that moment. The grief was too raw to be pushed aside and it threatened to drown her. Her chest tightened as her lungs screamed for air. She panted in short sharp gasps, trying to unfreeze her chest, to get enough air to push down the scream that wanted to rip from her throat. She could feel her heart racing; thrumming against her chest seeking escape from the flesh and bone cage. Black spots dotted in her vision as she tried again and again to swallow down the wave of panic and grief that rose over her head and threatened to drag her down beneath that suffocating wave. 

"Breathe.." She was aware of being lifted, of being turned until her cheek was pressed against the steady rise and fall of his chest. His palm flattened on her back as he continued. "Slow breath in with me...and out.." Her fingers tightened as she clutched her hands to her sides, trying to battle through to find that calm center. The slow circling of his palm between her shoulders, the steady thump of his heart, and slow rise and fall of his chest gave her something to attune to. No matter that her tears soaked his shirt as they fell; he continued to coax her through each breath.

"It gets more manageable." Alessi couldn't figure out why he cared about the little queen's emotional state. Her panic attack would have passed naturally with her fainting; then she couldn't lob any other annoying questions at him. Contrary to his thoughts he had reacted to her distress with trying to provide her a center. How isolated had she been on that remote villa; he wondered. More so why had the Domani hidden away a viable queen from Dorothea and her court? Questions he was tempted to voice, but knew it wasn't the time nor place. 

"Thank you." She leaned back trying to figure out how to fix how she was now straddling the horse. The natural rise and fall of the horse's step rubbing their hips together with the tight fabric of her skirt doing little mute the sensation. Alessi solved it for her by again partially lifting her, allowing her to again drape both her legs over one side of the horse while dragging her skirt back down. "For explaining that to me" The amendment came as a way to salve her pride. A pathetic excuse for her caste; Kiera knew it. She wasn't the calm or composed lady, or refined, in truth she barely qualified as a lady in general. 

He didn't reply instead staring straight out at the road in front of then. Kiera took the time to do the same, looking in horror at row upon row of withered grape vines, of fields of packed bare soil without even a scraggly weed to break up the acres of barren brown earth. As they continued to ride she saw more and more signs of the devastation done to the countryside. Formerly full olive trees were twisted and bare, some with limbs broken and brittle. 

"What happened here?" The words escaped her in a hurried whisper. The pains, aches, and needs of her body forgotten as she looked over the desolate land. 

"What happens in wars fought between members of The Blood." He replied drawing the horse's reigns in. The bay stopped with an soft snort. Its hoof dug at the ground in front of it. Kiera could feel the slight tremor that ran through the animal in protest of remaining in this place. She could feel the whispers of angry souls that still lingered and clung to the land. Still too much of them left to dissolve into the darkness and too little to become demon dead. 

"This is.." Kiera didn't have words to describe the emotions rolling through her. The pain and sorrow that mixed with disgust at the land being left in this state. Other queens had survived the tragedy, ones that weren't cloistered away or lived closer; the fact no one had tried to heal this stretch of land bothered her.

"What we are trying to avoid. Remember that little queen; I may be a monster in your eyes but there are worse out there." With a click of his tongue he set his horse forward again as the front leaders of the camp slowly caught up. He didn't speak again for a while, both of them silent as they rode through the ravaged swath of land before crossing past the demarcation line and back into semi fertile farms. The signs of drought were still there, marked on the plants, but at least things grew here. 

He pulled back again as they neared a large pasture with no farm house or villa in sight. This time he watched as the front of the line turned onto the pasture. Kiera watched in silence as the wagons of supplies, prisoners, and captured goods rolled in as foot soldiers started to set up camp. The exhausted prisoners who had been left on foot passed shooting her resentful glares as she sat perched before Alessi. Kiera forced herself to meet their glares as she remained held in place by the warlord prince. It seemed even now she would not be allowed to dismount until it fit his pleasure. 

Once the last of the line had entered the clearing he rode forward, working the shield to protect the camp. Behind the sapphire shield his second in command placed a strong Opal level shield, with the third offering a slightly lighter opal shield. The camp would be secure tonight with no one getting in or out. If she had any hopes of sneaking out at night that was snuffed and she would have to accept captivity graciously for the moment. 

By the time Alessi rode into camp his tent was already up. She could smell the soft scent of the campfire with hints of cooking food. The scent brought the dryness of her mouth back to the front of her attention. Her stomach gurgled in anticipation as she silently wished for it to be silent or at least quiet. Once the horse had stopped Kiera shifted, waiting for his arm to release her so she could slide down the horse's shoulder; not looking forward to placing weight on her feet and whatever blisters awaited. The guard assigned for this night came forward, a prince of middling age, and again proceeded to pretend to be post as he accepted her weight, holding her off the ground until Alessi had dismounted. 

"See that he is fed extra for carrying two today." The warlord prince didn't waste anytime collecting her from the prince. The command seemed absently given as the reigns were handed over to a camp attendant. Satisfied that things were going in the order he wished Alessi ducked into his tent.

Inside it was set up much the same as before. Same camp cot, folding desk, and pile of blankets in the corner. He settled her on the stool that paired with the desk, before calling in a flask of cool water pouring her a cupful into a dented metal cup that seemed to be stored away in the desk itself.

"Drink." The water was thrust at her gruffly and Kiera took the cup more out of reaction that anything else. Still, she had learned her lesson about refusing food or drink. She quickly drained the cup only to have him fill it a second time. This one she drank slower sipping on it really as she watched him pace through the tent discarding his coat once more onto the bed. Boots were switched out for supple leather slippers, and his shirt was loosened but remained on. 

Kiera shifted to slip off the stool to head to her little corner and see the condition of her feet. Her eyes pressed closed as she caught her breath at the first press of body weight re irritated the raw portions of her feet. Her legs felt stiff and hips sore to the point she wondered how she could hobble the short distance between the stool and her pile of blankets. 

"Sit back down." Alessi's words were a command. One that prompted her to obey instantly, her hands clutched to either side of the stool. The moment the pressure was off her feet the pain surged before tapering off to the faint discomfort she had felt during most of the day. A relief she was ready to forgo when the agitated warlord prince stormed over to her before wordlessly kneeling down to unfasten the boot. 

"Mother darkness." His quiet epitaph told her the damage was visible even through the thick socks she wore. Kiera closed her eyes, not wanting to see as if it would diminish the pain that would come with properly caring for the broken blisters. She felt his hands follow the socks up to her knee, jerking ever so slightly as the warm calloused surface of his hand brushed along the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh before moving down as he rolled the stocking down to her ankle. He moved to the other foot, leaving removing them from her feet for last. 

"Mirella is coming. These will need soaked off." Kiera opened her eyes to look at his expression. Once more in that neutral emotionless state as he rose to walk over to the tent flap. A tray passed through with two steaming bowls, two pieces of hard cheese, and a couple small rolls. Not a feast by any means but still something to fill an empty stomach. Alessi placed the tray on the desk carefully just out of her reach. She felt him cast a warming spell to keep the food hot and as fresh as possible. 

"Not yet.. We will eat after" He clarified after Kiera's questioning look. 

"Going to be that fun?" Somehow she managed to keep her tone dry. The knowledge he was avoiding her putting anything in her stomach to avoid mess if she couldn't weather the pain told her that things were worse than they currently felt. Alessi's lips parted as if he were going to reply only to stop as the hearthwitch entered the tent again carrying that large steaming ewer and basin. 

This time after pouring the water the witch added a handful of healing herbs. The work was done in silence though Kiera caught the murderous glares Mirella shot at Alessi. Once the water had been poured and the herbs diffused into it, Kiera put her feet in; hissing softly at the burn against her feet. Her nails bit into the stool again to keep from jerking her feet back and deciding to wear these socks for the next couple centuries. 

"Hold her foot steady." Alessi gave the command once her feet had soaked long enough that the fabric of the soaks was nearly free. Her right foot lifted from the basin Kiera tipped her head back, staring at the top of the ten and counting her breaths. The breathing and distraction did not help with the part that came next, She felt his fingers curl around her bare ankle, steadying her leg and keeping her from being able to jerk away. An escape she dearly desired at the first pull of the sock from her foot. 

Her teeth bit down on her cheek hard enough to draw blood, but she refused to cry or scream. She could feel where the fabric and lymph had fused together, binding the sock to the raw surfaces of her feet. Alessi's muttered curse was something she could agree with him on, even if she didn't dare voice it for fear of screaming. 

When the second sock came off she couldn't restrain the short, sharp, wail of pain that burst past her lips. Sweating and shaking she felt sick and was glad they held off on eating until after this task was completed. Alessi's sympathetic hiss didn't help as she focused her gaze on the top of his head.

"Aww the poor little aristo witch." Alessi's barbed taunt rankled. The hurt she felt along the bottom of her foot and sides of her heels combined with her exhaustion and the shock of the past few days finally broke down the emotional damn she had held into place. The patchwork gone as finally every emotion she had shoved down, every barbed word, hooded glare, even the pains of her childhood were freed.

"It wasn't my choice! You say aristo like it was my choice to be born into the family I was." The words escaped her in a rush as she jerked on her foot, trying to free it from Mirella's grip not wanting their help anymore. She would rather suffer than deal with barbed looks and taunts at her. "I wish I wasn't born into the Domani family. Wish I had just been a crofter's daughter. I didn't choose to ruin my mother and brother's lives." 

Alessi rose, concerned at the sudden heat in her words. There was no sobbing; instead she shrieked at him like an avenging harpy. Another flail of her foot had it freed from Mirella's grasp sending her topping backwards onto the canvas that served as the flooring of the tent. A grunt escaped her as her teeth clacked together. 

"And I certainly didn't ask for any of this. None of it." The tyraid ended as she shifted to curl up; not attempting to rise from the floor. The cold air against the raw exposed skin told her that standing wasn't going to be a possibility tonight. Still, she could and did glare at them. Seething in her own impotent way at the two who stared at her in almost confusion.

"You didn't ruin their lives. We didn't march on the Domani family just to steal a queen. Your mother and family.." He paused at Kiera's barely audible growl. Her nails curled against the fall of the skirt, bunching it as she struggled to remind herself that punching him in his handsome smug face was not a wise course of action.

"I ruined them long before you. You just ended them. My brother's contracted marriage, my mother's rise through ranks; all ruined because I don't look pure Hayllian. I am tired of paying for some cruel trick of genetics. I didn't chose any of this but I am stuck paying everyone else's debts." She finished the last of it in a whisper; suddenly just drained. The fight gone as quickly as it came. Her head turned to look at her pile of blankets wondering if she could make the walk. 

"Fair enough." Alessi sighed as he rose to grab a few rags and a small pot of salve. He handed off the supplies to Mirella before taking the stool Kiera had previously sat on. "Just so, you are going to combat that prejudice as long as you bear the Domani name. So you had best get used to it , little queen." 

"He has a point lady, now, if you please. Let me finish attending to your injuries so you can eat and get some rest." Mirella interjected as she carefully stepped closer. The hearth witch paused as she waited for Kiera to lash out or push back. At the slight nod of agreement Mirella breathed a sigh of relief. Quickly she knelt down, very carefully smearing a generous amount of the healing mixture over the raw points before wrapping them in the clean cloths. 

Kiera sat still accepting the care before taking the bowl of food. She ate in silence while Alessi turned away, leaving her sitting on the floor, eating his own meal and working through the correspondence that had come in over the day. Finally, tired and ready for some time alone, Kiera managed to leverage herself to her feet. The lash of pain was sharp and sudden but she refused to voice it as she took little mincing steps across the short distance to curl up on the pile of blankets; her back to both the Warlord Prince and the Hearthwitch.

"With those screams... people are going to assume." Mirella was the first to broach the unspoken issue as Alessi continued reviewing the reports of troop movements, spy reports from other factions, and correspondence with the other leaders updating not only the movements but conditions of the land and any queens or signs of recovery. She kept a careful eye on the slow steady breaths of the sleeping woman across the tent. 

"They always assume." Alessi's reply was non-plussed. He didn't care what the rumor mills generated; he did what needed to be done for the good of Hayll. If that made him a monster, because of his caste and jewel rank, then he would be the monster. 

"Well, carrying her around for over half the day didn't help." Mirella's droll reply was a jab at him. Alessi knew better than to show any sort of preference for one person or the other. He knew that giving the aristo queen even the small amount of consideration would raise questions. He just couldn't get past the sight of her wan face as she leaned against the useless fop that was her cousin. 

"Let them think. We are detouring tomorrow, to meet up with Matteo. It seems there are complications in Draega." Alessi pinched the bridge of his nose to relieve the stress headache that threatened to turn into a migraine. How had he gotten talked into leading this rebellion? It was nothing but issues and complications one after the other. 

"I will pass the word then. If you don't want rumors to get out of control, I suggest you figure out something other than having her sleeping with you." Mirella gathered the letters meant to distribute through the various leaders of the encampment. All the small things of managing that in a normal healthy territory would be spread across several men; then again in a healthy territory they wouldn't be marching to take their own capitol city back. 

"An issue for another day. Get some rest Mirella." Alessi gave the woman a slight smile before waving her off. Once his ink and pens were put away in their designated places he sought his own rest. Just two days to meet up with Matteo and the other two commanders; what could go wrong in just two days?