
The Royal Vampire

Alexandru Cazaban have been searching for the chosen one for a hundred years. And at last, he found her. But now the hard part starts: He needs to make her fall in love with him within a month in order too turn her. If he fails, she will have a death sentence over her head.

novelsbykendra · ファンタジー
4 Chs

The Chosen One

Alexander's Pov

"I have found her," I uttered with hesitation, and Christian raised his eyebrows at me.

"Oh, really? Who is it?" He replies, and I saw his nostrils widened.

"You don't need to know anything more than that. I know you, Christian." I replied with anger, and turned around.

"Oh, lighten up, Alexander; I won't touch her." Christian replies and within a second he was right before me.

"Come on! I want to know more. Who is she?" Christian smirked at me, and I was hesitant to answer him.

Christian was a crazy man, or perhaps I should call him a mad vampire. Because that's what he was.

He was the strongest, and most vicious vampire I had ever encountered.

I was the third human he decided to turn into vampire for over hundreds of years ago.

Since then he had turned over 500 humans into vampires. And by doing so we where all bonded to him. His blood was running through our veins, making us obligated to his superiority. Christian was a our ruler, commander.

He had a passion for mind games, and loved watching any beeing suffer under his hands.

He even murdered my greatest love in my previous human life. Why? Because he wanted to make sure I would follow him.

Even though I was a vampire and had no soul, I could still feel a little humanity within me.

I could see humans around, feeling their pain.

The worst part was when I drank from them as a newborn, and I was unable to control myself. Their screams are still hunting me to this day.

But as I gained more experience, I learned how to make the drinking part a more enjoyable experience for both the humans and myself. A simple mind control trick Christian taught me when he felt that he could trust me after a few years together.

Christian was fascinated by me back then, and he never let me out of his sight.

He was possessive of me at first, but he let me run solo these last ten years, so that I could find my chosen one.

It had surprised me, because I knew it must have a catch behind it. Christian was selfish, and narcissistic. He never did something for someone without anything in return, or without gaining anything from it.

This had made me fear that he would kill her if he got to her before me, because that's who he was.

Even tho the ruling stated that an action like that was against the rules . Yes, we have rules to follow as vampires. The three families was the ones who made them obligated five hundred years ago after several vampires had lost control and killed thousands of people and turned hundreds with them.

Rumors of the demonic beeings was spreading, and the three founding families had to act drastically to keep our existence out of the humans knowledge.

Rule 1; Keeping our existence to ourselves is our main priority. You are not allowed to kill a human and draw attention to you.

Rule 2; You can never stay more than ten years at the same place. Since vampires age never changes, suspicions will be drawn to you.

Rule 3; A vampires chosen one can never be harmed by another vampire. They are protected by three families. Harm them, and death will await you.

Every vampire has to follow these rules, break them, and you will be held accountable for your actions. One punishment could be death.

"Come on, Alexander I won't harm her. You have my word. I'm just curious to know what it's like? Because I didn't care about it until I met you." Christian mused with a smile, but I knew he wasn't sincere.

"I know you, Christian. And I'm not falling for this," I answered, and then I got outside the building and began to run.

I felt Christian behind me in a second, and there's no way I could lose him. He was way faster, and stronger than me.

"Don't be so dramatic, Alexander!" Christian murmured, and pushed me so I slammed against a tree.

"That was unjustified," I shouted, and he began to laugh.

"You know you belong to me, Alexander?" Christian replied, and then knelt by my side.

"You should think about how you talk to me now. Especially when you now have someone out there who means something to you..." He continues casually and dragged me up.

"I'll give you one month's head start together, and if you haven't had her by that time..."

"You what?" I hissed, and he smiled. "You know what I'm gonna do!"

I milled. "You're insane!"

Christian laughed. "Perhaps, but I never claimed to be sane!"

He turned and walked away, "One month, Alexander!" He shouted over his shoulder, and then he was gone.

I sighed and began to run. I know he wouldn't show up for a month. But when he did....

So now I have one month to make a human fall in love with me, and then let me turn her into a vampire. Why? Because she was my chosen one.

Each vampire has chosen one, and it could be a different vampire or a human. The chosen one is the one we will take as our companions throughout our life.

You only get one. Lose this one, and you're doomed to be on your own forever in agony. We do not know when we will meet with them; some have waited hundreds of years for their own. Some never found theirs.

I've waited a 100 years. Only a vampire could sense the connection.

A human is not aware of it, and they need to love you to be changed by you. You can't just turn them into a vampire and expect them to love you by doing so. You need their human love to seal the bond between you.

This would therefore be a difficult task to accomplish, but I needed her to cure me.

I needed her to repair my black heart and give me a reason to continue on this cursed life.

Was I selfish? Yes. Because I will condemn her to live an eternal life, too.

I never wanted to live like this. I was happy as a human being. I had royal blood. I was the crown prince who was on the line to reign over Romania after my father, but I became one of the many transforming vampires during the 1800s.

I regretted sneaking out that night, the night when Christian turned me. I had met Sophia at our secret place, and I stayed out longer than usual.

She was of the working class, which meant that we could never be together.

I could only marry another one of royal blood, or one of a great blood line; as duchess.

However, the working class was prohibited. But I had loved Sophia since our eyes had met that first time in the village outside the chateau. It was a warm, sunny day in spring.

Sophia was selling harvest by the town square.

I was passing by on horse with my entourage after visiting a family friend.

My eyes had glanced out over the crowd, and when they met Sophia's I felt my stomach flutter as my heart began to race. Her beauty was remarkable, rare in a way I cannot describe.

Christian saw how our love affected me, because I refused to follow him. Even when I was dead, my love for Sophia was stronger than his command over me.

After all, I wanted to be with her.

Christian was disgusted, and as a punishment; he killed her.

He set their house on fire after he had blocked the entrance. It still hunts me to this day, as Christan forced me to stand by and watch her burn, and to hear their screams.

That's how sadistic Christian was, and he loved it.

I was one of the many Christian turned the following years as he slowly began to build up his own army for protection.

But I was the only one he kept with him. The others was placed out under his control, under other more experienced vampires which he had under his demand.

I had thought about killing him many times,

but then every vampire he had ever turned would die since we were all connected with his blood.

So, of course, I had to bow down to him, even though everything within me was screaming not to.

I wasn't a big fan of his judgment, nor his sadistic ways. I hated how obsessed he could get, and how far he was willing to go to get his ways.

I arrived in Vermont one day later, and I knew I had to work quick in order to get through to her.

She's was the only one who could save me from the dark. Raina.