
The Royal Slave (Unbreakable curse)

Have you ever imagen yourself being a royal which many bowed for you, but suddenly, everything turned upside down? That's the case with Princess Hina. Princess Hina was the most beautiful Princess and also the most respected princess in her kingdom before she was famed by her stepmother (Queen Alice) for stealing the kingdom's treasure. The judgment for stealing in Bliss's kingdom is to behead or sell into slavery to a crude master. What happen when the king sold his favorite daughter into slavery? not in a small kingdom but in a big and crude kingdom!!! Did you think she can survive among the wicked soul? FIND OUT!!!!!!!

Lateefat_dauda · 歴史
35 Chs

The king's maid

Bliss kingdom/ the throne room.

"Are you joking, Queen Alice?" One of the councils asked.

"That's my order, everyone must pay their tax. "Queen Alice said with a smirk.

"But my Queen, the tax is too much for the poor villagers to pay, please let's leave it as they are paying before, if you increase it as you said they won't be able to pay. "The royal adverser pleads.

" That's the truth, my lady, if consumers are paying the same tax as the producer, everything will be so hard, and I'm sure they won't pay. "One of the councils said.

"Don't mind them, my lady, if they can't pay that small amount, then, they should stop whatever they are selling. My lady, I agree with the tax, let's increase it. "Another council said and queen Alice nodded in support.

"Yes, I'm increasing the amount, anyone that reviews to pay, chief Dan, collects their goods and never returns it back. "Queen Alice said before leaving the throne room, while others also leave sadly.


Princess Ace entered the kitchen in anger while all the maids stood up in fear. She moves toward an elderly woman in her early fifties and showers her with thundering slaps.

"How dare you disobey my order, Nora, are you tired of living?" Princess Ace asked angrily as another hot slap landed on the woman's cheek.

"I'm sorry Princess Ace, but I promise Princess Hina to always feed the slaves and the maids well. "The old woman said as she fight back the tears that tried to fall.

"Never in your life mention that loser's name in my presence again, old fool. "Princess Ace said, and the head maid nod her head immediately.

"Never in your life nodded your head when am talking, old fool!! "Princess Ace yelled.

"Yes, Princess Ace. "The head maid said.

"Now, listen everyone, I'm the crown princess, you will do what I ask you to do, otherwise you won't like my next move, is that clear?" she asked

"Yes, Princess Ace. "All the maid replied.

"Rita. "She called her maid.

"Yes, my lady. "she said and walk out with an evil smirk, and all the maids start shaking.

"She now your new head maid, since your formal head maid disobeys my accord. So, from today you are allowed to eat once a day, which is at night when you are about to go off to bed because I can't let you finish all the food in the palace. If I see any of you eating in a day, I will take it out from your salary. That's all for now, if I have another rule I will send your new head maid to you. "She said and walk out with Rita, while other maids rushes to meet the old woman.

"Are you okay Madan Nora?" All the maid asked at once.

"I'm good children. "She said with a sad smile.


The emergency bell rang and all the maids walked into the hall one after the other. Soon, all the maids were already in the hall waiting for the head maid.

The head maid walked in, and they greet her immediately after she enter.

"Hello everyone. "The head maid said.

"Hello madam Mega" They chorused.

"The palace will need our services in two weeks' time. Princess Rose will visit the palace and we all have to be present. " She pauses for a little.

"Who is princess Rose?" Hina asked silently

"She's a very wicked princess, I hope I don't get into her trouble before she leaves. "One of the old maids whispered to her.

"And you should all be on your best behaviour. "The head maid added and walked to the door when she remembered the king's order, she turn around and scanned the room, a grin spread across her face as she saw what she was looking for.

"Follow me, Hina. "She said and finally walked out of the hall while Hina follow her behind.

"Is everything okay?" Hina asked immediately after they enter the head maid's room.

"Congratulations Hina, you will be working as the king's maid from now on. "The head maid said with a wide smile, while Hina start shaking in fear.

"Please Madam Mega, I don't want to work as the king's maid. "Hina said as tears rolled down freely in her eyes.

"That is the king's order and there is nothing we can do about it. But you are meant to be happy, Hina, why are you sad?" The head maid asked.

"Don't you think that am now exposed to danger now that I will be working as the king's maid?" She asked and the head maid smiled.

"I think you are now safer than before because being a king's maid no royal can order you around like before, because you are now the king's property. This means it's only the king that can kill or punish you. "The head maid said and pull her into a motherly hug.

She disengaged from the hug a few minutes later and face Hina.

"Now listen, let me tell you the rule you most followed as the king's maid. "The head maid said and start explaining everything to Hina, who listen carefully.


Hina's point of view.

I can't believe I'm now the king's maid. I am very happy because I do less work and rest a lot, but sad with the way the king follows me around as if I will steal from him.

Sometimes I feel his presence but I will not see him if I turn around, and that drives me crazy. But I'm happy the king is not around today, I heard he was attending to some guests in the royal hall.

I enter the king's chamber and quickly do my work and left his chamber immediately before he finish with the guests.

I was on my way to my room when I sight Princess Emma, I quickly hide behind the poll so she won't see me. Luckily, she walked past me. I came out of my hideout before running to my room, I can't let her put me in another trouble, I almost get behead yesterday by queen mother because Princess Emma cupped my cheeks. Now, I need to avoid her because I can't let her put me in trouble all the time.

I stared at the ceiling remembering my past life. I smile bitterly and hug my pillow lightly. I shut my eyes to have a nap but a guard interrupted my nap.

"Hina, Princess Emma needs you now. "The guard said and jump down from the bed before rushing out of my room.

I walked out of my room and headed to the Princess chamber, I saw her walking out with her maids and she rushes to hug me immediately after she set her eyes on me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked feeling guilty.

"I'm fine my princess, did you need anything from me? because if queen mother saw us together, I may be in trouble. "I said styling disengaged from the hug.

"I'm going to the market with my mother, and I want you to come with us, please don't say no. "She pleads with a puppy face.

"Okay, my princess. "I said simply.

"I love it when you address me as a baby or little sister. "She said with a pout.

"If queen mother or your mother heard about this. I may lose my head. Please princess Emma, I still need my head. "I said joking, and we began to walk down the hallway to the mistress chamber.

We walked into mistress Ella and she give me a deathful glare which send cold shivers down my spine.

"Gosh!! she's too scary. " I said in my head, and follow them in silence.

"So, Emma, what are you up to today?" Mistress Ella said.

"To have a walk with my mother and also get something in the market. "She smiles cutely and Mistress Ella hiss.

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"We got to the gates, and I inhaled the fresh air outside of the miserable palace.

I remember when I used to sneak out of my palace without getting caught.

Even if I feel like leaving this cruel palace, I knew I can, but I can run away from my fate. I need to accept my fate and grace my father's wish.

I felt happy that I step out of the cage, all thanks to princess Emma I will see many places in the Latco kingdom today.

We kept walking while the mistress and her daughter chat happily. I and the other maids look around smiling happily as we followed behind.

Immediately we enter the market, the market noise went down and people kept looking at us in admiration.

@ She's very pretty.


@she looks like a goddess of beauty she is.

@I wish I can touch her.

@ she's perfect.

Mistress Ella heard the compliment and smile proudly.

@ She has long eyebrows.

@ Too bad, she's a maid, she can't come out freely.

Mistress Ella heard the last comment and face the villager in anger.

"Enough!! can't you all mind your business!!! "She yelled and the market people and everyone face what they are doing. Then she faces the guards.

"Drag her to the dungeon, beat her till I asked you to stop. "she added and the guards drag me to the palace. I was bundled and thrown inside the dungeon.

"Not again!! why did I always be in trouble, whenever am with the princess?" I asked myself
