
The Royal Slave (Unbreakable curse)

Have you ever imagen yourself being a royal which many bowed for you, but suddenly, everything turned upside down? That's the case with Princess Hina. Princess Hina was the most beautiful Princess and also the most respected princess in her kingdom before she was famed by her stepmother (Queen Alice) for stealing the kingdom's treasure. The judgment for stealing in Bliss's kingdom is to behead or sell into slavery to a crude master. What happen when the king sold his favorite daughter into slavery? not in a small kingdom but in a big and crude kingdom!!! Did you think she can survive among the wicked soul? FIND OUT!!!!!!!

Lateefat_dauda · 歴史
35 Chs

Princess Rose


A young handsome man entered a building sadly.

"Welcome back, my prince. "A young-looking woman in her early thirties said as a young man entered.

"Thanks, nanny. "He muttered and fell on the nearest sofa in the sitting room.

"Are you okay my prince? you look sad. "The woman said walking toward him.

"I have another bad dream nanny!! she's in pain, her face full of redness and wrinkles, and there are fresh and dried bruises on her face, same with her body. "He muttered. The prince tried so hard to fight back his tears, but it seems his eyes were betraying him as the tears roll down freely.

"It's okay, my prince. "The woman said gently.

Well, prince Bryan is Hina's twin brother, and he has been dreaming about Hina for a long time. He smiles happily anytime he dreams about his twin sister, but recently, the dreams about her are bad.

Today he suddenly have a headache when he went out with his friend. He decided to have a nap after using the medicine, and that's when he dreamed about Hina been beating by some guards. She cries and asked for help but nobody could help her.

Princess Bryan's tears roll down as his nanny tried to calm him down as the nanny pats his back gently.

Suddenly, a small portal opened, and a royal man catwalk out.

"What going on here?" He asked and the prince quickly jump on his feet and pull the man into a tight hug.

"I miss you father. "He muttered without disengaging from the hug.

"I miss you more son. "The man said smiling handsomely.

The Latco Kingdom

Hina's point of view.

It's been a few weeks after the incident with Mistress, I try to avoid Princess Emma by all means, but the devil always looks for me. That Princess is a devil in disguise, I can remember the way she shut my name yesterday when the Queen's mother almost see me. Gosh, princess Emma won't be my end, that Princess is more troublesome than I thought, she has been a pain in the ass lately.

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"Today's work was terrible work, I can't believe I and Ann ironed all the. "I said with a pout.

"I wish I was in your position, I won't at least see blood every day, you won't believe the Queen mother kill six maids at the dining today. "Vanilla said tiredly.

"I don't think that woman has a heart at all, I just wonder how can a old ugly woman like her kill without remorse. "Molly said and roll her eyes.

"Don't talk about our mother like that, try to be good children sometime. "I joke with a silly smile.

"God forbid bad thing. "Molly and Vanilla chorused at once, sending me a dangerous glare.

"So, you mean our great Queen mother is a bad thing? then, I'm reporting to her. "I said and they chase me around the room.

'Gosh!! what is my offence now?" I asked as they both run after me. Soon we fell on the floor heavily and laugh like crazy women. The head maid enters a few minutes later.

"Hina, you still have unfinished work in the laundry, and you are here playing. "she said, giving me displeased look.

"But I'm tired. "I said giving her my best puppy face.

"You all should follow me to arrange the king's Wardrop. " The head maid said.

"Please Madam Mega, I don't want anything to do with royal again, I always get into trouble anytime am close to them. "I said pleading.

"Don't worry, the king is not that bad. "She said and give me a little smile. We all stood up at once and followed her out.

We go to the laundry room and carry a basket containing the king's clothes each before turning to the king's chamber.

Immediately we enter a king's place and everything turns to gold, the passage looks like a paradise and I fell in love with the king's taste immediately. Gosh, the king has great taste.

After what seems like ever, we stop in front of a door and the maid knocks gently. Almost immediately, a cool voice tells us to enter, which we do without wasting time.

My heart starts beating loudly immediately after I set my eyes on the princess that stab a slave to die a week after we brought her here.

"Good evening, your majesty. " we chorused but he doesn't answer.

"Ha! ugly! what is your name?" The princess asked authorized.

We all shake in fear unable to move immediately she spoke up.

"I'm Vanilla, highness. "Vanilla stutters trying to sound calm.

"Who asked you questions?" She asked rudely

"What is your name?" She asked again, since I'm next to Vanilla I speak up.

"I'm Hina, my lady. "I say, praying not to get beheaded today.

" I'm Princess Helena, the most pretties girl in Emperor, I hate the sight of you Hina or whatever you call yourself, I hate you because you are prettier than I do, I wish to kill you now but my father won't like the idea, but I promise to have your head cut next time I set my eyes on you. "She said and rush out of the king's chamber in anger.

"Your majesty. "The head maid said trying to get the king's attention.

"He said in a very soft voice and I wish to see his face.

Madam Mega move and we followed her behind.


King Vince's point of view.

I sat on my throne watching the ministers and the council in silence. I can see they have something under their sleeves in the way they are acting. I feel sick of watching, so I speak up.

"Since you are here to watch my face, I think I have to take my leave. "I said and tries to stand up.

"Sorry, your majesty, I and other chiefs had a meeting about having a crown, Prince. So, we think if you get another Mistress or Queen, maybe you can get a prince. "One of the councils said nervously.

"Are you kidding me? well, your joke is not funny, so tell me why you are here. "I said with a serious face.

"Your majesty, we know it is not easy to get another Queen or mistress, but you need to - - - - -"

"Enough!! "The royal adviser was saying before I interrupted him.

"What did you ministers and councils think of me? a fool or what? answer me!!" I roar in anger and they bowed immediately.

"Your majesty, we are only doing this for your own good, so this crown will still be in this family when you go to your forefather. "One of them said which increase my anger.

"Stop it already!!" I yelled in anger.

"I'm tired of this, am tired of you all, wait, who is the king here?" I asked calmly.

"It is you, your majesty. "They replied.

"Good, since am still your king, I have the right to decide what I want in my life. Now listen, I don't care anymore if am not good enough to be your king, then call one of my brothers, I'm sure they we accept to be your toy - - - - -"I was interrupted by my mother before I completed my words.

"Sorry the ministers and the councils, he's going to do as you like. "Queen mother said and I leave the courtroom in anger.

The king's chamber.

I enter my chamber in anger, as what my mother does in the courtroom replay in my head.

"I think is time to put my mother in her place, she can't continue like this, I'm sick and tired of her" I muttered to myself

The door to my chamber opened and my mother enter in anger.

"King Vince, how can you be rude to the elders like that?" She asked in anger.

"Mother, I don't care about the elders and I will do what I feel is right to do, I'm the king and I have the right to rule my kingdom, but if the elder provokes me again, I will be forced to leave the throne for them. And you mother, next time you interrupted my meeting with the councils and the minister, you won't like my action. "I warn and try to leave, but she stops me.

"Please my king marry another wife for my sake. "she pleads and I smile sadly.

"You force me to marry Army, same with Ella and Bella, mother, I won't allow you to rule me, not anymore. "I say as I walked toward the wine cellar. I grab a glass cup and a bottle of wine. I open it before pouring some into a wine cup.

"Not like that son, okay, I promise not to mingle with your business after this. I will call Queen Julie to send princess rose, your childhood friend to this kingdom, thanks dear, I love you, son. "She said with a little smile while I only roll my eyes.

"Like I care!! do whatever you like. "I said and walked to my inner room with a glass of wine.