
The Royal Slave (Unbreakable curse)

Have you ever imagen yourself being a royal which many bowed for you, but suddenly, everything turned upside down? That's the case with Princess Hina. Princess Hina was the most beautiful Princess and also the most respected princess in her kingdom before she was famed by her stepmother (Queen Alice) for stealing the kingdom's treasure. The judgment for stealing in Bliss's kingdom is to behead or sell into slavery to a crude master. What happen when the king sold his favorite daughter into slavery? not in a small kingdom but in a big and crude kingdom!!! Did you think she can survive among the wicked soul? FIND OUT!!!!!!!

Lateefat_dauda · 歴史
35 Chs

Guards!! Capture Her!!


Princess Hina sneaks out of her chamber as usual. She looked lift and right and dance happily as she looks around and sight no one.

She was about to continue her journey when she bumps into a wall, and her smiley face vanished when the wall turns into one of the palace guards.

She hates going out with the guards, which is why she always sneaks out when the palace guards were busy, but it's seen luck is not on her side today.

"My princess, the king won't be happy if you sneak out again, please let some guards follow you, my princess. "The poor guard pled with fear written over his face. He knew how overprotective the king can be when it comes to Princess Hina's safety.

"Sorry. "Princess Hina said, before knocking down the guard and running before another guard appeared.

"Follow the princess!!" the guard commanded the groups of guards that show up after the princess kick his forbidden area.

Princess Hina runs and the guards chase after her. They suddenly lose her among the crown in the marketplace.

Princess Hina watches happily as the guards turn back to the palace sadly. she came out a few minutes with another outfit, she tied up her hair and applied funny makeup, before walking toward her friends (A little secret about her 'she has friends outside the palace and pretends to be poor).

"Hey, Hana!!" Abby her best friend call with a playful frown.

"Sorry, I almost get caught. "she pled and folded her hands in an apology way, which make the makeup on her face look ugly and funny and two of her friends can't hold their laughs back.

"Like seriously, Hana!! who usually does your makeup?" Bell asked with a small smile.

"My stepsister!! she can come over to do your own too if you want her to. "Princess Hina said proudly.

"No thanks, she's pretty bad at that. "Bella said, smiling at Princess Hina's funny face.

"Don't mind them, Hana, let's play Ludo. "Abby said, pulling Princess Hina by the sleeve of her baggy dress.

A few minutes later, they are so engaged in the game, that they didn't notice the passing Princess Ace.

Since Princess Ace is known as a troubled princess in the kingdom, the villager always avoids her. Princess Ace signals her guard to get her a bucket of water, which they give to her immediately. She marches angrily to princess Hina and her friends, she wet them with the water and throws their Ludo away.

"Are you all blind? don't you have common sense, next time I pass, and you decided not to greet me, I will send your heads to your worthless families. "Princess Ace said and try to leave but princess Hina pull her back. Her friends signal her not to, but she ignores them and pulls Princess Ace closer.

"You have no manner, Ace!!" Princess Hina said, and everyone froze.

"Treating the people around you like trash is unfair, you are a princess, not God, and calling our family worthless is out of it, don't act stupid princess. "Princess Hina added mockingly.

"How dare you touch me, ugly thing!! "She yelled, and everyone shake in fear.

"Ugly thing!! see the monkey that is calling me an ugly thing? Did you have a mirror at home?" Princess Hina asked shocking everyone

"I'm sure you don't have one because if you had one, you won't come to the market like a mad woman. "Princess Hina added.

"Guards!! Capture her!!" she yelled, and her guards rushed toward Princess Hina. A guard tried to carry Princess Hina, but she raises her hand.

"Don't worry, I have my leg. "She said, but the guard carry her by force, and drop her on his shoulder before walking away with the princess.


"You will regret ever touching me with your stinking hands. "Princess Hina said in her real voice before they step into the palace. The guard quickly drops the Princess gently on the floor. She kicks the guard angrily before moving into the palace.


Latco kingdom is the biggest kingdom in Emperor land. The Latco kingdom was feared by many duels for their cruel attitude.

King Vince who ruled the kingdom was feared by our kingdom. The rumours said he was a demon because no one have seen his face before. Some said he has a huge scary scar on his face, that's why he always put on a mask. No one knew what he looks like except the royals and the royal subject. Maids or guards that make physical contact with him will behead immediately.


More than a hundred slaves were seen to be working nonstop in the field, the lazy one was whipping mercilessly, while some lifeless bodies are on the other side of the field. They pray silently for their bell to ring as they work with the remaining energy in them. After what seen like ever, the bell finally rang, which make them sign in relive. They start parking their working tools weakly and leave one after the other.


The royal was all sitting around the table chatting happily while waiting for the king to arrive.

Everyone when mute and stood up immediately after the king appeared along with the Queen's mother Ally.

He settles down in a big empty chair and signals his family to have their sit.

The maid starts opening the dish by shaking hands because any mistake from now on is going to be their end.

One of the maids mistakenly looks up and the queen's mother throws a dagger into the maid's stomach, which makes the maid drop dead immediately and the guards clear the mess without waiting. The remaining maids put their effort into what they are doing in order not to be their next victim.

The queen's mother Ally smirks as she watches the other maids with interest. The only queen Bella's prayer is to see more of it. They all know the queen's mother can't do without killing. Princess Emma watches her family in anger, she hates their cruel attitude but there is nothing she can do about it, and the only person that can put end to it is her father, King Vince is the only one that can stop them but he always pretends not to see them. Princess Helena smiles inwardly, she enjoys everything going on, in dining.

The king watches with a straight face, no one could read or tell his mind, it's really hard to read. He picks his cutleries and starts eating, while the royal does the same.

The maid move back with their head bowed praying to leave the dining in peace, not in pieces.