
Chapter 90

Linnea Lindberg

Our parents locked us in Isaac's room forcing us to talk it out. I sat on the chair next to the window not planning to talk to him. He's being ridiculous and crazy.

"Are you seriously going to give me a silent treatment now?" Isaac asked and I ignored him.

"Are you going to act like a child now?" He bursted and I laughed dryly.

"When will you act like a Queen? When will you learn to be a Queen? Where did that question go? Ah! Ever since you knew I have dyslexia.." I said sarcastically as I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"I don't need your pity, Isaac. I'm fine doing everything by myself, I don't need you to rule Sweden for me. One day, you might kill me for turning you into one." I said as I turned to him.

"I believe that you could be fine by yourself. You don't need me but I need you so don't need to do that crazy long lecture." He hissed. He was leaning to the wall looking at me coldly.