
the Royal and the caster

Achilleontop6_Top · LGBT+
2 Chs

interest from the being in white

In the Kingdom of Remar the second son of Duke Laigen was trying to sleeping like he usually does.

he was deep in thought he was weeker then his brother and had no interested in marriage or women.

the only thing he wanted was the honor to stand beside his family.

- i need to achieve true strength if I am to make a name for my self.

with those thoughts in mind he drifted off to sleep.

suddenly he was floating In a white void and a voice sounded around and inside his mind.

- interesting you remind me of my self, I like you.

after that he woke up brenched in sweat and brething heavily it was morning so he stood up with difficulty.

even though he was only 18 he still needed a cane to move and function.

he got dressed and headed to the family dining hall to have breakfast but as he slowly walked he kept thinking.

- who was the one that spoke to him in the dream was it a dream was it a nightmare

and what was up with there words.

they had a pretty voice though and they liked me?

he made it to the dining hall were his family was gathered to eat but the air grew still as he entered the room.

- morning lezen

saidd his mother Liz the only member of the family that cared he existed his father duke Laigen was a man of a few words and even fewer emotions.

His brother first son Albert always antagonized him for not practicing the families shortmanship techniques due to his frail body preferring to read books and play music Alone.

While his sister just pretended like he didn't exist and completely ignoring him like he was never born

His mother helped him sit down well servants prepared his meal

- why don't you come train with me today and get those young bones to use instead of taking up too much space.

The comment wasn't new Albert said that all the time just to have an excuse to beat on lezen and he know it but he could not refuse in front of his father

- sure maybe after the breakfast

he said in a weak voice to maybe avoid his Brothers beating for being "too cocky" Albert always said that as an excuse to his parents.

- remember both of you its practice so don't go overboard.

Liz was silently glaring at Albert and kept looking at lezen with wory.

- fiiine

said Albert clearly anoid that his mother was defending the " waste of space" as he put it.

lezen on the other hand kept thinking wiel eating.

- who was the one that talked to him last night and what was there intention? also how should I refer to them?

unconsiosly he just spoke in a very low voice I guess I'll just call them the being in white but Albert heard him mumbling and yeld.


Which earned him a glare from his father which made him stop talking and make his father turn to lezen and say.

- stay safe

which surprised lezen but he also knew that was to come because of it.

- its going to be a long morning. lezen was gasping for air as his nose was Broken and he only kept himself up by supporting himself with his long sword Albert was moking his physical obilatys as usual but he was not holding back at all intending to hurt lezen.

- come on defend your self.

Albert said mockingly but all lezen could do is doge as best as he could then he thought of forfeiting as he usually did but then the voice came back as a faint whisper.

- don't give up steel your resolve and prove to me your will is as strong as i know it is PERRY THE STRIKE!!!

he didn't know why but he knew that the voices last words were like a faint yell so he mustered all his strength in his arms and when Albert's longsword was about to hit him he hit the side of it with all his strength making Albert's longsword to hit the stones of the cortgard.

nobody could believe it espesialy lezen thanking the voice in his mind for the encouragement, Albert was Furious how dare this nobody damage his estock but before he could retaliate legain stopped the match.

- good work both of you now rest

lezen went back to his room and played some piano it always calmed his thots.

- I did it I parryed it!!!

lezen was happy and when to bed at night at around 9.00pm hopeing to talk with the being in white and the being in white did not desepoint and after less then 4 minets he was back at the white void.

- hey!!! are you there

- that was a fine show

- thank you?

- you are inheretingly weak but you can get stronger you can exercise your body you know.

- I...I don't know how.

- I will be with you as much as possible but our interactions outside of your sudconsiosnes are limited.

lezen fealt like he could turn his life around he also wanted to know how or what the voice was.

- were do I start.

- run around the cortyard five times then do five push ups and practice swordsmanship every day.

- ...ok also what's your name ?

- selenity my name is selenity

then lezen woke up but instead of fealing weak like he useualy felt he was exited he didn't know that selenity was but he felt he could trust them.

this is my first attempt at writing a novel all tips are apresiated.

but expect some mistakes (._.)

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