
The Rogue Prince And His Princess

Aylanne started living with her uncle and aunt when she was eight years old after the tragic demise of her parents. Her aunt and cousin sister, Olivia had always despised and maltreated her from the first day to stepped foot into their building. Olivia felt she was more beautiful than her and they never let her attend parties or bal celebrations thus making no one know about her existence. When her uncle, wealth started to diminish, Olivia decided to dell her to one of her father's creditors which resulted in her ending up in the slave market. After been sold by Olivia to he father's Creditors, Zavian, the fourth prince of the Alcazar kingdom who is famous for his unprincipled behaviour rescues her. No one could understand why a prince would save such a girl even at the expense of his brother's arm. What would become of the girl who had once be seen hidden in the shadows and maltreated by her aunt and cousin but now had the spotlight on her as the only person whom the fourth prince seemed to be taking a liking to? What happens when she finds out who her parents identity and why they were killed? Would she sought her revenge or would she allow the feelings she had towards Zavian overwhelm her? AUTHORS NOTE: This story is a very slow burn and I am sorry because it took more than 5 chapters before the fl was introduced.

SwishSwish_4321 · 歴史
8 Chs


The prince was getting annoyed and irritated by their lovey-dovey relationship.

"You guys aren't here to show how much you care for each other!" he snapped at them with an irritated tone and they were quick to disengage themselves in their hugging combo.

A smile found it's way at the corner of his lips and he was happy at how his words had such effects on them. He was satisfied with the amount of distance they had created and continued.

"Your precious son here deserve to die and perhaps you guys will meet each other in heaven or hell, wherever you guys decide to have a rendezvous I don't care.

"Actually yeah, your son is quite mistaken about something. He is not as smart as he thinks. He never went against me, I went against myself. I planned every mishap against myself and blamed it on the first prince. Then, I gave your little son a chance to right the wrongs caused solely by myself and he failed miserably. He didn't save quarter of the children and right now I will be averting their misery to your family," he looked at the poor man as he spat out the last words in disdain.

Zavian played with the little strands of hair that covered the side of face.

"Why don't I kill them all?" An evil grin played across his lips. His question was a rhetorical one as he didn't expect an answer from nobody. He motioned his two fingers.

The guards had already mastered the meaning of their Prince's actions and they immediately unsheathed their sword from its scabbard and placed it right on the man's mother's neck.

The pitiful woman quivered in fear when she felt the cold steel at the nape of her neck. One wrong movement from her and she would be lying lifeless on the floor.

The father was caught in fear within his bones and he knew he had something to tell the prince.

"My pri-"

The man wasn't able to muster up a phrase and a head rolled to the wet floor, blood sipping out from the headless body.

The headless body laid still, while the crimson pool formed around it was being slipped away by the rain. The smell of the blood was coppery and metallic, filling the moist air with a faint scent of death. 

The mother's hand was against her mouth, muffling her screams likewise her daughter. When her eyes darted over to her son, she saw him brewing in anger. He had begged the prince to take his life and spare his family but Zavian never considered his plea.

The man with his red eyes and clenched feet, stood up swiftly ignoring the pain he felt in his knees and rushed towards the prince in an attempt to kill him but before he could take more than a step towards the prince, his own head left his body and his lifeless body fell to the ground.

 The dripping sound of the blood was a constant,eerie reminder of the violence that had just taken place.

'What a fool,' The prince shooked his head at the man's cowardice. He was disgusted at his guts to try and attack him.

'When will people learn to respect themselves and stop trying to harm him,' he wondered inwardly.

"I could have spared your mother and sister if you had just stayed put... Tsk Tsk tsk," he looked towards the man's lifeless body that is almost washed up by the rain.

The mother knew she had to save her only daughter, even if it meant giving up her own life. What she and her husband planned was buried deep inside her heart.

With a racing heart she began, "Please my prince, spare my daughter. She is innocent in all this. You can cut off my limbs and feed me to your dogs. Pleaseeee!!!," she rushed and held the prince foot with tears trickling down from her eyes to his boots.

Her actions stirred something in his heart and made him remember a memory he had buried deep down in his heart but he quickly masked his expression and shoved her away.

Tightening his fists and clenching his jaw, he looked away from the crying woman and looked at her daughter who wore an emotionless expression with visible tears stroking her cheeks.

"Why should I spare your daughter? She has no use for me. And I can't take her as my whore cause I have too many and she doesn't look like someone who knows how to warm up a prince's bed at night," he voice was icy and sharp as he spoke to the woman.

The sound of a head colliding with the floor reached the daughter's ear and her tears stained her cheeks as low intermittent sobs escaped from her lips.

Zavian didn't bother himself by sparing the girl any look and with his head held high he said

 "Congratulations, your life has been spared. You are free to disappear into the clouds and go anywhere you wish to visit," he stood up from his chair and walked towards his chamber and closed the door behind him.

The maids and guards who watched the scene didn't know how to feel for the poor girl. The cloud was black with no moonlight to direct her directions. Only small glitters of stars were up in the dark clouds. 

The lit lanterns were the only source of light in zavian manor and the rain seemed to have settled down a bit and reduced to droplets but the cold weather still lingered in the air causing the daughter to wrapped her hands round her body.

She didn't know what to feel. Her knees were dug to the cold and wet ground until the guards carried her out of the prince's mansion.

"You should be glad your life was spared and cheer up a bit. It is rare seeing the prince be this generous to someone who dared to shame his household," A guard said to the girl to lighten up her mood before shutting the gates closed.

Her body collided with the floor after the guards shut the gates closed. She didn't hold in her tears any longer. Gripping the hem of her white dress she screamed in tears releasing a little bit of what she felt in her heart. Her body continued to tremble under the cold night weather.

Her eyes were red, she couldn't believe that her family she loved and cherished so dearly had left the land of the living overnight.

There was no point in living further ahead without her parents by her side. Their lives were not perfect but at least she was happy with the little things she shared with her family.

Still engrossed in her numerous thoughts, she didn't hear the footsteps behind her until it was too late. Before she could react, someone was upon her, covering her face with a black cloth and yanking her backward. She struggled to breathe, her heart racing as she fought against her attacker. But she was no match for their strength, and soon she was dragged, kicking and screaming, into the darkness. The last thing she heard before everything went black was the sound of two men rumbling about who got to her first.