
Route 66

"And you just asked if she knew?" Jp asked with a confused expression, "What kind of proposal is that?"

"I mean, I didn't really mean to say it. Just blurted it out." he sighed.

"Uh...where is she right now" Jp took the can of soda that Vinny offered, mouthing thanks.

"She's driving with earphones plugged in" he muttered, "I fucked up!"

"Yeah you did" she agreed," What did she say in return?"

"She... stared at the road for a few minutes and then... left without saying a word" he frowned before groaning," Tell me what to do!"

"I don't really know" Making herself comfortable next to Vinny, Jp sighed," She didn't say a word? I mean, that sounds like a negative"

"I thought that silence meant yes" he pouted.

"Yeah, no. Not in such cases. Besides even if it means yes, you're going to have to take a step back and let her make the first move. Don't be annoyingly persistent okay?"