

A god Arteria created a Planet named Artecha, and placed four islands. Arteria took four pieces from his body to have four gods every one island. **** There is a god who does not obey the rule, and one of the brothers killed the two brothers to take revenge and there were two brothers left and they became rivals.

RedxNee · ファンタジー
7 Chs



Arteria, one of the strongest gods in the universe, used half of his power to create a strong, healthy planet. After making the planet, she placed an island on it and named it...


The people of Skyetra have wings that are beautifully feathered and span a wide range of colors and patterns. These wings are not just decorative, but they are functional and allow the people of Skyetra to soar through the sky with grace and ease. This unique race has evolved over centuries to adapt to life in the sky, with strong muscles and hollow bones that make flying effortless. The people who live here are fast and intelligent. Skyetra is rich in fruits and vegetables. Having their wings is an advantage for getting or harvesting fruits or vegetables.



Hakaxa is a land full of jagged granite rocks, towering cliffs, and rugged mountain peaks. The people who live there have the ability to carry heavy items. The village is a close-knit community where the residents rely on each other for support and work together to overcome the challenges posed by the harsh mountain environment. They are teaching those who are thirteen or older to practice fighting to defend the Hakaxa. Hakaxa is rich in ores. Hakaxa is the richest island in Artecha.



People in Oclae have a unique physiological adaptation that allows them to breathe underwater. Their lungs are unique and strong, which makes them able to extract oxygen from the water. It is very similar to the grill of fish; this adaptation makes them able to stay submerged for an extended period of time without the need for breathing apparatus.



Nephar is a dark and hot village that is located underground. For instance, there have been numerous reports of criminal activities and immoral behavior in Nephar, including theft, violence, and corruption. Additionally, testimonies from residents or visitors who have experienced or witnessed such evil actions would provide further credibility to the claim that Nephar is a "land of evil." Nephar citizens are strong and brave. They're rich in refining weapon and armor materials.


Arteria named her planet Artecha so people will remember her if she dies; she knows she will die soon. Arteria wanted to ensure that her memory would live on. She took four pieces from her body to create four distinct islands on Artecha, each representing a different god. Graddho, the god of Nephar; Mirem, the god of Hakaxa; Clave, the god of Oclaeand Lasly Lynx, the god of Skyetra. These four gods would oversee and protect the islands, ensuring their prosperity and harmony. The creation of Artecha and the sacrifice of Arteria were seen as acts of great significance; she leaves a big tree with a unique aura around it, symbolizing the eternal life of the planet and the enduring legacy of Arteria herself.


Arteria, the ruler of the Artecha gods, established a set of rules before her death. These rules are meant to govern the behavior of the gods and maintain order within the divine realm. However, there is one god who defies these rules: Graddho, the god of Nephar. Graddho believes that he is above the consequences and does not see the need to adhere to Arteria's rules. This defiance creates tension among his siblings, as they understand that breaking the rules will result in punishment from Anteria, their mother. Graddho remains skeptical until his own domain is destroyed by Anteria as a consequence of his disobedience.

In the world of Arteria, there are four civilizations ruled by powerful gods: Graddho, Mirem, Lynx, and Clave. Graddho's civilization has a longstanding feud with his brother's civilization, and he has been harboring a desire for revenge. To achieve his revenge, Graddho starts training his citizens to attack his brother's civilization. However, Graddho is known to be a rule-breaker, which causes tension between him and the other gods, especially Lynx. One day, Graddho tries to kill Lynx, and Lynx escapes, which triggers a meeting between the three gods in the Tree of Life. According to Lynx, Graddho has been intentionally trying to break their brotherly relationship by engaging in actions that undermine their trust and unity, and he wants to kill us one by one. Lynx alleges that Graddho has been spreading rumors about them behind their backs, excluding them from important meetings, and intentionally keeping them out of the loop on important decisions. These actions, according to Lynx, demonstrate a clear intent to damage their relationship and create division among them.

After the meeting, Lynx, Mirem, and Clave didn't realize that Graddho had been eavesdropping on their conversation from the top of the tree. Graddho, filled with anger and a desire for revenge, decides to train his own citizens to prepare for a potential conflict with Lynx and Clave. Meanwhile, Mirem, who had already been training his citizens prior to the meeting, feels confident that his citizens can defend themselves against any enemy. The next day, Graddho citizens are ready for a fight, but Graddho knows he cannot directly attack Lynx's place due to its elevated location. Graddho decides to wait for Lynx at the Tree of Life, hoping for an opportunity to kill him. However, when Lynx arrives, he is accompanied by his brother Clave, foiling Graddho's plans. Frustrated and enraged, Graddho resolves to wage a war against his brothers, planning to eliminate them one by one. Clave, Lynx, and Mirem find themselves in conflict with Graddho.

A powerful enemy who has broken the seal of the dragon curse. The whole Artecha shakes, and the dragon's roar is heard in the whole Artecha. They know that if they do not stop Graddho, all of the citizens, especially those in the town of Artecha, will die. Determined to protect their people, the three brothers unite and prepare to fight against Graddho and the Light Dragon. The three gods have shown their true power: the wind, the water, and the earth. They know there is no chance to defeat Graddho because the three gods know how powerful the Light Dragon is.

Graddho wants to destroy the Land of Skyetra because he was wronged by Lynx in the past. This personal vendetta drives him to seek revenge on Lynx's home. However, because the place of Lynx is too high for Graddho to reach, he decides to ride on a dragon to destroy it. The citizens of Skyetra, aware of the impending danger, use their powers to protect their land. They combine their power to form a large shield around Skyetra, but the power of the Light Dragon proves too strong and destroys the shield aura. Despite the citizens' fear and prayers for help, Graddho continues to destroy Skyetra one by one. Meanwhile, Lynx, the god of Skyetra, witnesses the destruction, and his tears reflect his sorrow and concern for his people. He decides to send two other gods, Mirem and Clave, to help the people of Skyetra.

When the three gods, powerful beings from the celestial realm, arrived in Skyetra, they were appalled by the dilapidated houses that lined the streets. Among the gods was Lynx, a deity known for his fiery temper and desire for revenge against Graddho, the ruler of Skyetra, who had wronged him in the past. Lynx's anger was evident in his glowing eyes and the charged air that surrounded him, a manifestation of his immense power. As the people of Skyetra witnessed this spectacle, they were both awestruck and hopeful, believing that the gods had come to save their city from its dire state.

The three gods, Lynx, Mirem, and Clave, had been closed for centuries and had sworn to protect the realm of Skyetra from any threats. When they learned of Graddho's evil plans to control the dragon and use its power to destroy their homeland, they knew they had to act. Lynx, known for his fiery temper and quick reactions, was the first to engage in battle with Graddho. His anger and determination fueled his powers, but also blinded him to the potential consequences. Mirem and Clave, both more level-headed, understood the importance of conserving their strength and tried to intervene, knowing that Lynx's power would wane with each attack. Unfortunately, their efforts were in vain, and Lynx paid the ultimate price for his bravery.

Clave, a powerful warrior, was on a mission to confront his brother, Graddho, who had trained a dragon to be afraid of water. Clave believed that Graddho was responsible for the sought revenge. Meanwhile, Mirem, Clave's are the best duo in their brotherhood, was devastated by the loss of their brother and supported Clave in his quest for justice. As Clave faced off against the dragon, he knew that he couldn't use his full power, fearing that he would exhaust his energy. However, little did Clave know that Graddho had a surprise for him - a magical sword hidden in the dragon's cage. When Graddho suddenly appeared and stabbed Clave in the back, it became clear that he had taken the sword for himself. Clave's defeat left Mirem determined to avenge her fallen brother.

One reason why Mirem didn't fight Graddho first was because he knew he would only lose. Graddho had a reputation as one of the most powerful warriors in Skyetra, and Mirem had witnessed his strength firsthand in previous encounters. Mirem knew that challenging Graddho without proper training and preparation would be futile, and he didn't want to risk his life or the lives of others by engaging in a battle he knew he couldn't win.Mirem asked the remaining people in Skyetra if they wanted to live in Hakaxa and the people agreed... Mirem also went to Oclae Villege to invite them to live in Hakaxa. Mirem helped these people to become strong he trained them.Hakaxa became a rich and beautiful place and it had unique citzens The Skyetra citzens, Oclae citizens, and the Humans. The area of ​​Nephar also grew due to the agreement of the division of the world Artecha and its getting stronger and stronger.

The world of Artecha was split in two, the named was changed, the four land was removed and they called it the hell and the nature.

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