
The Ritual - The Moon Queen Book 1

In this fast paced, steamy romance, meet an entirely new breed of Werewolf. A Queen, Alpha Female, mated to an Alpha King, but much more than that, Kai Rivers is transformed into a Moon Queen, a rare and all-powerful type of wolf. Directly descended from the Moon Goddess herself, with power comes responsibly, and a lot of trouble. Learning who you can trust, is more trouble than not trusting anyone at all. Kai has grown up, anticipating the day she'll find her mate. Her one true love, designed for her from the Moon Goddess. She has always had a perfectly clear image of how her life was going to turn out, she would train for her Ritual, she would meet her mate, she would stay here with her pack as long as her brother and mate allowed. Until she finds him. Gabriel Zion Black. A possessive, unruly Alpha King who flips Kai's destiny into a parallel. Goddess help her.

torieileen7 · ファンタジー
35 Chs


Seven in the morning came faster than I expected. Fern and I had been up all night talking about my day with Gabriel. How we had gone to his second house, how he let me lay on him and he talked to my wolf, somehow managing to get her to come back. I talked about how we knew we were mates the day I was at The Palace and how we met each other in the stair well. I had slept peacefully having Fern there with me and Gabriel's shirt too. His scent was enough to just make me feel safe.

I got up, and started brushing through my hair, a ponytail wasn't going to be enough today. I went for my usual look of double french braids, and got dressed in plain black leggings and a gray baggy t-shirt. Fern dressed in a similar style, but instead wore a cropped t-shirt. We walked downstairs, both tired and probably dreading the gym session ahead of us. I loved working out, but today we were focusing on movement. Quick and light on your feet, almost like kick boxing.

Once to the kitchen I grabbed the tub of pre workout and two glasses, even though werewolves had more stamina and energy than humans, pre workout was still fantastic. Fern and I clinked our glasses together and slammed the watermelon liquid. I moved my head, cracking my neck as if getting myself more prepared. We smiled at each other and walked out the door.


Sweat was dripping down nearly every inch of my body at this point. Theo, Bex, Fern and I all trained every other normal day together, but now Theo and I needed to crack down and get into better shape, we had five and a half months ahead of us before the day we could potentially die. I shook my head, that wasn't happening.

'Remedy' by Seether started playing over the stereo in the basement of the gym, almost a new wave of energy rushing over me.

"Bex," I shouted over the music, "speed test, now," I gave him a smile.

He nodded at me and walked over to me, a sly grin in return. Without warning his fist was flying at me, I blocked him with forearm, and before I could throw my own punch his other hand was coming for me. Again I blocked him, this time I was able to let my fist fly. It connected with his ribs, not hard, just a test. He hooked his punch this time, aiming for my head and I ducked, dodging his knee simultaneously.

One more punch came flying at my face and I stopped his fist in the palm of my hand. We made eye contact, a bit of shock in his beautiful hazel eyes. With my other hand I punched him, right in the stomach and he leaned forward enough for me kick out his knees with foot. Bex landed on his and the song ended. We both stared at each other, our breathing was heavy, trying to get enough oxygen. I relaxed for one moment and Bex swung his leg, kicking my ankles out and I landed on my back with a heavy thud.

He stood, towering over me, we were both laughing now. He held his hand out to me, "just remember, don't stop until they're dead." I gave him a soft smile, I didn't want to kill anyone, but I'm sure I could if I had to, especially if it was me or them.

We were all sweaty, walking up the stairs to the cold air outside. It was noon. We often trained for hours together, but today we all got lost in time.

"I need to try and figure out my weird shifting problem, so, I'll probably see you guys tomorrow or something," I gave them a smile, but it was just to cover up how I was really feeling.

I looked down at the ground and headed for home, "hey hey hey, wait up.." Theo ran after me. I slowed my walk, but didn't turn around.

"You've been so distant, talk to me," he matched my pace. He was right, I normally talk to Theo about everything. I just didn't want to jeopardize his relationship with Bex, he would be be his beta when Theo became Alpha in a couple years. I looked over to him, "there's a lot to take in," I warned.

"Well good thing I'm not going anywhere." Theo smiled and I rolled my eyes at him.

"How about you let me shower and eat, before nagging at me," I teased.

"I supposed I could try that."

We arrived to our parents house, "great, I'll be out in an hour." I walked in and up to my bedroom, Theo made a pit stop in the kitchen first. Our parents were nowhere to be found, but since it was a Wednesday, I wasn't shocked. Once in my bedroom Gabriel's scent filled my nostrils, it was still strong from yesterday, but that came with the mate bond. His scent would always be noticeable to me, before anyone else. It made my heart flutter.

There was a vase of sunflowers on my nightstand, something that wasn't there when I had left. My stomach dropped when I noticed the small note next to it. My thoughts flashed to Pryor and Paisley immediately, anger filling my mind. I grabbed the note and opened it, a credit card falling out on to the floor.

My Queen,

Will you do me the honor of allowing me to pick you up for a special evening together?

Please use my card to get yourself something new, I'll pick you up at 7 on Friday evening, reservations for 8:30.

- Gabriel

My heart started beating fast, how did he know what my favorite flower was? I reached down and picked up the card, it was an all black credit card. Gabriel's name engraved into it. I would have honestly thought I was being set up if his card wasn't included, but decided to roll with it. If he wanted to try to make up for me having to keep him a secret, I was going to let him. A smile crawled across my face, shopping would be a great event for Theo to come to if he wanted all the latest events of my life.

"We're going shopping," I linked him, setting the card down and turning towards my bathroom.


Theo and I first made a pit stop at my favorite coffee shop, Luna. It also happened to be the one Gabriel and I first sat down together at. I bought our drinks, I didn't want to use Gabriel's card for anything, but I had a feeling I needed something fancier than my bank account for Friday. I had an iced lavender honey latte, and Theo just got an iced coffee with a little sweetener. Thankfully, the coffee shop was just down the road from all the small boutiques in town and we could walk the rest of the way.

"Do you know what kind of date you're going on?"

"Nope, it just said 'a special evening together. I'm not sure what that means," I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and took a drink of my latte.

He wiggled his eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner, "maybe you'll be making it official."

I pushed him, "ugh you are so gross," except my mind wandered to Gabriel, would our wolves have as strong as a connection? I thought about his hair, how long was it? It made him look almost like the men in all the Viking shows that had been increasing in popularity in the human world. My cheeks blushed, gosh he was hot.

We got to the first store, and Theo held the door open for me. There weren't any dresses in this store and I thought a dress was something I should be wearing when joining the King on a night out. This store however, did have a section of lingerie. I walked over, a black set had caught my eye. It was all lace, the top was more like a corset with firm sections running up and down, the cups were see through just enough that anyone within fifteen feet would be able to see everything. The bottoms were made of a thin layer of lace as well, a very classic v-string.

Theo looked at me, "seriously, this is why you should have brought Fern, I don't want to know about this shit." I giggled and grabbed the set in my size. There was another in burgundy, and I froze, I couldn't just leave it here, I needed both. Theo rolled his eyes.

We walked up to the counter, I bought one one my card, and one on Gabriel's. I thought that was fair, I didn't want to go overboard, but I was for sure wearing these for him.

We left the store, "alright I think I need a dress, so let's head across the street." I smiled and he looked at the bag in my hand, "do you want that in the car or do you want to carry it?"

"Uhm, carry it, I need to see what it looks like on all together of course," I took another drink of my latte. He nodded and we headed across the street. This store would be the final place we went, everyone went here for dresses for all kinds of occasions. Prom for the humans, our Ball that was hosted at The Palace, dinner parties, you name it, they have something here for the event.

The lady at the register smiled at us when we walked in, "You must be Kai, I've been expecting you! The King said you'd stop by."

I smiled softly, so I was in need of something fancy.

"Is there any style dress you're looking for specifically," she looked at us with questioning eyes.

There was one thing and one thing only that I had in mind. Which was to bring Gabriel to his knees for making me wait to kiss him, for making me wait to fall asleep wrapped in his scent every night. I smiled deviously, "I want something that is very plunging in the front, and slit all the way up the waist on one side."

Theo nearly choked on his coffee.

"For shoes, I have some red bottoms, so we're all good in that department."

The lady smiled at me, "I have a few options for you then!"

I smiled as she led Theo and I to the fitting area, I set me other bag inside the small room where I'd change and Theo popped some champagne, already finished with his coffee.

"Alright little sis'" he took a sip and swirled the glass around, "its time to spill your guts."

The lady came back and hung 4 dresses up in the fitting room, "alright, let me know if you two need anything else." She smiled before turning on her heel and leaving the private area.

I closed the curtain and started undressing, ready to try on dress one.

"We found out at The Palace." I was surprised he was quiet, so I continued, "but I think what you really need to know is about me and Bex."

"Go on," Theo was intrigued.

"Well, he and I have been, I guess you could call it..dating in secret," I finally slipped into the red dress, and opened the curtain, stepping out into the opening, "and I slept with him, knowing Gabriel was my mate.." the words stung as I said them. Theo's mouth was nearly on the floor.

"I'm sorry you.." he slammed the rest of the champagne in his glass, "you and Bex have been a thing?!" He was pouring more champagne, "okay but is that why your wolf was missing?"

I nodded, "mhm, but it's also why Gabriel finally wanted to sit down and meet, he could feel it."

"How did he handle it??"

"He was furious, as expected, but he understood that we hadn't claimed one another yet." I admired myself in the mirror. The red dress had a sweetheart neckline, with a slight v-shaped plunge. It was form fitting and cute, but not even close to what I pictured wearing. I shook my head and walked back in, taking the dress off. There was a burgundy dress but it didn't have a slit all the wait up to the hip so I moved it to the 'no' pile.

"If you're the queen, doesn't that mean you can change the Ritual?" Theo's voice sounded hopeful.

"I mean, most likely, but he and I haven't had much time to talk about that." I was putting on a black dress. Hanging on the wall it was stunning, it looked perfect. Exactly what I was hoping to find. I stepped out of the changing room again, and walked up to the mirror. I took a sip of my latte and turned to the side, sticking my hip out a little.

The dress was a tank top on the shoulders, and had the perfect v shaped plunge I wanted. The slit on the outside of my left leg went all the way to my hip and was a bit risky.

"I think you've found exactly what you came for..." Theo looked around, "I'm sure you have perfect jewelry for it too."

I nodded at him, "you'd be correct." He smiled and downed his champagne again, then grabbed the dress from me after I changed back into my clothes.

We walked up to the counter, the friendly lady was still smiling at us, "this one is perfect! Did you need anything else? Shoes, Jewelry," her voice trailed off and I shook my head, "no, just this," I returned her smile and she rang up the dress. I felt bad swiping Gabriel's card, but he did tell me to go buy something. Theo and I left, heading straight home after purchasing the dress.

I was tired, and training was going to eat up all of my day tomorrow.