
The Rising of Uzumaki

Can one person change destinies of Thousand? Can he rebuild a Broken clan to Better than it Golden days. See how he does this, from ground up with some help.

Atom_Guy · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 2

Remembering ROB's words of shinobi plain, Arata's mind raced with all possibilities.

After brainstorming for some time, he came to a conclusion most humans would do, leave the headache for his future self to handle.

He was more interested in testing out the powers he was given, starting with stopping the leaf falling down in front of him using telekinesis, he slowly tested his power of heightened senses and again heard noises which were very small and low to be heard by humans or shinobi, his very enhanced eyesight due to his Jagan and Rikugan working in tandem allowed him to look at trees which were at least few kilometers away in a very precise manner.

He could see even with his eyes closed like a high resolution camera and form a general image of his surroundings with his other senses, believe it or not, sense of smell and touch were helpful in sensing surroundings, not that he sensed anything except trees, leafs and grass. He realized he could see in slow motion due to mental processing power his Rikugan provided with a pretty good memorizing ability. Even if he forgets anything he could use Jagan to read his own mind.

Next he checked the remote viewing ability of Jagan which worked similar to telescope jutsu the Third hokage used to spy on Naruto and ladies bath, don't know why they didn't use it any other time. But Jagan had an advantage over the jutsu because it can see over obstructions too , for example if someone hid inside a building , remote viewing could directly see inside the building and not be blocked by the walls or windows. So any hidden planning done near him is useless, just like Gaara's sand eye technique without the actual eye. Currently he could only see upto 500 meters with this ability.

His dojutsu abilities were vastly superior compared to it's peers like Byakugan, Three tomoe Sharingan and to most extent even Mangekyo Sharigan because his Jagan gave special abilities too like Telekinesis, Telepathy, Mind control with which he could caste illusions or also known in this world has genjutsu, read minds, control or enslave people with weak minds. He could not be put under genjutsu too, due to mind resistance and him being able to see chakra and manipulate it very precisely. Who needs Susanoo , when you have all these abilities without going blind or straining your eyes. He could also do a better job than the Yamanaka clan because he doesn't lose control of his body or restrict himself to not move while using his mind based abilities.

Arata saw himself using remote viewing to find his current looks . He looked like Emiya Shirou from Fate series with signature Uzumaki red hair and golden eyes instead of golden brown, his skin was fair and smooth like a baby and as he guessed previously he looked like a child around the age of four, with somewhat chubby cheeks wearing a faded and little dirty gray yukata. He was sure to be a Ladies magnet in the future, for now he could settle for being cute.

He proceeded to try to feel his chakra, within a few seconds he could feel chakra coursing through his body , with help of Jagan manipulating chakra was a very easy task. Circulating chakra made him feel warmer and gave a boost to his overall abilities . Moving his chakra to his fist and punching the tree nearby resulted in the tree almost breaking in half , mind you this tree was 80 cm in diameter aka very thick. He now understood why Tsunade liked to punch things, it's fun using your fist to break things.

Arata decided to try tree climbing next, he went to a nearby tree , did a tiger hand seal and sent chakra to his feet with the intent of sticking , Lo and behold tree climbing was easy too . He climbed till he reached the top and came back down without the hand seal because he learnt how to mould his chakra for sticking without it.

Observing his chakra reserves, he found it to be really massive for a four year old , at least to his knowledge , the tree climbing didn't diminish it at all. He guessed he got what he asked for in terms of Uzumaki abilities. Next he bit his finger to check his natural regeneration, the wound closed within a half a second with only a drop of blood falling down, Healing abilities checked.

After that he tried using Mind's eye of Kagura , with this he could see his surroundings ,chakra amount , quality and general condition of a person while his eyes were closed . Combining this with remote viewing , Rikugan and Heightened senses no one could escape his sight and sensing, including Black Zetsu, unless they used nature energy to cover themselves. But when Arata learns to use nature energy , hiding and disguising himself is impossible.

Continuing with Uzumaki abilities he willed adamantine sealing chains to come out , nothing happened. After a few minutes of concentration and him willing chains to come out , two chains the size of a snake came out and hit the tree near him, destroying the tree in the process. Looks like he has to practice this ability to use it proficiently to attack, seal and form barriers using it .

Happy with the results , Arata proceeded to do four hand seals for the most iconic jutsu in the show ( Ram→Snake→Tiger) and finally the Plus hand seal to produce two shadow clones. Then he created three more using only the last seal to mould . After some practice he created shadow clones without hand seals. He asked his clones to wander in different directions, use all the previously tested abilities and then pop.

He observed his clones through Mind's eye of Kagura to check their performance, 30 minutes later they popped and he received all his chakra and various experiences back. At this point Arata was jumping in joy because he could mold his chakra easily and learn things way faster.

He came back to his senses and looked around to find the sun almost setting . The sky was darkening and he needed to find some form of shelter and food source for the night. With this thought he proceeded to move.