
The Rising of The Dark Lord

Everyone knows how the story goes. The world is in danger from the evil demon lord and is saved by the heroic protagonist. After a long journey of traversing the world, becoming more powerful, and making friends, they confront the demon lord and strike the final blow, freeing the world from malevolent tyranny and ushering in an era of tranquility. This is not his story. The Dark Lord had set out to conquer the lands, ravaging them in his quest for power. He amassed armies and built an empire that he intended to expand across the entire world, with himself as its eternal ruler. Yet, his ambition was thwarted when he was struck down by the hero of humanity. His fate was thought to be sealed. He was to die. This is his story. Millennia had passed since the Dark Lord was defeated, but he has now resurfaced in a world of peace. Nations had reconciled, and the new champion of the Goddess was fighting for justice alongside his allies. The Dark Lord had lost everything, including his trusted followers, his power, his consorts, his lands, and his castle. Determined to reclaim what was once his, he was willing to make any sacrifice necessary.

KingYub · ファンタジー
21 Chs


Aurora still remembered that fateful day. Thorrin broke their mother's trust and sullied her body with no hesitation whatsoever. Cleaning up and picking up her pieces was the hardest thing she had ever done in her life. She always considered taking revenge and making him pay before taking her mother's necklace from his cold body. There was something positive about what he did, though. He taught her what power was, and she took that lesson to heart. Her soul grew cold and merciless as she expanded her knowledge of magic and sacrificed even people for her experiments.

She never actually planned her revenge because she wasn't sure if she would go through it, but now that the Dark Lord himself was suggesting it, she couldn't refuse.

"Your brother? I didn't know you had a brother," Dark crossed his arms in surprise as he eyed his retainer.

"I didn't think it would be worth mentioning since he disappeared, my Lord," The shapeshifter defended himself as Dark rolled his eyes, then turned back his attention to Aurora.

"What's your brother like?" He inquired, making Aurora frown.

"He is a piece of shit with no conscience or mercy… Even for his own family. I don't like talking about it, but let's just say he loves using his fists when it comes to arguing with siblings," She explained with clenched fists. "I don't think he'll even think about joining you because he has too much pride. If you want to use his bandits, you'll have to kill him,"

"Which is something I would have done anyway if he didn't submit to me," Dark replied with disdain.

"Anyone who refuses to submit to you is a fool, my Lord, " Iden added as Dark smirked behind his helmet.

"Oh, Iden, you really know how much I love flattery," He said happily while Aurora didn't look impressed.

"If you're done licking his boots, I'd like to ask a question," She said in Iden's direction, making him scowl offendedly, before glancing at the Dark Lord's. "Do you really plan on using them to completely destroy this village?"

"Do you question the Dark Lord?" Iden accused with venom in his voice.

"Iden shut up. That was supposed to be my line. But yes, I do. Their death and the submission of the bandits will spread some of my essence, corrupt this land, and make me stronger," He explained with a raised finger, then looked down on her. "Don't tell me you feel bad about it. These maggots don't deserve your pity, I assure you. They can only blame themselves if their actions towards you come to bite them in the ass,"

"I'm not against it and I don't have pity for them," Aurora crossed her arms with a huff. "I simply feel bad about the children, that's all. They didn't do much to me. I think we should let them go and spread the word about these bandits, that way no one will think of checking that place out and expect your return at all," She explained while Iden was shaking his head along.

"Spare the children? Even when the Dark Lord has already decided he will slaughter everyone? You foolish girl! This is a-" Iden started scolding her before being interrupted by his master.

"You may be onto something…" The Dark Lord mumbled under his breath, which was loud enough for the others to hear.

"Brilliant idea!" The shapeshifter finished his sentence as Aurora rolled her eyes.

"New plan!" Dark announced as he raised his fist. "The bandits will plunder and burn the village, and kill the elderly. The younger men will be forced into labor to do some minor repairs in my castle and serve as cannon fodder just in case. The women will be my maids, and their duties will consist of cleaning and cooking. The children will be spared, so they can spread the word about the bandit attack. If they die before they could reach a town, though, isn't my problem," He briefed his plan, muttering the last part.

"Good. I have a couple of memory-altering spells, so they will also forget about ever seeing us among the bandits," Aurora interjected as Dark nodded in satisfaction.

"I assume you know where the bandits' nest is?" He asked the witch, who nodded in confirmation.

"I do. I scouted the area once to look for it. I also stumbled on it a few times while looking for food, herbs, and monsters. It's somewhere in the forest in an underground base that they built themselves," She answered as a scowl formed on her face. "I hate to admit it, but my brother can be very thorough when he starts something,"

"Excellent. Before we go, we need to make a few preparations in advance," Dark declared before facing his shapeshifting retainer. "Drop that old man form, and find me something better suited," He ordered as Iden nodded with a growing smile.

"As you wish, my Lord," Iden obeyed as his body started changing. First, he grew taller until he reached his master's shoulders, then his short hair turned black while his facial structure hardened to resemble an experienced soldier with a squarish jaw. Aurora looked away as his black robes disappeared, revealing his naked body which was buff and even more muscly than the Dark Lord himself. His master was tall and appeared really burly because of it, but he was actually more toned than bulky since it allowed him faster movements while keeping greater strength.

With this form, though, Iden maximized his toughness. To complete his transformation, a full body armor appeared out of his body. It was a thick steel armor with intricate runes running along the arms that Aurora managed to translate to praises for the Dark Lord. On his chest plate was carved a large griffon. He wore no helmet but frankly didn't seem to need one. Finally, there was a great sword stored in a hilt on his hip.

Aurora was impressed that every single piece of clothing and weapon was actually just a part of his body. She was also a bit off put by it but didn't point it out aloud.

"Ah! That one I recognize!" Dark stated cheerfully, which wasn't surprising since this was the face Iden wore for centuries while he served his master. "Seeing you fight as a warrior maybe be less gruesome, but at least it will certainly look wonderful,"

"Thank you, my Lord. As you can see, I did not make the mistake of putting on a cape this time," Iden pointed out proudly as the Dark Lord chuckled.

"I can see that! Good! Because I wasn't looking forward to breaking your fingers again," Dark commented before glancing back at Aurora. "Your turn, now,"

"Oh, I don't need to prepare anything. I already have everything I need on me," She replied while Dark shook his head.

"Believe me. We still need to prepare," He insisted, making the witch raise an eyebrow.


"Yes. I'm sure you know how my magic and… essence works since it had to have been explained to you. My magic is special because apart from my mana and my soul (the latter being something I don't need at all, by the way), I have an essence. This is what makes me… Me. What I do is share my essence with servants and eventually, it starts spreading to other people. Thus, the ones with the essence of a Dark Lord inside them are "corrupted". Corrupting things makes me stronger and helps me gain an edge over the Goddess of Light, but this time, it will allow me to get some of my power back. It will make you stronger, too. And more connected to me, of course," He explained while Aurora seemed hesitant.

Being corrupted by the Dark Lord meant you were bound to him. Your soul belonged to him and gave him power, but that also meant his own being could influence you. She would change, undoubtedly, and certainly lose the little compassion she had. Some people could get really twisted. Their bodies could be changed permanently while their minds would become fully devoted to the Dark Lord. However, from what her mother told her. Jenna kept her mind intact. Even when she bathed in the Dark Lord's essence, she kept her own personality and became devoted to him out of love. The power she gained in exchange was extraordinary.

"Alright. Let's do it," She finally decided, making the Dark Lord release a small laugh of satisfaction.

"Knew you couldn't wait to be my servant!" He exclaimed arrogantly as she groaned.

"Hurry, please! Before I change my mind," She prompted him to hurry up.

"Now, don't get too feisty with me, witch. I am your new master, after all," He chuckled as he extended a hand toward her.

Aurora's legs shook while black smoke escaped from Dark's hand and moved to her. She let out a small breath to ready herself, then the smoke finally reached her. It quickly entered her mouth and nose, then even passed through her skin until it reached her heart. She widened her eyes, her mana reserves suddenly went up as she felt her magic power increasing. A warm feeling spread throughout her body, then she sensed it… The Dark Lord's magic. It was all over her as if she was in the Dark Lord's warm embrace. It compelled her to accept his presence and trust him fully. It gave her the need to serve him, but she pushed the feeling back, unwilling to let it control her.

She heard her mother's stories, and she knew the Dark Lord wasn't exactly the kind-hearted kind of guy. Her mother had never met him and had a wild imagination, but even she didn't prepare her for that. Aurora could fully sense his malice now, his aura reeked of death and misery. It was like standing beside thousands of wailing souls. Still, it didn't bother her. Somehow, strangely, she also felt like she was surrounded by his love… His magic was truly terrifying.

"Good… I've missed corrupting someone… And now, I feel even stronger," Dark Lord smirked as he clenched his fists. "We're ready! Let's go!"