
The Rising of The Dark Lord

Everyone knows how the story goes. The world is in danger from the evil demon lord and is saved by the heroic protagonist. After a long journey of traversing the world, becoming more powerful, and making friends, they confront the demon lord and strike the final blow, freeing the world from malevolent tyranny and ushering in an era of tranquility. This is not his story. The Dark Lord had set out to conquer the lands, ravaging them in his quest for power. He amassed armies and built an empire that he intended to expand across the entire world, with himself as its eternal ruler. Yet, his ambition was thwarted when he was struck down by the hero of humanity. His fate was thought to be sealed. He was to die. This is his story. Millennia had passed since the Dark Lord was defeated, but he has now resurfaced in a world of peace. Nations had reconciled, and the new champion of the Goddess was fighting for justice alongside his allies. The Dark Lord had lost everything, including his trusted followers, his power, his consorts, his lands, and his castle. Determined to reclaim what was once his, he was willing to make any sacrifice necessary.

KingYub · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Hero's Party

"That new champion better not be disappointing. Although, I wouldn't like him to be as tenacious as Cyrus was either," Dark Lord mumbled. Especially not as tenacious as Cyrus. He didn't want to die as he did a thousand years ago even if he planned to grow even more powerful. "What can you tell me about him?"

"First of all, his name is Suzuki Kazuo, my Lord," Iden started as Dark raised an eyebrow.

"That sounds exotic. Rarely ever heard of names like these. Suzuki, you say? Is that his family name?"

"I think so, my Lord,"

"Is he a noble, then? It wouldn't be the first time a noble gets the courage to go on the battlefield, but it is still a surprise to see one as Drulla's champion," Dark Lord stroked his chin.

"I do not think so, my Lord. You see, a few centuries ago, most nations on the Main Continent discarded the rule that said only nobles could have family names. Today, finding peasants with surnames is getting more and more common. I have never heard of a noble house of the name Suzuki. Moreover, the Hero suddenly appeared out of nowhere only three years ago. All of this leads to me believe that he comes from peasants' descent," Iden explained while Dark was deep in thought.

"How curious. His story reminds me of Cyrus'... How does Drulla keep finding these champions? A bunch of nobodies made heroes…" He muttered in annoyance. He could respect someone building themselves from the ground up, but the fact so many nobodies managed to become so strong and Drulla's champions was strange. Naturally, Cyrus and this Kazuo weren't the only ones. Still, except Cyrus, all died to his blade or the previous dark lords'. "So he has begun spreading his name three years ago? Tell me of his achievements," He ordered the shapeshifter.

"His very first accomplishment was killing a group of trolls with little to no training to protect a village near the Mirith Kingdom's capital,"

"His home village, maybe?" Dark suggested as Iden shook his head.

"I cannot say for certain, my Lord, my apologies. After that, it seems Drulla saw potential in him and made him her champion. He registered with the adventure's guild in the capital and created a party, which only grew over the last three years. Together, they have saved several cities and villages n the kingdom, the threats ranging from bandits to monster attacks. I have heard they managed to find one of the League of Assassins' hideouts near the Elven Republic's borders and completely purged it. They have also killed a young storm dragon, and a necromancer in the control of a small army of undead," Iden listed Kazuo's many achievements as Dark bobbed his head along, mildly impressed.

"Not bad, not bad… If they only started this three years ago, then it's all the more impressive that they already reached this level. It would be nothing to be afraid of if I had all my power, but at my current level, they pose a great threat," Dark said as Iden shook his head.

"Oh, but I am sure you could easily slaughter them, my Lord! Even now!" The shapeshifter praised his lord as the latter chuckled.

"Now is no time for flattery, Iden," Dark understood a bit more about who Suzuki Kazuo was, but the fact that his past was so well hidden was intriguing. He didn't know how powerful the hero was exactly, but Dark wasn't sure if he should take him head-on now, especially if his party is with him. Even if he would love to strike at Drulla's ego and pride, it would be too foolish to do it now. "Before you tell me about the others. I wish to see this hero for myself!" The Dark Lord turned his attention to the Mystic Mirror of Clairvoyance that Iden brought a few minutes earlier, and which was floating above the ground. "Show me Suzuki Kazuo," Dark ordered.

The glass of the mirror suddenly started shifting with purple smoke swirling inside until it revealed, not Dark's reflection, but another place. Good, it seemed the hero wasn't inside a building. Instead, he was sitting on a grass field, hiding from the sun's morning heat in the shadow of a tree. He could finally see what Drulla's new champion looked like.

He didn't seem to be special in any way. He was human, for a start. He had auburn hair, looked young (maybe in his early twenties), and had a childish face. It was obvious that his blue eyes hadn't become hardened by battle, they let out no sign of experience. It simply wasn't a warrior's gaze, and it wasn't a mage's either. The boy looked like a buffoon. His eyes not only didn't show strength or experience, but they also didn't show knowledge either. If someone told him that this was supposed to be a scholar, he wouldn't believe them. He wasn't bulky either, but that wasn't a flaw. He was slim but toned and clearly trained his body. Still, not as much as an experienced warrior would. He didn't look like much, but he believed Iden, so that boy must have had a hidden power. His potential, even the Dark Lord could feel from his position.

Kazuo wore a dark tunic and pants made of sturdy fabric, likely leather or linen. On his chest was Drulla, The Goddess of Light's emblem, a phoenix, in white.

His feet were covered by durable boots with leather or metal reinforcements. The boy wore a thick leather belt around his waist, holding a sheathed sword and a pouch for supplies. The sword had a straight blade with a cross guard.

He wasn't wearing any legendary or powerful equipment, which was surprising considering Dark would think Drulla wanted her hero to be at his absolute best.

The Dark Lord was just about to comment on Drulla's champion before closing his mouth as he laid his eyes on the person accompanying him. Across the boy sat a slightly older-looking woman with brown skin and long green hair with thick bangs. Dark was tempted to say she was a druid because of that hair, but druidic magic didn't affect the mage's appearance. He did feel some strong potential in magic coming from her, though. She was taller than Kazuo, who was already slightly below average in terms of height. She had a well-defined bust, but small hips and waist, with slender legs.

She was a human, just like the boy, which wasn't surprising if they are in the human kingdoms, and was dressed in a flowing, floor-length robe made of a soft, silky material. The robe was predominantly white, with intricate golden embroidery along the hem and cuffs. The robe had long, wide sleeves, which allowed her to move freely while casting spells.

Around her waist, the woman wore a thin, braided leather belt, which held several small pouches filled with herbs and other healing remedies. Her shoes were simple, yet practical, made of sturdy leather, allowing her to move quickly when needed. On her head, the woman wore a white pointed hat made of soft, black fabric, which helped to focus her magical energy during spell casting. The hat had a wide brim, which protected her face from the sun and rain.

"The boy doesn't scare me, but he does have potential. What about the woman? Who is she?" Dark asked as Iden looked over his shoulder to see the woman he mentioned.

"That would be Milia Freyr, my Lord. She is the healer of his party. If I'm correct, she was training to become a priestess of Drulla's main temple. However, she joined Kazuo's team after he defeated the group of trolls. Why she gave up being a priestess to join him, I do not know, but she has proven to be quite efficient with restoration magic," Iden explained as Dark Lord continued to look at the duo.

"I see… They don't look like they are on a mission currently. Are they perhaps close?" Dark whispered while stroking his chin. If they were close, then that was a weakness he could exploit. "You may not know that much by your standards, Iden, but this is valuable information you are giving me, you know? Good work,"

"I do not deserve such praises, my Lord," Iden bowed his head.

"Still… I'm sure they aren't a team of two. How big is their party?"

"They have two more teammates, my Lord,"

"Good. Then let's see what they look like, too. Depending on their identities, I may already have a strategy in mind on how to deal with them," Dark declared confidently.

"Of course, you have, my Lord! Your ability to come up with incredibly intricate plans will always astound me!" The shapeshifter exclaimed as the Dark Lord chuckled.

"Back with ass-kissing, eh? Good, don't stop," Dark waved his hand for him to continue.

Seeing these two in his mirror was truly an eye-opener. His strategies were always about fighting and war, slaughtering his enemies. In the end, he was felled by his nemesis. He understood that his new plan will require more subtlety… He may not even need to kill the rest of the hero's party after killing him…